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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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The carrots always been dangling, i've just chosen not to take it.

And now i'm almost questioning that.

f**k it dude, nothing good is going to happen. If you've already gotten over it, don't whatever you do jump into that shit again.

On a related note, I'm seeing my gf (officially not my ex yet) today at noon. It's so annoying that I know we have to break up, she wants to but finds it too difficult, yet what I'm trying to do all the time is make her regret it as much as possible by reminding her of what a good time we had together. In a sense I'm trying to put that moment off for as long as possible and have a good time hoping that it might make her change her mind.

Another annoying thing is that in March or April I went bowling with a couple of Honda team friends and there was this girl there who I've been wanting to look up for months now but I didn't because I was with Natalie. We didn't talk much but when we were all saying goodbye to each other, I got a kinda odd warm feeling and gaze from her if you get me. So I called up my mate yesterday to get me her phone number and found out she's now in Munich and will be coming back in February/March >_< Anyway, he gave me her MSN so I'll go with that. Surely she's got to come back to Poland for Christmas or All Saints which is like in 2 days.

edit: it's over. Kinda relieved, definitely no more sad than I was before. We parted smiling and gave ourselves strict guidelines as to how we're to behave at uni (we're in the same group). So instead of pretending we don't exist, we're going to greet each other with a hug and a smile. So there we are then - the best 7 months of my life have come to an end. They weren't the best because of her, but they definitely wouldn't be if I hadn't been with her.

Edited by Greetings
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Just spent 3 hours to her on Msn and half an hour on the phone, Basically talking about old times and how she thinks were going to get back together in a few years. What she means is, she's going to f**k around with countless other men, get wankered and do whatever the f**k she wants for a few months and when she gets bored and all the blokes have seen her for what she is, A stupid, arrogant, self obsessed alcoholic slapper that I'm just going to Say ' Hello baby, please take me back?'. Yeah, not f**king happening. Keeps telling me shes wants to come over and see me and stuff and how when she gets here we're basically gone have some great make up sexz and it'll all be ok.

Then i was left with the moral dilemma;

let her come over for a week or so, f**k the shit out of her and then tell her shes a worthless whore who i'd just been using like she had me. And tell her new boyfriend (Who, btw is a fanny thats screwed me over bigtime in this...)


Let her come over, see how i feel and then if i actually feel anything for her just see how things go and if theres anything we can do about it.


Put my foot down and say no, not interested anymore and completely block her out from my life which will pretty much kill me to start with but i can't help but think it's for the best in the long run ?

I'm swaying towards number one or 3 right now although i'm in a f**king shit mood and Angry at just about everything so maybe i should leave it til i've In a bit of a better mood. I know which ever i do, I'm going to regret eventually though.

No idea why i've posted it, I'm bored as f**k and have nothing better to do on a friday night that tell you lot how much of a f**k up I am at times ^_^

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I have to side with joe, let her come over, nail the shit outta her, dont get with her, give her some reason about distance, and that your not too sure if you want a piece right now, and send her on her way. you get to rattle her, she either gets to rattle you, job done, or she actually wants to get back with you, in which case, youve won,as you brought her over for some sex.

unless it was number 2, or jade, ive bagsied them(altho, i think id have to bagsie, and then paper bag jade)

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I have to side with joe, let her come over, nail the shit outta her, dont get with her, give her some reason about distance, and that your not too sure if you want a piece right now, and send her on her way. you get to rattle her, she either gets to rattle you, job done, or she actually wants to get back with you, in which case, youve won,as you brought her over for some sex.

unless it was number 2, or jade, ive bagsied them(altho, i think id have to bagsie, and then paper bag jade)

It's none of them haha :P

Hit me up on Msn or something if you're that interested ;)

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If you know what she's about and you aren't into the drama of that, then avoid the drama by avoiding her. That includes ideas of payback, which is just more drama.

I know it's not easy with ex's and feelings don't disappear quickly, if at all, but it's probably best to pay attention to any objective assessments you have of her, such as you amusingly described.

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You've met a girl you love, but you want to change her by way of control?

You (and a few others in this thread) are very closed minded about drugs.. Because alcohol is legal (unless you happen to be 16) it's ok, and because drugs are illegal they're bad mmm'kay! Which of the above 2 statistically does more harm to more people...?

Anyway stop being a little bitch, let her do her thing, if you 'love' her you'll accept her the way she is.

I'd agree, but because people think exactly the way you just stated 'drugs are bad cos its illegal, alcohol is fine because its legal' i'd have to say that, its not a fair test that apparently drugs do less harm than alcohol. If illegal drugs were made legal and everybody used them as much as they do alcohol, perhaps they would do more harm than what alcohol does? Anyway..back to all your girl troubles. Unfortunately i can't contribute as my only problem is i don't have a girl, to have problems with to type in this thread.

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Pretty much spot on, the only concern I have with drugs is that because they're illegal, there's no control over where it's come from, what exactly's in it, and what effect it will have.

I see your point, but its not in dealers interest to sell bad drugs, its bad for business, their safety and they dont need the bad reputation/attention towards them.

With pills for example there pretty consistent with their effects dependant on what you take, as theyre all marked differently e.g. audis, smurfs and love hearts etc, you usually get a a varying reaction from each. ive never had a bad one in my time and doubt i ever will, the numbers of bad reactions are very low

I'd agree, but because people think exactly the way you just stated 'drugs are bad cos its illegal, alcohol is fine because its legal' i'd have to say that, its not a fair test that apparently drugs do less harm than alcohol. If illegal drugs were made legal and everybody used them as much as they do alcohol, perhaps they would do more harm than what alcohol does?

Again ive got mixed thoughts on this, legalisation on drugs would have its pros and cons, contradictory to my first post the drugs would be more consistent in their ingredients and effects etc but this would more apply to ketamin, cocaine, and cannabis i reckon where the amount of actual pure drugs can be reduced with coke for example.

However after an initial boom in the drugs economy if legalised, i doubt the trend would continue, people may become used to the freedom and ease of purchase of them and attatch less of a need for them.

I´m getting fed up of wanking.

I need some action.

True that

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i cant decide if ruining her life for me getting laid is very fair...
but ill never see her again
i cant decide if ruining her life for me getting laid is very fair...
but ill never see her again
i cant decide if ruining her life for me getting laid is very fair...
but ill never see her again
but ill never see her again
but ill never see her again
but ill never see her again
but ill never see her again

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