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Chronicals Of A New Trials Rider: The Mother Strikes Back


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Erm, im not sure if this will make the situation better or worse :P but you could show her some videos of the pros.

Or you could get one of your freinds to come to your house and demonstrate what a good sport it is to her.

Maybe you could get her to tell you the reason for not leting you do it and then persuade her? :)

Edited by ted
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Nah! best way is to just throw stuff at her like

'god teenage obecity is up and your trying to shove me down that road? God your clever'


'Would you rather i start trials or smoking? your choice'

or perhaps

'ive got a belly, look (flap it around) say if i start trials itll be gone in a week.'


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does she see it say too dangerous? too anti social? too exspensive? What would she like you doing instead?

Whats wrong with skate boarding?

it seems childish of her to say your not allowed. Tell her its a great way to keep fit, not dagerous (your unlikley to get seriously injured or die), you will meet loads of great people.

I always tell people who give me trouble in the streets that at least I am doing a healthy sport instead of mugging people, doing drugs and drinking every night like most teens seem to be doing nowerdays

At the end of the day, its your choice, your mum cant decide what sports your going to do.

My parents never hated me riding, but they would have preffered me to run (like they did) or go into gymnastics, but now I have got some good reuslts, they are really proud and everytime one of their friends comes round, they show off about me and get me to do a demo outside for them.

tell your mum to grow up and let you ride.

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Nah! best way is to just throw stuff at her like

'god teenage obecity is up and your trying to shove me down that road? God your clever'


'Would you rather i start trials or smoking? your choice'

or perhaps

'ive got a belly, look (flap it around) say if i start trials itll be gone in a week.'


LMAO, i sed ooh your clever to my mum once, It didn't help in the slightest. She said i was being cocky and trying to make her look a fool :lol::lol::lol:

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Think the thing that will help the most is to find out why exactly she does not want you to ride.

Could also use things like:

- Youl keep fit

- will keep you out of trouble

- Keeps you out of the house (my mum loved this one for some reason <_< )

- Make new friends etc

As far as i can see the only bad thing about trials is it can cost a lot/get hurt but if its your money your using she cant really say much.

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How old are you? I started riding at 17, I'm 18 now and my folks didn't really like the idea of it...you know, 17 and pissing about on a bike. And then, having a collapsed lung and landing on my head didnt help the situation, but they soon learn that your sad, and pathetic, and its pretty much all you have in life :)

But just do it, it was easier for me as I bought my own stuff, but they'll just learn to accept it.

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Do you have a habit of starting hobbies, buying the stuff and never persuing it or anything like that that may discourage her from letting you get a trials bike?

Yeh..when I was about eight. I think its because my friend that she doesn't like told me about it, which is pretty immature on her part.

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Shit on her. (i've always wanted to use this)

But seriously, just go up to her, ask her for a serious talk and tell her the benefits of trials, and try to be grown up about it, and if at any point she doesn't agree either go back to what i first said, by shitting on her, or tell her shes being childish. Try to get her in a position where she can 'be in your shoes', then she'll hopefully recognise how fun it is.

If you don't succeed, trials is shit anyway, you woudn't like it.

'ive got a belly, look (flap it around) say if i start trials itll be gone in a week.'


If only mate, if only.

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f**k her, (not literally) Are you going to be paying for it? My mum didn't want me to start trials, but then again, I never have got on well with her. I pay for all my stuff, and she just leaves me to it now.

Best off telling her all the pros about trials, pretty much what all the other guys have said.

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I asked my mum why and she said where are you gonna do it? I named a few places, she said who are you gonna do it with, so I said I'll find some people, so I am looking for people to ride with in Northumberland, then she said why don't you go and practice your balance outside on your bike, then I said on my four-year-old, rust-ridden mountain bike. Honestly... Anyway, any more help would be appreciated.

Do-M :pirate:

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seriously she cant have any legit reasons for you not to ride trials, its good for your health, it generally keeps you out of trouble and it keeps you out of her way. do you have a part time job? if so start sving for a bike, if not get one and save, show her your serious about it and your making a serious effort to start on your own part. then she's more likely to come over to the idea and maybe help you out?

just gotta show your serious, work out how much you need to save to buy what you want and work out how long its gonna take you. just show her you've thought it through

you dont have to have peopel to ride with, but try and find a few people in the area

good luck

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