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right i am not sure whats goin on but i definatly need some advice!


police and immigration officers came into their house and took out 7 people.. 5 inculding his dad for some crinmal offence (as far as i know) but his dad was taken to a different police station

and his mum has been taken in because her visa run out, they are all from brazil.. his dad might have isues with a stamp on his passport i am not sure..

but i need to know what he can do.. becos he has no idea.. and whats goin to happen to his parents? can she get a visa replaced without goin back to brazil? becos she is the main earner in that family.

needing advice!

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Maaan that really does suck!!

Im not being harsh or anything, but the law is doing the right thing... they were illegal in this country... they only doing what has to be done... its nice to see the law doing the right thing and removing illegal immigrants out of the country...

Thats not in a "slate" type of way either, i wouldnt like my parents to be taken away from me!! :(

I hope everything works out for this dude!

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This will be controvercial so I'm sorry, but if they have dodgy stamps or their visas have run out then that's their own fault and they should expect to suffer the consequences. I find it funny how people on here make statements about sending certain ethnicities back to their own country when actually those people are here legally, but these people appear to be here illegally for whatever reason and everyone feels for them, why is that? How are they any different? Is it just because we know them or one of their relatives? The same rules apply to EVERYONE, it's not one rule for one and another for everyone else!

Very hypocritical if you ask me, they should have their papers in order if they wish to reside in this country!!!!!!!


Edited by Small_Gear_Big_Style
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This will be controvercial so I'm sorry, but if they have dodgy stamps or their visas have run out then that's their own fault and they should expect to suffer the consequences. I find it funny how people on here make statements about sending certain ethnicities back to their own country when actually those people are here legally, but these people appear to be here illegally for whatever reason and everyone feels for them, why is that? How are they any different? Is it just because we know them or one of their relatives? The same rules apply to EVERYONE, it's not one rule for one and another for everyone else!

Very hypocritical if you ask me, they should have their papers in order if they wish to reside in this country!!!!!!!


Sorry, but i feel the same way. Sorry Chai, but not sure what you expect us to say :(. Sounds like his parents have done some super dodgy deals to get into, and stay in the country, and they need to face the consequences.

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i am with u guys on it.. they shouldnt have.. no idea why they did... i didnt know untill i posted my next reply.. or i wouldnt have put up the topic.. either way

i think antonio is fine.. but his parents look like they are gonna be banned from the uk,. for 10 years.. so chances of him staying here are slim.. we will seee...

we had big plans for trials as well:?(

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If his visa is expeired then it's his fault and he should be arrested and deported.

If his visa is overdue there's no reason he should be in the country, it's his responcibility to ensure that it doesn't expire while he's in the country.

And if he was to leave to country silently, customs could pick up on it.

The Brazillian immigration website however is more helpfull that trials forum.

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they shouldn't have gotten it to some dodgy shit, i think they deserve it i dont want illegal people in my country

mite sound like a b*****d but i bet moe than hlaf the people on here agree

But what if they're doing more for the economy and the good of the public than you are?

Considering the literacy and allround dumbassedness of your posts - perhaps YOU should be deported. We know you're an immigrant anyways, go on, get out! You and your girlfriend, bugger off!


That was a joke by the way. I don't even know Dave. But I think it shows the same mentality toward the subject that alot of people have. Sorry to hear that about your buddies Monsieur Chai.

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But what if they're doing more for the economy and the good of the public than you are?

Considering the literacy and allround dumbassedness of your posts - perhaps YOU should be deported. We know you're an immigrant anyways, go on, get out! You and your girlfriend, bugger off!


That was a joke by the way. I don't even know Dave. But I think it shows the same mentality toward the subject that alot of people have. Sorry to hear that about your buddies Monsieur Chai.

i wish i could be deported:(

i hate england

god my gf is hot.

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As to what he can do, well, I'd personally start with the Brazilian embacy and take it from there...

what exactly is he going to say?? oh yeah hi, i forged one of your stamps so i could illegally gain access to britain, now ive been busted on it, can you give us a hand?

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I reckon Warrington itself should be deported.

Still, Dave has a point. The rules are there for a reason. Personally I don't support illegal immigrants. If they're not illegal, then fair enough, but there's also no excuse for not filling in forms and applying for/renewing Visas correctly. If people are serious about living in this country, these things should be top of their agenda. For the record though I have no problem with immigrants, and consequently people from other countries I see as welcome to come and live here and work like everyone else.

Freeloaders and 'illegals' can f**k off though...

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Can someone prove to me that they own a 'land'?

As far as I can tell nobody owns anything. Show me evidence otherwise and I will take off my trousers, put them on my head and start clapping.

The abstract concepts we refer to that say 'ownership', 'law' etc. have no place other than in our heads. You cannot find 'ownership' or 'law' in that land mass or that shape we call a house. I've never seen 'ownership' or 'law' anywhere.

Thus we are all hypnotised by the culture we grow up in; we are all sleepwalking, guided by that culture's conceptual suggestion.

It would seem that no-one has anymore right than anyone else, predominantly because 'rights' don't seem to exist apart from in our minds.

That 'illegal' individual whom began on another land mass is neither more entitled or less entitled to be here than any other person. You thinking otherwise is the sign of sleep. Well, half sleep.

Edited by rowly
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While I do agree with what your saying, Britain (or England, whatever) is more about the economic state than the physical land. And in that respect, it is owned by the people who pay taxes. So get clapping?

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Can someone prove to me that they own a 'land'?

As far as I can tell nobody owns anything. Show me evidence otherwise and I will take off my trousers, put them on my head and start clapping.

The abstract concepts we refer to that say 'ownership', 'law' etc. have no place other than in our heads. You cannot find 'ownership' or 'law' in that land mass or that shape we call a house. I've never seen 'ownership' or 'law' anywhere.

Thus we are all hypnotised by the culture we grow up in; we are all sleepwalking, guided by that culture's conceptual suggestion.

It would seem that no-one has anymore right than anyone else, predominantly because 'rights' don't seem to exist apart from in our minds.

That 'illegal' individual whom began on another land mass is neither more entitled or less entitled to be here than any other person. You thinking otherwise is the sign of sleep. Well, half sleep.

Ok, firstly, what the f*ck are you on about, haha? By the looks of it I'd say you were the one who is asleep, or on some kind of medication, hahaha!

Secondly, ownership has nothing to do with it, people who say "my country" merely refer to the country which they were born into or which they have lawful right to reside in, unlike these chaps we are all discussing who appear to be residing here unlawfully. Also, law is a necessity in order to prevent exploitation or unfair advantage of any one person over another (not that it is always succesful in doing so). It's not a physical thing which you can see so that is why you have never seen it, silly boy!

Lastly, I congratulate you on your post as it is a fine example of that typical method utilised by many preaching types in order to make people believe they are somehow on a higher plane of wisdom, whereby you say a lot of clever sounding stuff but upon inspection of the substance of your comment you have in reality said nothing at all!


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Thus we are all hypnotised by the culture we grow up in; we are all sleepwalking, guided by that culture's conceptual suggestion.

It would seem that no-one has anymore right than anyone else, predominantly because 'rights' don't seem to exist apart from in our minds.

I've pondered a similar thing since hearing Rick in The Young Ones exclaim that "all property is theft". You've got some interesting points there, but personally I'm ok with today's culture. Capitalism doesn't scare me and I'm happy that I can have posessions of my own. From now until the end of the Earth there'll be inequality, greed and poverty.

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