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Holy Crap, Deng's Gone Mental...

Mark W

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Was just checking out Tartybikes for some possible new pedals for when my X-pedals shit the bed, and I noticed a whole world of new colourful shiney bits.

Loads of new types of brake clamps from all House of Deng™ companies, with slightly different shapes but in all the weird colours they seem to dig over there, as well as bashrings and boosters 'n' stuff.

Seeing as everyone's going colour crazy, these may appeal...

I haven't checked yet, but you'll most likely be able to get these from Select and any other HoD dealers too, so just go with whoever's got the nicest stickers :P

EDIT: Got new cranks 'n' stuff too I hadn't realised. Adamant's cranks = the hotness. Look almost like screw-on 'burns?

IPB Image

Adamant Jellymould Booster :P

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What a joke.

Edit?: I meant for the brake clamps, didn't realise there was other stuff either,the levers are actually quite nice and might help me to stop destroying my knuckles every time im out....

Edited by jake1516
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im sure there is some gd stuff.

but i dont really like screw on cranks

and at a first quik look, the design on that booster looks crap.

like the shape is more important than the job.. fashion over function,, urgh

reds good though.


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What is the appeal with making ugly looking products which (in the case of the boosters) dont look like they will work too good, and then anodising them bright colours and whacking a great big logo over them :-

Oh well.

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What is the appeal with making ugly looking products which (in the case of the boosters) dont look like they will work too good, and then anodising them bright colours and whacking a great big logo over them :-

Oh well.

What's the point in making gash, fluorescent rims and grips and stuff like that?

Answer: People be buying that shit up, yo.

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What is the appeal with making ugly looking products which (in the case of the boosters) dont look like they will work too good, and then anodising them bright colours and whacking a great big logo over them :-

Oh well.

ye actually, i know i said i didnt really like it !

i have had a re-think


Aww you got my hopes up, when this topic was on the homepage it just says 'Holy Crap, Deng's Gone'

hehehe, oooohhhh that would be like christmas and 3 birthdays all at once !

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Bollocks to the lot of you Dengs a dude you'd all be crying there arn't enough bike companys or frames to choose from if it wernt for him.

So what if he makes a good wedge in the process? you arnt forced to buy his stuff.

Stop moaning you crying arse gang of poofs.

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Wonder why tarty didnt put these new stuff on the homepage??

Becuase they knew someone would post all the new stuff on here. ;)

So, we've got new:




4 bolt clamps



You can never have too many trials products. Yey!

Leavers are good if you run the 05 maggies, but where's the fresh products leaver!!!

Edited by JT!
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Copying a trend.........

nuff said


i forsee handbags at dawn once again. Your views change like the weather.. i used to respect your knowledge and nowadays your as biased as everyone else around here.

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And Chris King hubs?? or were they already there?

There's alot of things been added with the phrase "available to order" which means that they never have them in stock, they just order when they get an order themselves. Have a look at the 26" bikes and frames. There's fooking loads on there now.

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