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Everything posted by LEON

  1. LEON

    The Angry Thread.

    To be honest if you've got a recent total loss claim then £742 is not really that bad, it's probably double what it should be if you had no claims/points or anything. Are you back to 0 no claims or was it protected? I paid £520 my first year having a van, fully comp, but with 0 no claims on a van, they don't count 5+ years ncb on a bike and 4 year ncb on a car so I got the noob treatment. But it's declared for work, all sign written etc and this year it was about £450. Mine's Admiral but you've probably already tried them. Last year I was with City Insurance.
  2. That looks much better than the current matte/pastel stuff that's out there.
  3. I've bought from a trader but not sold to one, I think you're supposed to keep part of the v5, yellow strip maybe? Haven't got one here to look at.
  4. I've had saints leak from there, you don't lube the pistons or anything do you?
  5. Was that Ryan Leech at 0.33?
  6. My work van did the same in August! Shitty.
  7. LEON

    Scary shit

    I did wonder, if you're gonna do that then you'd film more than just head cam footage. I'd say if that's the only angle then there was probably some safety involved.
  8. LEON

    Scary shit

    Even to ride 10ft of that would be insane. But the whole thing? That's f**ked. Not to mention the wet tyres, snow, probably gonna be some wind up there too. He earns his money.
  9. LEON

    Clement Moreno

    Some excellent stuff there. Front wheel god. But footjam whips do make me cringe.
  10. Do frame and fork the same colour, sorted!
  11. A Marino Archive will be a lot shorter than your Zoot, I had an older one and it was actually a bit too small for me. You can tell just by looking at the Zoot it's got a really long top tube.
  12. Guessing you mean street riding from your wanted topic. For streety stuff smaller wheels definitely flip and spin easier, but outside of a few tricks neither will hold you back for trials moves. It's just street riding has all gone 24" so the only 26" options are a Hex or a custom frame, or a really old frame. I actually prefer 26" wheels, 24" always felt a bit small to me, I never chucked a bike about better than I did on a Planet X Zebdi about 10 years ago. But like I say, 26" street trials is fairly dead in comparison so it hasn't had to evolve like the 24s.
  13. Bit annoying, got an Ibanez wizard 2 neck for my project body but the neck sits a good 3-4mm too high, is this a case off either 4mm off the body or the neck? I thought all the Ibanez cavities were the same but obviously not, I'd rather mod the body as it's only a cheap one, but can that be done without ruining the fresh paint at the edge? The neck cavity on my other two Ibanez RGs is deep enough to compensate for it. Ignore where the string is, that's with the bridge screwed way up past where it should be.
  14. Geo sounds fine, back end is about 10mm longer than the norm but otherwise it's about standard.
  15. Yes, but I used Humbrol enamel model paints, I've seen people use spray but I think it's much harder to control, with paints you can put one drop in at a time and swirl it how you want it, it can get really complex, some people use heated water, borax crystals to break the surface tension, thinners to spread the paint better and probably more I don't know about, but I just had a go with cool water on a warm day outside. There are hundreds of tutorials on YouTube but everyone does it slightly differently, and the top guys are never gonna give away their secrets. Tried a different brand of enamel paint as Humbrol don't do some of the neon colours, and the paint just sunk to the bottom in lumps. I also tried mixing Borax but couldn't get it to dissolve so I had to abandon that. I'd definitely do some trial and error on a plank of primed wood or something worthless.
  16. Cheers, I wanted a bit more green, and I got a couple of runs near the volume switch but it's so unpredictable, I think I used way too much paint on my next two attempts but I'm happy with this one. This is the dream....
  17. Bought an Ibanez S370 which was pretty tatty for £80, always wanted a swirl paintjob, so I gave it a go, turned out pretty good for a first try, but I tried two since which failed massively.
  18. Mavic EX721, be aware they're only 28mm wide. No good for wide mounts.
  19. You're just not swinging hard or fast enough, plus the drop is tiny so you haven't got much room to spin. You're sort of doing the swing the back round and pulling the front round as two separate moves as well, combine them as one motion so you lose less momentum. Back brake always locked.
  20. Those frames are not short compared to all the other street 24" bikes. On top of that your front end is more suited to someone who's about a foot taller than you, like the previous owner. Matty Turner is tiny and he rides a Skye, which is much smaller and lower than a Zoot. All you can really do is get a shorter/lower stem, roll the bars back properly, put them in line with the headtube and it won't be such a stretch.
  21. LEON

    Skye Updated

    Same, especially when the Fourplay looks so good. Don't the forks come in green too?
  22. That stem and stacker height is ideal for the frame, but it'll still ride much better with proper risers, everyone used 2" Azonics back in the day.
  23. These just sold 2 minutes ago. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/322247106059?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
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