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Everything posted by Danny00135

  1. That's pretty similar to what I tried... I had a large steel metal plate (long and thin) with holes for drill bits and a hole to put the bolt through and used the long plate as leverage.. Snapped like 12 drill bits :/ I ended up buying a new one since it was on that tight and just wouldn't budge
  2. This Although I always have a huge honk from my brakes I'd much rather they be silent.. And because of flex I aint putting a disk on my stock Back to OP though, this does happen, and you might never get sound back. all you can do is pray that when it beds in, fresh grind, and it might sort it out. It might be that your old rim had an angled sidewall? and the brake pads are no longer hitting square, or the new rim has an angled sidewall. If that's the case either wait until it beds in or do some sanding
  3. Can't help but think TT foams will improve it Looks sweet!
  4. Ahh, that makes sense, I learned something today, thanks for the help, much appreciated
  5. Sooo guys.. The BB on my fixie is always gradually shifting to the right.. The right cup unscrews and the left goes through the inside. What I don't understand, is, why the hell it is shifting to the right? O.o Surely the clockwise crank rotation would force the drive side cup to tighten, not loosen? Anyone know what sorcery this is?
  6. That was pretty incredible!!
  7. Opinion, Some people find drowning puppies more fun than trials... But none of us are going to recommend to do it instead of buy a 24"..
  8. Brad is correct here.. Aren't you lucky, not having to put up with him (Brad's usually a bellend)
  9. Yeah the chain tugs supplied with onza rips are like cheese, I ended up braking one off a 3ft drop.. Gusset ones with sort that out but it's ride-able for now, I ended up machining my own out of steel though.. They never let me down...
  10. So youtube's had the playlist deleted of all the clips, luckily the Chinese are here to help http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjUzNjAyMTky.html I'll warn you now, the adverts on that website are frightening! Why does it feel they're shouting at me?
  11. I'd recommend taking a look at "mastering the art of trials" by Ryan Leech, just search it on youtube, he takes you through beginner level to some pretty tricky stuff Good luck and happy riding
  12. Danny00135

    Casual ride

    Really enjoyed that, good job
  13. You are now Blind, and no longer need to black out your keys... You're welcome
  14. You have the hand-writing of a mentally challenged 4 year old..
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