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Everything posted by JD™

  1. The only correct answer is eightypsi.
  2. JD™

    Tig Welding

    I just flip em over and realise they’re not as hot as I thought.
  3. Clearly they’d never be able to let go of all the juicy ad revenue us 5 active users must be generating! Time for a long overdue “thanks for putting up with us” Tom and Danny
  4. ‘Far’ either is just, well, too far. Either direction.
  5. That advice essentially just boils down to “make a shit full riding video weekly”, which isn’t really going to do anyone any favours. Vlog = video log, it’s not about it being an edit. It’s about it being a bit of a diary. Whether Mike should or shouldn’t be doing vlogs is not the point, but diluting the concept of a vlog until it’s just about putting out video that has none of the ‘diary’ aspect and none of the care of a full video (which can’t be made every week with any quality), would be ridiculous. Do vlogs, or full edits, or both. But not something that’s neither.
  6. Just needs the M8 GTE following them.
  7. Yea, that’s not your back!
  8. I have a similar approach to keeping stuff in tip top condition by not using it.
  9. He needs it explaining to him that the communication is more important than the cutting, welding and copying that he does. Whether he does it himself or not, it’s been years and years that he’s been shit at that bit of his business I only care because I’ve bought and enjoyed two of his frames, and the cost he’d need to outlay on someone to communicate with his customers would be far exceeded by the extra he’d bring in with a better reputation. ...or yea, we can just joke about it.
  10. Marino in not communicating with customers shocker.
  11. I’m a massive advocate of calling people out when they’re doing a shit job, but creating good stuff is hard and I think Mike gets the point that vlog 1 wasn’t great now. Let’s not put him off making more and potentially getting better, as well as putting some (SHOCK HORROR) regular trials content on the forum. My top tip for Mike: None of the vloggers you’re trying to emulate got there by emulating anyone.
  12. Well at least you have shit communication skills in common. (says Mr Sociable over here)
  13. No, you mean: MI (it’s the trailer)
  14. I think that’s just dripped down from the front of the house, not the car. Pressure washer time Rainbird!
  15. Ours make us separate the bottles into a box to put next to the bin, then tip that box into your bin before loading it into the truck. Twats.
  16. I can’t tell whether this is satire.
  17. JD™


    Paul Di Resta on the Sky commentary about halfway through (paraphrased): “They’ll probably just retire Alonso soon as he’s looking like having no chance of points” He was P12 at the time, the Red Bulls were playing a game that was clearly going to end in tears, and Grosjean was still in the race. Quality insight there PDR! Another double points finish, us McLaren fans might still be a long way from celebrating a win or championship contention, but an improvement is great to see.
  18. Surely by thinking that you’re potentially overvaluing your own?
  19. Echo all the “stop being a pussy” comments. Back in my day...
  20. JD™

    TF Makers

    Three stage recirculating brewery stuff, the potentially interesting bit from a non-brewers perspective is that temperature control at one step is achieved by pumping the wort (unfinished beer) from the middle vessel through a coil in the left hand vessel which is full of water at an automatic temperature which will keep the wort at a constant temperature. All pumps and heating elements will be controlled by a raspberry pi through a web interface.
  21. JD™

    TF Makers

    It was requested, so I thought I’d make it. Post stuff you’ve made. Being as it would feel a bit silly not to partake in the first post, I’ve been making pretty much everything you see in this picture: The walls, extractor hood, control panel, converted kegs, worktops, all part of my brewery project I’ve been working on this year.
  22. I’m going to be trying to get rid of mine in the next couple of weeks. Been sat on the drive for a while so I need to give it a good clean and stick an MOT on it while the weathers good.
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