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Euro Millions

The Hitcher

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88 Million jackpot tonight for that euro millions thingy, plus someone has to win. Going to get a couple of tickets, fancy a nice 88 million quid, although got more chance catching aids from a banana.

If anyone wins can i have a couple of grand? Ill share my winnings if i win. Might buy everyone on here a new bike, think i should still have change. (Y)

What the hell would you spend that kind of money on though.


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Meh ill have a few goes...Got more chance of platting piss than winning though.

I'd buy:

A holiday to some where nice for about 4 months.

A really nice car.

A van for riding and getting bikes about.

A few houses in a few cities.

A house abroad.

Make sure my family was ok for money.

Pay my mum and dads mortgage off and buy them both a new car and re-decorate all the house.

A few new bikes. Bout 10.

Buy close mates all a few bikes.

Buy Tartybikes.

Open a business.

I could go on forever.


EDIT: And yes Poopie...A shit load of Cocaine...Rave on :)

Edited by Danny Kearns
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Cameras, Lenses, MacBook Pro, Mac Pro, Pay off my rent for the year at uni, pay off my mortgage for my parents house, buy my mum, dad and sister new cars, buy a new house, buy a house in cardiff, buy loads of clothes, and shoes, probs give my housemates a few K each, and my close friends too. I'd probably buy out Le Pub too, and TJs, and all sorts of other clubs in and around south wales, and put on awesome shows, all the time. Yeahhhh.

Who knows. I'd put probably 85 in a bank, and keep the rest, then let the 85 pay for the rest of my life.

Edited by MonsterJ
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if the banana was wearing a condom ...


spending it ?

houses, yachts, fast cars, a warehouse full of ramps and a shit load of cocaine

Thats one nasty way of solving poverty.

Who knows. I'd put probably 85 in a bank, and keep the rest, then let the 85 pay for the rest of my life.

You could just live off a million a year for 88 years. I know I wont live long enough to spend a million a year. And with all that cocaine I doubt poopipe or Danny would either, lol.

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Wow, imagine how loved you would be if you bought evryone on the forum a shiney new bike !

Id do that, then buy a house and a yacht and have a giant party.(on the yacht)

the spend it stupid stuff,

Oh and obviosly a skatepark warehouse. with alot of palletts in too.


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I'd hire a bunch of to architects to draw up and design my perfect house buy a few achres of land and have everyting I'v always wanted, with gadgets and electrics galore. It would have all sorts of useless expensive shit like an undergrund garage with a ramp that comes up from the ground. A stupidly big garden with a firing range, a massive rose garden and one of those maze things like in hampton court. A few maybe 5 branw new shit hot cars. I'd sort my immidiate family out with a new mantion and a mill each or something.

The rest I would invest I think I would have at least 50m after all that.

If I was filthy rich I would like to own a big 5star hotel or a big casino.

Edit: I still think I would work for mecca bingo for a while though, maybe take a 3 month unpaid holiday but I wouldn't just sack it off.

Edited by froggy
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I don't think I'd be that crazy with it. Never have to work in my life. (which would be like ^_^ ) Obviously need some kind of protection (larger house w/ huge gates and stuff), cus theives like rich people. Obviously dish some money out to family and friends. And buy a beasty mod + stock. And a dh bike. As well as a good car or two. Past that. I really can't see what else I'd do. Just horde it probably

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I'd put it in a high intrest savings account and watch it grow everyday :shifty: Obviously do loads for my family and friends and donate money to charity. The possibilities with that kind of money are endless to be fair, id take each day as it comes.

Edited by max-t
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I honestly wouldn't know where to start. All I really want is my own place with a HUGE garage, a DeLorean and something f**king quick like a Skyline or something with a silly about spent on the engine, sus and handling. Obviously id make sure the rest of the family were financially secure, id tell investment people to get lost (not sure why, its my money, do what I want with it), probably move from Farnham cos its a bit shit, buy a house in Spain in one of the valleys... there's so much you could do! Cars cars and more cars lol! Id also travel loads and literally see the World, before it shrivels up into nothingness. Id also have the money to get more bikes on the TV - ie equipment, crew, money for music rights etc etc! I havn't bought a ticket though haha! Never mind :(

EDIT: Of course, charities would come in to and also LOADS of Trials parks all over the UK... even the World?


id buy my self a senior member title, one can dream ay.
- So would I mate haha! :P Edited by Jonny Jones
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I think id buy everything of Deng and take over all his companies...and then make the prices as cheap as possible :D Id also buy everyone a helmet aswell...SAFETY FIRST!!!!! To be honest i'd be abit stuck for ideas, id buy evrything i wanted and still have like half the money left!!!! I got my mum 2 buy me a ticket,cause im too young. Id be glad to just win a couple of grand,but ti would be good to win the jackpot :P

Edited by richhill123
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Ive got only 50p until next friday when i get paid so il have to try and scrounge another quid from somewhere fora ticket!

Id buy:

Houses - everywhere

Huge yachts - sailing and motor powered

A chinook helicopter

A smaller chopper

A private jet

As many bikes as i could think up specs for

A massive area of land for a trials park

A forest

Lots and lots of clothes and shoes etc

A maid for my house

Sort out the family

A load of cars - Pimped off road landrovers to ferraris

Shares in a massive company so i could be richer and begin my plan of world domination mwahaha!

Money cant buy love?

Lets find out! :D

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Just bought a few tickets... not gonna win if you don't try! Can't even start to imagine having access to that much money but hell would it be good!!

exactly but a few ideas....

My list of cars to buy would be awesome

a runway/track for the cars!

rally track

houses for me, mates and family

give mates/family money

one bank account with a pile of money and the interest each month would go to a random charity

and all the usual electronic crap

oh and I wouldn't quit work for a little while so I could drive in in my many ridiculous cars.

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Id buy a house in somewhere like chiswick or maida vale. proper nice area in central london. and then buy a house in like hammersmith or willesden and never decorate it and throw a tonk house party every weekend!

other than that would probably live exactly as i do now just without having to 'save up' to get stuff.

O, and drugs. lots of drugs.

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If any one wins...Anybody gonna pay Danny And Tom's server bills etc for tf for however long its gonna be around ?:P

Also...Someone buy myspace !!! :)


lmao id never visit this place again if i won id have better things to do so i dont care lol

and why would people want to move anywere in england? id pay to have the place destroyed.

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