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Just finished year 11. Only 1 exam to go doing 7 GCSE's and got a level 1 NVQ in motor vehicles. Going to collage next year to do a Level 2 in Motor vehicles then either an appreticship or off to uni to do some sort of enginering, all kinda depends how well i do next year

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Had a gap year in 2005-2006, just finished my 2nd year at uni at 22. Studying international logistics. It's a fairly interesting subject but they don't teach you anything practical. Hoping that the business I'm running will make my CV attractive if I ever want to get a normal job. So many people have a masters degree over here that it doesn't really mean anything any more, I mean it will help you get a job but not as much as high school + experience.

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Just finished school. Going on to 6th form to do Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Product Deisgn, you know, all of the easy ones :unsure:

Hoping from there to go on to do a Motorsport Engineering Course at uni. Gonna work my ass off for Loughborough Uni simply for the rugby :lol:

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Finishing off my 2nd year apprenticeship as a mechanical engineer. 1 year to go then im a fully qualified technician and will be on good wages.

Got a ND in manufacturing engineering aswell with a P,M,P.

Going to be doing a HND after my apprenticeship though, so another 2 years at college. Nearly done 4 as it is lol. WIll all be worth it eventually though

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Currently waiting on results of how badly I've failed my second year of a Masters in Engineering Mathematics at Bristol Uni

Plan is to switch to 3 years (thus only getting a Bachelors) to limit the suffering, as it's really not my thing

Wish I'd taken something totally different!

I'm 20

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Well, Im a drop out. A level wise.

Thing is Im currently down for a public services course at college next year, and its feck all to do with anything I ever want to do in the future.

Im rather up for doing mototrsport engineering (or similar) but the thing is i think im too late to apply :(

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CBC in English

BB in IT

D in Maths

DD in Science

Got me into a practitioner course at Chichester which i dropped out of after the first year as it was teaching me shit and i was getting into websites more and more. Did an e-commerce certificate at a local college, got a Pass at that so got into the HND of which i dropped out of after 4 months as i landed a job as a website developer at 18. Over 2 years on and i'm now 20, on my second job and moving nicely up the job role and wage ladder. :)

Education isn't everything, but then i very much realise how lucky i am to be able to say that.

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Worked really hard on my TV and Video course at college to get onto a media production course at Uni in September. But i've just been given a conditional offer which says I need at least a C in photography, so unless some sort of miricale happens, it looks like i'm not gonna get in :( ... pwnd

I now have no idea what so ever on what to do lol.

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I'm currently doing nothing education-wise but... I did:

11 GCSEs (4A*, 7A)

4 A-Levels (A, B, B, D)

1 year of a BEng at Nottingham (sacked it off cos Mech Eng is booooo-ring)

3 year BSc Sports Technology at Loughborough - well worth doing :D But no real use for my current job... haha.

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Rather like tom, I'm half way through sixth form. Should have some AS levels...

Doing next year, then doing a 5 year (eek) degree in motorsport engineering hopefully. 5 year because... Need to do the 1 year foundation thing, then its a 3 year course, with one year work placement.

As for Tom stealing my ideas... pfft.

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i have just finished doing my GCSE's got 11weeks off school now wahayyy :)

then next year i am going onto Bicester college, doing a motorsport degree for 2years, though after 1 year i can apply for an apprenticeship with companys such as honda f1 team and prodrive and just going from there really.


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