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21. A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours.

That's not true. No insect has a naturally occurring lifespan of 24 hours, even mayflies (not related to the dragonfly species) which in the adult stage usually have no mouth parts or means to feed themselves, live in a larvae form for over a month. Some of the larger dragonflies like the brown hawker can actually live for 6-7 years.

Thought I'd go for a sly bump ;)

The titanic was only ever referred to as 'un-sinkable' after it sank and not before.

Has that already been mentioned in here?

That's probably because everyone at the time used the phrase "practically unsinkable" and since then everyone and his dog has heard the story and well... you know how chinese whispers work. The makers and several news articles before and during it's maiden voyage all stated that it (and it's sister ship, the Olympic) was "practically unsinkable", which is close enough.

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Surely thats the same for most countries?


With regards to the bullet. A bullet that's being fired is going to stay horizontal. A bullet that's dropped is going not stay horizontal. Therefor the dropped bullet is going to hit the ground first due to it having less surface area.


If someone chopped your big toes off you'd find walking extremely difficult as you wouldn't be able to balance.

Because there would be blood pissing out of your stumps and you would be passing out with the pain


The cable ties used to tie your hands behind your back to your feet would prevent you from standing up?

If you cut your arteries in space you bleed out blue.

I don't think this is correct, it's something to do with your skin that the blood looks blue in them, something to do with the frequency.

This one?

In the city of York, it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.

Yeah so f**k you and your welsh killing hopes.

Sigh... there's always one.



Much of that was boolox I think.

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I don't think this is correct, it's something to do with your skin that the blood looks blue in them, something to do with the frequency.

Recalling GCSE science of about 7 years ago it's an effect due to the way light is reflected and absorbed by our skin so the blue veins we see are actually that specific wavelength being reflected back. Blood in our bodies is always red, though the blood in veins is a much darker red that is close to being dark purple.

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if you hold out both arms straight, one with a gun, and one holding a bullet. Then at the same time fired the gun and dropped the bullet, they would both hit the floor at exactly the same time.

cant remember if i read that fact, on tf, so my bad if i did.

Im sure mythbusters busted this one???????

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if you scaled down the ocean in which the BP oil spill happened to the size of an olympic sized swimmming pool, the oil would equate to 1gram.

so it really was just a drop in the ocean.

It's not realy the pollution though is it look what we have already done to the planet they are just losing money.

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How do you know?

Obviously, I don't know this, either - but I'd hazard a guess at him seeing the clip circulating the internet that was taken out a documentary where a guy training to be an astronaught was put in the suit in a vacuum chamber, and the suit just totally failed. He was in the like-space conditions, unprotected for around that length of time, and has no form of mental/physical disability to show for it.

If it wasn't that, then it was for me :P

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To be fair though, that's only a chamber without an atmosphere. It doesn't take into account radiation, high temperatures in direct sunlight (obviously no o-zone layer to protect and no suit either), extreme minus temperatures in shade not to mention all the debris and rupturing of the surface blood vessels due to massive amounts of swelling.

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Its been tested on animals in space I think, I cannot remember well but i read it from BBC's focus magazine. I'd imagine you'd die long before the low tempuratures and high radiation has an effect, mainly due to lack of oxygen and conciousness.

The stated fact wasn't 'you'd survive for 90 seconds without dying' though.

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