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Dealing With Domestic Violence


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This thread is stupid, as are some of the replies (Chinnery), I appreciate that domestic violence is heavy shit and that some people genuinely do not know what to do but for fuck's sake, If your partner is abusing you. LEAVE. end of story.

Trying to make it work will be a world of pain and eternal mindfuck, get away from the crazy before it's too late.

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The dude reported her to the police? Sounds like he really loves her to me....

If arguments are occuring where either party end up getting physical, then the relationship is dead surely? The chances of them sorting this out and getting happy again are tiny if you ask me.

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This thread is stupid, as are some of the replies (Chinnery), I appreciate that domestic violence is heavy shit and that some people genuinely do not know what to do but for fuck's sake, If your partner is abusing you. LEAVE. end of story.

Trying to make it work will be a world of pain and eternal mindfuck, get away from the crazy before it's too late.

Yep, a relationship will never recover after something like this, there's no point in trying to make it work. Just get the hell out of there, and preferably get her in a lot of shit while you're at it, so she doesn't do it again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

he shouldn't be in a relationship for the sake of it, and especially if he's getting chucked around like a ragdoll. GTFO!

or if he thinks he can make it work then he needs to put her in her place and see if she chills out a bit..

Edited by Will Arnold
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aparently if a women hits you three times you can? personally i never would but... yeah

I abide by this rule, they get 3 chances, if they continue to hit me with intent to harm then theres no reason why they shouldn't get a smack back. As a "politically correct" country I see not hitting them after their warnings as sexist and viewing woman as weaker than men... Thats my excuse anyway.

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