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Does Anyone Else Get Asked Stupid Questions By Poepl While Riding ?


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"where is you seat" reply is "there isn't one"

"why is there no seat" reply is "so i don't hit my testicles."

"do you do tricks" reply is " NO , I ride round in circles?"

and a old lady came up to me and said " is there a reason for him to be up there" and I said No , we do it for fun and she looked at me like i was mad and went off and told her friends :/ i think we should ride for charity.

and then when i sidehopped a rock , slipped and smashed my shoulder on a fence and someone drove past shouting "fail" the reply to this was "ouch" followed by "dichead!"

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"where is you seat" reply is "there isn't one"

"why is there no seat" reply is "so i don't hit my testicles."

"do you do tricks" reply is " NO , I ride round in circles?"

and a old lady came up to me and said " is there a reason for him to be up there" and I said No , we do it for fun and she looked at me like i was mad and went off and told her friends :/ i think we should ride for charity.

and then when i sidehopped a rock , slipped and smashed my shoulder on a fence and someone drove past shouting "fail" the reply to this was "ouch" followed by "dichead!"

What do u mean, u never leave ur back garden, and i stuck up for u bitch :P

They didnt drove past, it was a chav walking past :L

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What do u mean, u never leave ur back garden, and i stuck up for u bitch :P

They didnt drove past, it was a chav walking past :L

FRONT GARDEN actually :)

I know you stuck up for me it was kind :P and i was bent over on the floor so i didn't see anyhow :P x

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I get "where is his seat?" and strange looks a lot. People who stare and wonder "wtf" at my lack of seat or maybe at the fact I'm a 6ft tall man on a small (mod) bike. I ride the only mod trial bike in this town and i've only ever seen 1 mtb'r with a stock going about.

Actually, on Monday I had a good one....Rode past a primary school where they were having 'bike lessons' and got laughed at by a load of girls. Then I heard the so called 'expert' instructor saying to the girls that it was both stupid and dangerous to ride a bike without a seat...Trail bike....Moron :rolleyes:

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I don't get asked any silly questions, because the questions are only silly if you believe these people know the answer already - which they don't. So just do your bit for the sport and answer them - generally easier than being a dick (Y)

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Seriously though, although I tend not to see too many poepl, I was meeting my mate in the scruffy, well scruffier part of Rishton, and this little pikey was like 'Oh mate, I'm sure that's my bike, what the f**k are you doing with my bike? Get the f**k off my bike you dick!' - which is quite an elaborate approach compared to 'Give me your f**king bike mate' - and I got off my bike to put it down in case he started getting violent and his face just went:



He then must've decided he didn't want a bike with no seat, and resorted to picking on a little kid who walked past with some pic'n'mix.

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thanks to joe oakley ive now been asked "is that a mini trials bike" i was like i hate life :L but this like 50-60 year old man was talking to me and my mates for a while about trials and he knew like mod and stock and some moto trials i was like wow :L

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trials bike....Moron


I luckily don't get asked many questions, just get a lot of people talking behind my back thinking I can't hear them.. Elderly women usually are pretty disgusted if I ride around on benches (whereas the little children are totally ok, also if the make the bench dirtier than me..) and elderly men seem genuinely interested and fascinated. :)

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I luckily don't get asked many questions, just get a lot of people talking behind my back thinking I can't hear them.. Elderly women usually are pretty disgusted if I ride around on benches (whereas the little children are totally ok, also if the make the bench dirtier than me..) and elderly men seem genuinely interested and fascinated. :)

Yeah same. I don't tend to speak back to people, Thats just what i was thinking. I never actually said that, i just pretend i never heard anything and keep silent. :blink:

It must be an elderly man thing, had some old dude speaking with me for ages outside sainsbury's whilst i waited for my mate to come out. He seemed fairly knowledgeable. I thought it was kinda cool (Y)

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As I haven't rode a "proper" trials bike in years, I don't get many, but on my MTB I did get a funny / annoying one a month or so back.

A woman and man were crossing in front of me, I could see their kids would probably do the same after so I slowed down in anticipation of it. As predicted, the kids ran in front at the last minute but I was easily able to stop (Was probably doing less than 10). So, I virtually ground to a halt as they crossed, thinking nothing more of it.

Then the guy comes up to me and shouts: "THERE'S A ROAD THERE!", pointing to the road. I simply replied with "Yes, there is, but this is a cycle lane?" in a genuine confused tone, not trying to provoke anything to which he replies: "YOU WANT A f**kIN SMACK?". Er, no I don't really mate, I just want to carry on along the seafront as I was... And also I'm not sure your 5 year old kids would want to see you smacking an innocent cyclist for no reason.

I didn't make a fuss about slowing down or anything so I really don't know where the aggression came from.

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