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Hi to all students,

Going off to uni in a few weeks, and trying to finalise a few things. Obviously one of the key things to being a student is budgeting.

It would be nice to hear from some students how they break down their budget for uni, so I can perhaps fill in things I have forgotten.

I understand if this is too invasive into peoples finances, just would be cool for some help/ tips.

So far I have said that:

Food (per week) - £35

Social (per week, average) - £30

Rent (@£375 pcm for 9 months (first month is paid)) - £3375

Random expenses (year) - £500

Total of £6670

My maintenance loan and grant comes to £5508 (+ a £300 bursary hopefully from the uni), although I do have a job that the very very minimum I will ever earn is £20 per week (Longer daylight hours = more money, although I will probably look for another). So add an £860 minimum to my loan (£6368 per year). That leaves me £302 in the red.

It is likely that the remainder of that I can find. But what have I missed?

Help please :)

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Your total sounds about right. I know it'll vary a lot from person to person but that's almost exactly how much I spent in my first year.

I can't say that you've missed anything, just always expect to spend more than you have budgeted for.

Also, you may end up spending more on drink than you ever imagined possible, but that all depends. Cheaper if you're a lightweight I guess!

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You will be absolutely fine with them figures mate.

You've got quite a big budget, £30 for social + £35 food! Just remember to pre-sesh (although all the other people/fags call it "pre-drinks" gay as f**k lol) pre-sesh is an absolute must. Lots of cheap wine, vodka, cider, anything that is cheap, tastes like shit and high percentage of alcohol and you wont spend shit loads when out. Swhat we found at my halls anyway.

I deffo didn't spend £65 on food and luxury a week, no chance. Just depoends how much you eat though i guess.

Get decent deals at supermarkets, 3 for £5 etc. value food. PASTA¬!!!!!! thats the best as you can pretty much have it with bare cheese and it works and gives you lots of enegery apart from it tasting a bit like the underside of ghandis sandles lol.

I ended up saving shit loads by doing that and managed to buy me shit loads of bike parts, new galaxy S, my car, a new engine for it ! etc. im in a rush as ive gotta go out now but ive got a few more tips n that :)

phrase of.the day : shit loads lmao

Edited by dann2707
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i was living on just under £50 a week quite happily at uni, you won't/shouldn't be going out and rinsing £30 a week, the best thing you can do is get over the noveltly of being able to go out on a weekly basis... and cut it out, try and have a few spare hundred for the first week (or two) it will be fun and manic... i rarely went out, and had a fair abundance of cash...

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I generally get £70-£100 a week excluding rent.

Do what I do which isn't a bad idea, open 2 Natwest online accounts, one student (with an overdraft) and one normal holding acount. When you get your loan first of all get it all payed into your student account, each time you get it leave it there for a couple of days then transfer it all into your normal current account. (you have to do this now because Natwest have changed there T&C's for student acounts so you must pay in £750 every 3 months) Once you get you ammont in your account work out how many weeks you are doing at uni.

For example,

Loan £1300 - £100 (for christmas prezzies and socialising over christmas)

13 weeks at uni this semester (which is about right)

£1200 / 13 = £92.50

So then what you do is set up a standing over with yourself between your student and current account and pay yourself a standing order of £92.50 a week and set this as your budget a week. Get the overdraft facility on the sutdent account just in case you slightly over spend one week you wont get charged anything. SIMPLES

Oh yea and allow £400 for freshers + memberships haha

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Thats a bit more than what I spend on food per week, but about right. You will spend more than your loans and grant though, thats normal. Part time jobs during christmas and easter might help you get back to £0.00 though...

Don't forget your first year is your BEST. Don't skimp too much now because next year it will actually mean something and (depending on your degree) you should cut back on the booze...

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I beg to differ, my last year was the best for me. BUT this is only down to who I was living with. And in the 3rd year it was a house full of my mates; needless to say it was messy! =D

Well you've got a point, you could end up living with pricks for your first year :P But as first year doesnt count to your final degree its usually the one where everyone goes nuts!

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Really?! For the last 3 years I've turned a profit through Freshers' Week... :P

Yea easily - £160 annual gym, £30 football kits and intermural team, £50 on Maje, £35 tv licence, £24 semesters internet, £35 live subscription, £100 ped insurance. Freshers costs me about £450 before I leave the house haha

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£35 a week is to much for food, i buy nothing but veg and meat and that costs me less than £20 a week and with out blowing my own trumpet, id be surprised if you can eat better than i do, seeing as students are supposed to the culinary retards of this world, im doing pretty dam good.

My first year, i couldn't cook and i had no idea what budgeting was and i managed to rinse nearly 3000 in the first two months. dont get carried away its pretty easy

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Overbudget massively for everything. I was out for freshers and pre-freshers almost every night, maybe 10 nights out of the 14, and it cost me well over £500. All depends what you're into, I know plenty of students who only go out once a week.

If you're the kind of frugal, good at budgeting person that I used to be then you'll be fine. If you're a massive twat like me who can't say no to a night out, then you'll end up spending a total of £6-7k in 9 months purely on socialising, booze and fags. Starting to think it's not worth it. :P

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Overbudget massively for everything. I was out for freshers and pre-freshers almost every night, maybe 10 nights out of the 14, and it cost me well over £500. All depends what you're into, I know plenty of students who only go out once a week.

If you're the kind of frugal, good at budgeting person that I used to be then you'll be fine. If you're a massive twat like me who can't say no to a night out, then you'll end up spending a total of £6-7k in 9 months purely on socialising, booze and fags. Starting to think it's not worth it. :P

MMM hardcore muely baby ;)

Clicky clicky clicky

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Enjoy your first year, don't worry too much about a budget, get an overdraft, waste money, spend savings. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to do nothing and get away with it. My first year was unlike most people's first years at Uni, I made possibly the best friend I could have, and had the best time ever with one person. A 10x6 room plus a lot of green, a PS3, a huge film library = f**king winning.

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Yea easily - £160 annual gym, £30 football kits and intermural team, £50 on Maje, £35 tv licence, £24 semesters internet, £35 live subscription, £100 ped insurance. Freshers costs me about £450 before I leave the house haha

They're not really Freshers' Week expenses though on the most part. Buying shit at once might cost you that much, but actually getting through Freshers' Week and doing all the socials and shit hasn't even factored in there at all, which is what Max was on about.

Seriously, everyone who's saying you can't have the same amount of fun without spending so much much be a financial or social retard!

Through Freshers' I'm generally out for 12 nights of the first fortnight, sign up for shit etc and barely costs a thing.

My first year in Bristol I came home for the summer with remaining funds, as well as having built 2 bikes, taken a holiday to Bulgaria with the missus, been to a couple of festivals etc.

Definitely doable without spending stupid amounts.

If I remember correctly you're in Plymouth next year, Max? Where are you staying?

I'll hook you up with a few people you need to know and shit to get you going - once you're in the right sort of loop you've got it dialed (Y)

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Thanks for the advise guys! Don't get me wrong I'm well up for having fun, just don't want to blow my money in one go.

Luke, I'm studying Applied Geology. Need books and shit still too.

I'm actually living in a private house right next to the unite halls (technically it's an old ware house. Don't laugh, this place is mint!!!!!). I'll show you it in a few weeks :)

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Thanks for the advise guys! Don't get me wrong I'm well up for having fun, just don't want to blow my money in one go.

Luke, I'm studying Applied Geology. Need books and shit still too.

I'm actually living in a private house right next to the unite halls (technically it's an old ware house. Don't laugh, this place is mint!!!!!). I'll show you it in a few weeks :)

Wait 'til you're a couple of weeks into the course before buying any books. Unless you'll be doing most of a module from each one you may find it more straightforward (not to mention a f**kload cheaper) to use a copy from the library if it's only once in a while that you need it.

Which Unite halls are you near? The one by Copthorne (Discovery Heights) or near the big screen (Central Point)?

Private is the way to go, though for your second year have a decent hunt and get looking early to get best places/prices - if you fancy a 6 bed place just off North Hill let me know and I'll hook you up ;)

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Im back down Plymouth on Wednesday, we'll all have to go for drink/ride at some point :)

On the budgeting front, its stupidly cheap down there, can easily have a decent night out on under £20 aslong as you do pre-drinks and are fairly careful about what drinks you buy.

Poundabout on a Tuesday is always a good shout aswel, one pound pints for the win!

Edited by Rich Hill
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Luke, I'm studying Applied Geology. Need books and shit still too.

I bought 1 book new (in 2nd year, Foundations of engineering geology) and 4 second hand at the end of 1st year. Spent probably £60 in total.

I wouldn't bother going nuts with the books, the library has pretty much everything you need as long as you get in early after the lecturer has mentioned the book. I only bought the engineering book because it was cheap, concise and relevant. Look on the notice boards for 3rd years selling their books.

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Hi Rich, not sure if we have met yet. Will defo have to get out for a ride and a drink at some point.

Luke, it would be the one by Copthorne (Win?), the back entrance to the place is in the carpark just off of the big flower "Planter/trials obstical awesomeness".

And Nick, I have heard this, but thanks for the heads up. If you happen to have any books kicking around that you did happen to want rid of, id probably take them off your hands. Would more than likely save money on Amazon prices!

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the carpark just off of the big flower "Planter/trials obstical awesomeness"

Also known as "That shitty rectangular block" :P

I know the one you mean, cool stuff (Y)

Poundabout on a Tuesday is always a good shout aswel, one pound pints for the win!

If that's your game then there'll be somewhere doing a Pound a Pint night every day.

This year is was Brass Monkey Mondays, Poundabout, Ride, Mousetrap etc... Sorted.

The other way to do it is to know the staff ;)

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