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Ever Get Problems When Out Riding?


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Never been hassled... but then again i do my best to get away from folk. I work all week in a city, so last thing i want to do is ride in one. Further away from it all the better for me (Y) Same when i used to climb. I suppose i'm lucky though to have a van and be able to get away.

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It still is beyond me as to why anyone would be violent to a security guard? They are only doing their job, and unless you had permission expressed in the form of written consent, you have no right to stay there! It's their property not yours!

Come to Bristol and see how most security guards (if not all) act outside of your own little fantasy world, we have never once been treated aggressively by anyone. On second thoughts, please don't, you'll give trials riders a bad name!

Rant over


P.S. Had a huge crowd gathered around as riding by the fountains yesterday, everyone was appreciating the riding, taking pictures and in general being rather supportive of us!

Agreed about Bristol, never have trouble and generally they just want a chat.

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edinburgh has quite a mix, can often surprise you! lost count of the number of times the police have walked past, chatted, asked if 'im that guy on youtube' (hurray haha) etc etc...then moments later an angry random person will make a point of going out of their way to tell me how bad it is that im riding on things!

security guard wise, as has been mentioned - its completely how they are with you....most of the time they are decent and accept they are just doing thier job (one during filming of a clip on the companys bench said he would disappear for 5mins to let us finish! i did wave on cctv to say thanks)

others though come up in quite a rude manner and attempt to justify themselves by pointing out how dangerous im being to passers by (despite there often being noone or very few people around), at that point i will question them and what the issue is...its when they talk to you like an idiot who would be reckless around others/property without any reason that i take offence

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Random passers-by seem to be the main issue for me wherever I ride. In London security's sometimes an issue, but that seems to be mainly the City of London police dudes who are twats. Pretty much do everything they can to f**k you around. London was pretty much fine the whole time I lived there though, to be fair. If you rode the City Mon-Fri/9-5 you'd usually get grief, but most sketchy estates were OK for me.

When I was living in Newcastle I got the most grief from randomers. Still sort of fun looking back though. Riding from one pub to another drinking a rum and coke then suddenly getting swarmed by about 30 chavs who then tried throwing a bottle at my friend's head was an interesting one...

For anyone who comes up to me though, if they're sound to me I'll try and be sound to them. If they aren't, I won't be either. Seems fair enough to me.

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I got moved on by a security guard the other day at a gem of a place... I was gutted but he was polite and it's private property so what can you do? There isn't an argument if it's private property really. I would be the first to get annoyed if someone started playing the sport of choice in my front garden then being met with abuse when told to go away.

All that Pugson and alike are doing is giving the sport/riders a bad name... Well done, just what a niche sport needs!!!

Edited by kaybs41282
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I have ridden for nearly ten years now and I think once had an old lady tell me she pays tax not for the wall to be hopped on and kept walking. I ride city centre of London a lot and have never come across an aggressive or abrupt security, they have always been fairly polite. My personal opinion are most of them become abrupt when people can clearly see them walking towards them look at them and just keep riding. At the end of the day it is there Job to keep the building areas safe for public and visitors so if you are hopping up down and on walking spaces for an outsider away from the sport it isn't going to look or be safe, I am sure at some point all of us have come close to a pedestrian we have not seen. You can blame the influx of claim firms for a lot of it as most companies don't want you on there property as if you fall of break your back and what they have in place to stop you fails you will have a case to sue through one of these ridiculous capitalist firms that are purely out to help ruin the economy even further.

Point being never never had trouble in ten years a common scenario was earlier today on a companies building and security politely came over I stopped as I saw him coming and he said can you not ride at this time, its quiet round here after 7 or on sundays come back then, numerous police cars in london as usual and bobbies walking round and not one of them gave me any issue as I was being considerate of people around me and not acting like a douche.......

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I love Glasgow for the reason as long as your smart and dont give abuse back to the "neds" (aka chavs)you wont end up with a knife in you. As for the police I have been stopped on a number of occassions and for the most part has been a "come on guys that is amazing what your doing but can you just find a spot thats out the way of passers by" which is fair play. Another time a riot van pulled over next to a wall I had just went up I was summond over with my tale between my legs expecting an ear full and the WPC asked me if i could go up it again as she missed it the first time. Kinda changed my stereotype of the police.

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1) If im riding something thats practically closed on a Sunday and a jobsworth security guard comes down and starts giving it " come on lads, now its not my decision but...." (and you know what comes next), they could use some discretion, decide its quiet and let it slide, but no, its always turn up with the heavys just for the sake of enforcing.

2) Also if your never allowed to ride there why does it matter if theyve labeled you? u cant ride there! What would they do if 20 of you all just carried on riding ignoring them, start manhandling people? i think not!!

3) Also i cant remember any security guards being polite and respectful, more like abrupt and abrasive!

1) Normally, it's not their decision, most of them wouldn't want to bother coming down just to ask some guys on bikes to leave the premisis, it's their supervisors choice due to health and safety, insurance and the fact that you are trespassing (normally anyway, uni's, hospitals, ect).

We have had a couple in Notts uni come up to us, watch what we were doing and then say that they wouldn't be back round for another hour or so, which i thought was pretty decent of them, seeing as they could potentially get a diciplinary for it.

2) We all ride in places we're not ment to ride, sometimes a few times in the day. If they start to recognise you, they'll tighten up on security there, ruining it for yourself and others that want to have a play.

Ever tried it? Been on some pretty big rides and still end up being moved on, usually due people showing respect towards the security/police, but also due to the fact that they won't give up, why would they? It's not your property and it's their job to keep you off it, they dont perform, they get sacked.

3) I think that this is probably, from the sounds of things, because you play up to most that move you on.

Cant say that this is bollocks though, the ones at reading uni are complete wankers, missing a parked bike by liturally millimeters when showing up their cars, chasing you out of the woods with quad bikes, grabbing peoples helmets and dragging them away, you want to have a go at some security gaurds, go there!

BUT at the same time, the beter majority are nice guys, just doing thier job.

Sorry for the long post, wanted to get it out there :).



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Oh dude, that's not politically correct these days. They are all "Police Officers" lol

Learn something new every day. she was pretty hot for a "police officer" you would think phones these days would have auto correct for un pc comments

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I can't remember the last time I didn't get hassled when out on my bike. I am the only trials rider in my town and a lot of people give the usual wide comments, probably because I'm the odd one out really. I've had stuff thrown at me to try and knock me off, people shouting out offensive comments and even some attacking me. It's so bad I barely go out on my trial bike anymore.

Last time I was out some teenage kid threw at bottle that hit me when I was pushing the bike home and then him and his 4 mates tried to steal my bike from me, that was on a Tuesday night about 2 months ago. All of the above totally unprovoked. I am one of those people who will ignore provocation as much as possible to keep the peace and will not consciously bother anyone.

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I've never seen the need to get angry at security guards. In Milton Keynes there's one that has kicked us off this one spot so many times that he's gotten to know us! He's always been polite, as we are back. Now he'll stand around and have a chat with us, and we can't get rid of him sometimes!

Getting all angry and arguing with them to me, reminds me of when a parent is trying to pull their child away from the park, and they're screaming and throwing a tantrum because they don't want to leave.

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I've never seen the need to get angry at security guards. In Milton Keynes there's one that has kicked us off this one spot so many times that he's gotten to know us! He's always been polite, as we are back. Now he'll stand around and have a chat with us, and we can't get rid of him sometimes!

Getting all angry and arguing with them to me, reminds me of when a parent is trying to pull their child away from the park, and they're screaming and throwing a tantrum because they don't want to leave.

Man speaks the truth;


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Maybe they know they can do shit without you retaliating? Next time someone assaults you dont take it like a bitch, do something about it.

I never said i couldn't defend myself, i was trying to get across that people around here will start stuff without provocation. i am not the only one who gets this off them, the whole biking scene is pretty much dead now here because these a..holes want to wreck the riding spots and assault everyone who isn't inbred :ermm:.

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End of the day we all know people can be cocks when we ride on their turf, whenever the time. It's just we have to be the bigger people and not be cocks back. It makes us look like the rest of the scallywags when we gob back. This isn't a dig at anyone, more like gentle advice.

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Get fed up of some twats, all the police saying to ride the skate park which has a "no cycling" sign. They're trying to give us £30 fines everytime they see us. Just pathetic really, because we're in a public place at night time even so. It's not so bad in the city really, but small towns they're mad over it.

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