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Shut up you bunch of knobbers. Granted, it didn't need a thread, but you don't sound clever or funny. Just a kid being happy to have learned something, whether he needs to be proclaiming that on a forum or not is besides the point.

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Shut up you bunch of knobbers. Granted, it didn't need a thread, but you don't sound clever or funny. Just a kid being happy to have learned something, whether he needs to be proclaiming that on a forum or not is besides the point.

fair point, i was also very proud when i first landed a sidehop.

sorry for being a dick :closedeyes:

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  • 2 months later...

My post actually wasn´t based on what you said,but on the massive bump you did without even saying something new or usefull.

Why is it on every forum I use people are so bloody anal about "necroposts" , we've all done it at some point by accident . Get over it , it's a forum ...for talking and sharing ideas , who gives a damn when they post it?

*Also , what did you expect? You can't really add much onto it ...*

Edited by the mysterious leemur
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Why is it on every forum I use people are so bloody anal about "necroposts" , we've all done it at some point by accident . Get over it , it's a forum ...for talking and sharing ideas , who gives a damn when they post it?

*Also , what did you expect? You can't really add much onto it ...*

If you can´t add much to it don´t add anything?It´s annoying,that´s why a lot of people are "bloody anal" about it, also few guys here tend to do it much more often than others.

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