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The Happy Thread

Duncy H

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Just makes me laugh how you can make such an immense cock up like that, they did the same a few months back when they ordered about 80 20ft sleepers which all turned out to be made from the wrong type of wood.

These will probably ened up sat where they are next to the track for months and months until they can find a use for them.

Offer them a £20 and build a bitching home trials course?


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Tomorrow I have the pleasure of telling Costa Coffee where they can shove their job :D. So f**king happy! As of the 23rd of June i shall be an employee of the post office, more money, better hours and i won't be working with complete and utter ©unt's!


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Also finally managed to get hold of my solicitor who admitted he's been useless on my claim (when I broke my ankle) and will sort me an official update as an urgent matter. Still no sign of getting and money back but it's better than nothing.

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Also finally managed to get hold of my solicitor who admitted he's been useless on my claim (when I broke my ankle) and will sort me an official update as an urgent matter. Still no sign of getting and money back but it's better than nothing.

thought you fell off your bike??
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Kind of late but went to Swinley Forest a few days ago which was the first time I've really gotten to do some stuff I want to do with my knee recovering. Got a bit carried away but overtaking the middle aged guys with their downhill bikes on the way down on my six year old hardtail gave me a lasting feeling of triumph.

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I'm confused as to why/what you're claiming for?

Broke my ankle trying to get to work in the snow as I couldn't get a lift like usual as one of the managers had a crash the night before in one of the company pickups. Needless to say when I didn't make it in (literally half a mile off) they used the pickup anyway to go and open up the box so as to get some snowploughs out on the track. The pickup which was deemed undriveable then made about another 5 trips over the week before going in for repair.

Due to this I was off work for nearly 4 months and £3500 out of pocket, not including the credit card interest I racked up having to use it to pay bills as I was so skint.

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Not claiming against work as the solicitor said I could have slipped stepping out the pickup and broke my ankle so he put a claim in against the council not clearing the road, especially with it being a main bus route.

I only claimed as my manager (who is the union rep and the one who had the accident) told me the union would sort me out and I'd get my lost wages back. It is actually in our contracts that if we are unable to make the journey the mobile ops managers will arrange transport, that is part of their job.

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Not claiming against work as the solicitor said I could have slipped stepping out the pickup and broke my ankle so he put a claim in against the council not clearing the road, especially with it being a main bus route.

I only claimed as my manager (who is the union rep and the one who had the accident) told me the union would sort me out and I'd get my lost wages back. It is actually in our contracts that if we are unable to make the journey the mobile ops managers will arrange transport, that is part of their job.


So basically it was your decision to make the trip. Surely you should have been able to see the conditions outside so you should have made the decision not to risk the trip to work?

This isn't a shot at you Dave; but this is where society is messed up - claiming all that they can as they think that they are the victim.

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No I can see your point, however I set out expecting to make it to work without a problem. It wasn't snowing when I set off and if I hadn't gone in not only would I have lost about £350 in wages for the day that would have come with a severe bollocking. The basic understanding was not to rush, I didn't need to get there for 6am, just make my way at a reasonable time so as to get the ploughs out on the mainline to clear the tracks. I had made it through 8-9ft drifts and was literally just around the corner from work when I slipped on the ice and just went over badly on my ankle. I'm fully against the whole claim culture of our country but at the end of the day I had to get to work, just cause we get a bit of bad weather the world doesn't stop running.

I find it hard enough for what I write to make sense at the best of times and I can't get the words right to make it not sound like I'm just a big draining b*****d! :S

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