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Should The Burka Be Banned In The Uk?


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So in English we're doing a persuasive essay, subject I chose to do is should the Burka be banned in the UK? So I was wondering what are all your opninions on the subject and why? Also if anyone has any links to some good articles on the subject that'd be much appreciated.

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no, unless they continue to use religion as an excuse to flout the law. it's inappropriate for me to walk around with a ski mask on, unless i start a religion that specifys i do so. this country is too soft when it comes to religion, its embarrasing.

I saw a woman wearing a burka in a swimming pool before.

i hope you laughed really loud, i would have.

Edited by trials hoe
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it's inappropriate for me to walk around with a ski mask on

Since when? It's a free country, you can wear whatever you like. that's kind of the point, it's a democracy. Who the f**k are you to say why I shouldn't wear a face covering scarf? If I believe it's important to me, then I'm going to do it.

This country isn't soft on religion at all, it's simple accommodating to people, whether they're religious, fat, stupid or short.

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There was a british man who studied the koran and found out that the burka is not even part of the religion.

Society here is f*cked up. Its a bit unfair that you can't go into some shops with a full face helmet, hats or hoods on. Yet it is ok for them to walk around hiding there identity in public places.

If you ever need a reliable honest source you can always reference this in your assignment.

Edited by Andeee
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Since when? It's a free country, you can wear whatever you like. that's kind of the point, it's a democracy. Who the f**k are you to say why I shouldn't wear a face covering scarf? If I believe it's important to me, then I'm going to do it.

This country isn't soft on religion at all, it's simple accommodating to people, whether they're religious, fat, stupid or short.

put a ski mask on and walk around town when it's busy and see what happens, you will be told to remove it or be arrested.

being that this wouldn't happen if you had a burka on. that says to me government/law treats people different down to their religious belief, this is inequality not accommodation. you have to ask yourself would you be treated with the same leniency in country's faithful to the qu'ran? i suspect the last thing you would hear would be allahu akbar!

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put a ski mask on and walk around town when it's busy and see what happens, you will be told to remove it or be arrested.

being that this wouldn't happen if you had a burka on. that says to me government/law treats people different down to their religious belief, this is inequality not accommodation. you have to ask yourself would you be treated with the same leniency in country's faithful to the qu'ran? i suspect the last thing you would hear would be allahu akbar!

No you won't, at all. A copper may well ask you why you're wearing it, but they cannot arrest you for it. You have to break the law, aid the law being broken, or witness the law being broken to be arrested or required to do anything by a copper. You don't even need to tell them your name if you don't want to unless they suspect you of anything.

What about halloween? Or any night out actually in fancy dress? Or people wearing costumes to blag money for charity? Wearing aviators whilst also sporting a big beard and long hair?

Other countries are irrelevant, as they have their own laws and as this is a religious thing, not a race thing, the only country that matters is this one.

The Burka should be banned as it like wearing a motorcycle helmet everywhere you go.I feel they should wear a head scarf like this instead so people can still see their face ect as thing need to adapt to modern civilization. .

Since when has wearing a motorbike helmet been banned everywhere? It's not at all, you just have to remove it in certain places, where your face/identity matters. That's what most replies in here have said already about the burka, that it should be legally required to be removed when your identity needs to be established.

If you ever need a reliable honest source you can always reference this in your assignment.


Are you joking? That just some biggoted wanker ranting away on youtube, he's not even slightly reliable. He didn't reference a single one of his statements.

Edited by Muel
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I think i explained it wrong, i never meant a motor cycle helmet was banned but people would not like it and would ask you to remove it but this is not the case for a burka and i feel that is unfair.

There are also other points against them other than the aesthetics ect -



There are other ones i would have like to link but i cant seem to find them.

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No you won't, at all. A copper may well ask you why you're wearing it, but they cannot arrest you for it. You have to break the law, aid the law being broken, or witness the law being broken to be arrested or required to do anything by a copper. You don't even need to tell them your name if you don't want to unless they suspect you of anything.

What about halloween? Or any night out actually in fancy dress? Or people wearing costumes to blag money for charity? Wearing aviators whilst also sporting a big beard and long hair?

Other countries are irrelevant, as they have their own laws and as this is a religious thing, not a race thing, the only country that matters is this one.

you would, refusal to remove it without good reason for not doing so would give a copper grounds to arrest you under the public order act (using their own discretion to do so).

i'm not sure comparing a burka to any of those is a good argument, the circumstances for wearing one is completely different.

other countries are also relevant as that's where the burka has its origins, my issue is with the inequality religious belief brings not with a garment of clothing (yet this is exacerbated by the burka) and i said nothing of race.

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Saying you should have to do something because your/any religion says so is an unbelievable, archaic practice, reminiscent of the medieval times. I can't stand religion, it's just used as another media to control people. I personally have no problem with people with faith, or if they chose to believe - it's their choice at the end of the day.


Burka's are ridiculous purely because of the fact that there is a social injustice, I can't walk around with a hoody on without being told to take it down and that only covers my hair, and like many other people have said, you also can't walk around with a full face helmet, ski mask or scarf and hood.

I think for this reason, the Burka should be banned, just like I also think that the Gurka's shouldn't be allowed to carry their knives in public, anyone else in England caught with a knife would be arrested indefinitely unless they provided a proper explanation for having done so.

It's this kind of social injustice that leads to hatred, fear and segregation.

If you think I am wrong fair enough, but what about if I started a religion that said I had to carry around a gun and conceal my face... there would certainly be hatred and fear then.

Personally, this is why I hate religion and that's probably why I also hate the burka's.

Not to mention that they are derogatory to women.

EDIT: In answer to the original question, they should be banned from being worn in public places in the UK, but not so in your own homes or places of worship.

Edited by showurcolours
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To all the people bleating on about not being able to "just go round wearing a full face helmet" or being asked to not do so, isn't that because you have no reason to? There's a centuries long tradition of wearing burkas and it's clearly because it's linked to a form of religion. As a result, those women have a reason for wearing it. You may not agree with that reason but that doesn't mean shit. I'm pretty sure people don't agree with us riding trials (oh wait, I don't :rolleyes:) and there are laws that we break every time we ride but we still do.

If you're trying to persuade people with your essay people shouldn't be allowed to wear a burka and then relate that to people not being allowed to wear hoodies, you're going down a pretty weak path. Wearing a hoody is synonymous with people causing trouble which is why they're banned/you have to take your hood down when you go in somewhere. Again, what reason would you have to wear it up unless you're trying to conceal your identity? If you're wearing a burka it's clearly for religious reasons rather than being able to go and potentially break any laws. No doubt you could wear it because you wanted to conceal your identity, but if you look at the percentages of people who wear full face helmets or hoodies whilst breaking laws compared to the amount of people wearing burkas, I'd imagine it'd be pretty clear what people generally chose to wear.

People being allowed to wear burkas isn't us "being too soft on religion" - what does it have to do with you? Absolutely nothing. How many people do you even see wearing them on a day to day basis (and I mean in the sense that they're almost fully covering their face rather than the seemingly more common version that still shows the majority of their face)? Even if you do see people wearing them, how many of them are likely to be giving you any reason that they shouldn't be allowed to wear it? You not being able to do certain things because they happen to have criminal connotations doesn't have anything to do with whether someone's allowed to practise their religion in a way they see fit. Instead of having a go at women who choose to cover themselves, why not have a go at the ACTUAL problem which are the dickheads who are making trouble and causing shops to have to implement "No hoodies" rules? Those people are the problem rather than the few Muslim women who are going to be wearing a burka that fully conceals their identity.

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In amongst all this discussion, has anyone talked about why the Burka exists and why women started wearing them?

Im sure that would be a v.relevant opening few paragraphs to any essay but also give more meaning to the arguement as to whether and why they wear them.

As far as I know, its to reserve the looks of the women for only her Husband.

Anyone got any other ideas on this?

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