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I think I should go onto a New-Zeland based forum and start posting about how hard life is, because there's no mountains near by to do my hobbies, and the waves here aren't as good, and it's colder here, and lands expencive etc...

Oh wait, what would that achieve?

CriminalRider, the point you keep trying to dig up is that quality of life in England is generally better than in Russia. The fact is, that may be so in some cases, but you could have it a LOT worse than you do, and a large portion of the world does, the difference is they're out there making the most of what they do have, rather than sat on the internet moaning about what they don't. A well off person in Russia will have a better life than a poor person in England does, so it's not like you're stuck in a completely hopeless situation like a massive proportion of the world population is.

Most of this forum have been lucky enough to be born into a world that it's relatively easy to stay comfortable in, and very much possible to prosper in with some effort. I'd like to think most of us appreciate that fact and enjoy our lives for what they are. It's not like we're ramming it down your throat or trying to convince you that everything's fine in Russia, so I'm not sure why you're constantly moaning to us about it. I'm sorry to hear you've not been lucky in the same way, but you've just got to think positively and be grateful for what you do have.

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It seems that 2013 summer was the last in russia(shot today), I'm going to live in UK, at least it haz summer.

Out of interest, why the UK? Out of the 189+ countries in the world, what makes it the UK that's the most appealing?

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