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Nice bike! Mmmmmmm

Shame about the tool further up the thread trying to make a racist gag out of it.

Just f**k off. Please.

Why is that all the people NOT from England seem to make a massive problem on here? It's like you try to find something wrong in everyone's posts

I thought the same Jake lol

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Just f**k off. Please.

Why is that all the people NOT from England seem to make a massive problem on here? It's like you try to find something wrong in everyone's posts

I thought the same Jake lol

I'm with vivian on this you two are just filthy racists and should be ashamed of yourself

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Just f**k off. Please.

Why is that all the people NOT from England seem to make a massive problem on here? It's like you try to find something wrong in everyone's posts

I thought the same Jake lol

Why should he f**k off for pointing out a racist comment? He did it in a pretty dignified manner as well so what's your problem?

You have a go at him for not supporting racism, and then you yourself back that up with a racist/xenophobic remark of your own. Now all joking aside (considering our past exchanges) you f**k off! Don't make generalisations about people who aren't from the UK because it's ignorant beyond belief, and certainly don't f**king defend people who are making bullshit stereotypical remarks about black people based on Americas skewed opinion of them (you know, on account of the whole watermelon thing not really working here…I'm surprised he didn't add 'grape juice' for comic effect).

You're a f**king idiot Dann and I hope you take that on board being that I'm white and from the UK so hopefully you'll deem me entitled to that opinion.

Bike looks good however!

Edited by Matthew62
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I'm not rising to it. I'll ignore him if I want to :)

It's not a rise, nor do I expect a response. I'm telling you that being racist isn't acceptable and I don't want to hear (or see) it. Simply, it's not okay, and condemning people from outside our very small island is exceptionally ignorant so I'm highlighting that for you, so that you won't do it again.

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Why should he f**k off for pointing out a racist comment? He did it in a pretty dignified manner as well so what's your problem?

You have a go at him for not supporting racism, and then you yourself back that up with a racist/xenophobic remark of your own. Now all joking aside (considering our past exchanges) you f**k off! Don't make generalisations about people who aren't from the UK because it's ignorant beyond belief, and certainly don't f**king defend people who are making bullshit stereotypical remarks about black people based on Americas skewed opinion of them (you know, on account of the whole watermelon thing not really working hereI'm surprised he didn't add 'grape juice' for comic effect).

You're a f**king idiot Dann and I hope you take that on board being that I'm white and from the UK so hopefully you'll deem me entitled to that opinion.

Bike looks good however!

Dan was telling the foreigner to f**k off because it was quite obviously a very light hearted joke that only people who seem to struggle to enjoy a bit of banter fail to understand. And all Dan said was he thought the same as me, and you're calling him out for being racist also.

Now I've never met you, but I'd happily talk about this with you in person. But I am a very light hearted person and a massive idiot at the best of times, which many forum users have embraced. I sense you're the serious type of person who would probably never get on with me- which is why I've avoided you on this forum and I'm sure you're a lovely guy but I'm not the argumentive type.

Daniel however most likely said f**k off in a manner where he quite obviously saw the joke, and I'd be surprised if he genuinely meant it in an offensive way, I read it as "sigh not this again, please just f**k off". Also I'm pretty sure he would have said it to anyone regardless of their nationality, and it seems you've just used this as an excuse to call him an idiot.

I'm only defending him because he hasn't said anything back, which is most likely due to some sort of issue you have with him which is fair enough, I have issues with a lot of people but I don't voice my opinion publicly because I don't want this forum to be full of essay long arguments and replies.

Ultimately what I'm trying to say here is that it's a light hearted joke at the end of the day, which you've taken too far- which I'm not surprised about to say the least because I don't see you comment often unless someone is doing something wrong...

But yeah just lighten up people and eat your f**king chicken.

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