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How Many Friends Have You Made


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Shitloads. Masses and masses. Was trying to explain to my sister how cool the whole community shizzle is and how far it's taken me and so on. She said she bought her first car for the amount I've spent all in on my T-Pro as it is, and I was trying to point out how it kept me fit, didn't rape the environment, was good fun, but mostly how I'd met so many awesome people from it.

Seriously, there are people on the forum who I might not get along with, but you generally do "in real life". Everyone's sound when they're riding, it's really good. Comps especially - thought it'd be all quiet and elitist and so on, but everyone just has a laugh and there's loads of friendly banter going on.

It's really good though. Some of my favouritest friends are people from here who I speak to on MSN or just on here - there's a lot of nice people about, 'specially to people who've let me stay at their houses/ask them questions/sold me stuff/bought stuff off me :blink:


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I met my 3 best mates through riding, haven't made any friends on here yet, mainly because I haven't attended any rides and tend not to use MSN or anything (Y)

EDIT: @Mark: Just noticed you joined 3 days after me... that's quite weird... how close is that considering there's 365 days in a year, and this place has been going a good 4 (?) years... hmm random...

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From the forum i've riden with

Sam (fish wog)

Jack barnes

and who ever else was ridin with them that day





And im sorri if i've missed any of you out, ive prob seen quite a few of you around london thou.

But i made loads of friends cause of the forum.

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f**k me. I would be one self cutting depressed psychopath if it wasn't for this place (Y)

Must of met around 40/50 people altogether. Good friends with a good 10/20 of them. Im sure i will meet many more.

I also won't go in to how many people have me on their msn list. (Y)

So yeah, trials-forum made me basically :huh:

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f**k me. I would be one self cutting depressed psychopath if it wasn't for this place (Y)

Must of met around 40/50 people altogether. Good friends with a good 10/20 of them. Im sure i will meet many more.

I also won't go in to how many people have me on their msn list.  (Y)

So yeah, trials-forum made me basically :huh:

My msn list is full.

Not sure who 75% of them are but I know about 95% of all my contacts have something to do with mountain biking in general.

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It works the other way too. Since tf started ive met so many great people heres a list of some of them (Y) And thats just the seniors and mods ive met. And every single one of them have been a grade A geeza (Y)



Lewis Poyntontrials.com





Ali C







Jimbo Limbo (Trials Chimp)








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I've met loads of people through this forum. Without it i'd be lacking a fair few people to ride with. When i went to uni i put a post up and found the guys i ride with now, same when i went home again. The trials wknd in llandudno was cool in that i could put faces to all these names i know on here. so cheers tom and danny (Y)


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I've met a fair few people who are on TF rather than the other way around i think.

Met Craig Scott and Corish on here.

Dannie, Ricardo, Chris Walker, Black Luke, Danny hall, Andy Amos ( i think he's on here! )

And more but i can't remember, (Y)

It's too late, need sleep (Y)

Oh yeah and Tom from Huddersfield (quality guy :huh: (but he's a southener (Y))) Calops, Rich_84 the dick :S, Neil Tunnicliffe, etc

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Riders that are actually proper friends now (or were anyway) :








Chris G

Craig Lee Scott



Phil again,





Will edit: (reason is because the pc over heats and it is almost there now)

Now for the people I dont have as a proper (see often) friend, just either someone I met or someone I met and still talk to over the internet :

Nick Carter,

Chris Walker,

Tom <--- Amazing guy!! :huh: (trials_tom_22) or something,

Nick Oli,

Andrew Chai,

Dan Brisa, (nicks friend),

Michael Hardman,

Jack Barnes,

This kid on a new zoo with an afro, forgot his name, cool guy (Y),

Chris Bingley,



Liam Munn He's a great guy! awesome rider too especially how long he has been riding (Y),




Danny Foster

Neil Tunnicliffe

Ben S (not savage or slinger)

And shit loads more that I either don't know the name of or forgotton for the moment.

Edited by Corish
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I reckon it must be getting on for 100 people, on various rides/comps/piss-ups. And I think I met one person who annoyed me. No names obviously, but out of 100 people, that's not bad (Normally about 1 in 2 people really piss me off (Y) ).

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iv met a few


leo :blink:"


tom (from hudds now )

ben s


neil tunnicliffe




chris walker

argg to list may go on, iv just forgotten

i talk to loads of riders on msn though, i seriously dont know who im talkin to any more haha :huh: only the normal peeps who talk :ermm:"

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I met the couts in london a year or so back, onl saw them bump the southbank wall and that was it they f**ked off

Haha, London's crap to ride when its pissing it down though?

Anyway, yeah, I've met a LOT of people (Y) Including lots of MSN stalkers (Y) Too many to count really...

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I've met a lot of people through trials and TF..

I can't think of any other sport that has a "community" like trials does.. Everyone just gets on with anyone else who is a trials rider!

Riders like Leon and Lloyd are some of my best mates, even if we stopped riding we'd still go out and stuff.. get me!

It's all good!


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i have not really made too many mates through tf, but i live in aberdeen so its a tad different because im so far away from normality.

met tarty and others from nottingham area when was down there earlier this month, everyone seemed super cool and were good to ride with, know all the hull people on here as thats were i am from they are all pretty cool,

may have to meet up with a few people from the other scottish cities,




have quite a list of msn'ers most of which i think i piss off or have bought/sold shit to/from




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