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I was just sat watching the opening of the iwnter olypmpics, when i thought to myself. how cool would it be ot have biketrial as an olympic sport?

it would work so well! and it would be an awesome way to get some press on the sport too!

does anyone else know if it has been tried and im being dumb? or weather they agree?



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In terms of the winter olympics, do any of you know anybody who professionally does skeleton runs? (or whatever its called, sliding down a bob sleigh track on a tea tray) I think trials is more popular than that :S

lol, but I don't think this is going to happen. I mean its theoretically possible to have events like high jump/long jump but I don't know if the olympic officials will see it this way.... :(

Would be ace if it was though (Y):D :D

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Yeah it does sound like a good idea but....

I dont like the idea of it becoming a "common" sport. I like that we all kind of belong to a group who understand the sport and each other, its a bit special. Whereas if it became an olympic there is a chance it will turn into a sport where every tom dick and harry has a trials bike and most of them will be sh*t, and it will take focus off what a specialist sport it is..... Anyone else argee?

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and the fact that the majority of the time when u see them riding they never really manage to land anything, they just spin the board and jump out the way. Unless they are actual alright at it :ermm: .

I would like to see biketrials as an olympic sport, it would be amazing to watch it live on the tele.

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In terms of the winter olympics, do any of you know anybody who professionally does skeleton runs? (or whatever its called, sliding down a bob sleigh track on a tea tray) I think trials is more popular than that :S

thats popular in other countries though that have bob sleigh tracks...which is why you don't think its popular as you are from the uk where the most snow we get is 2 inches!

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I dont like the idea of it becoming a "common" sport. I like that we all kind of belong to a group who understand the sport and each other, its a bit special. Whereas if it became an olympic there is a chance it will turn into a sport where every tom dick and harry has a trials bike and most of them will be sh*t, and it will take focus off what a specialist sport it is..... Anyone else argee?

I think you overestimate the appeal of most olympic sports, lots of them (curling for example) are obscure and have kept the community feel to them, despite being recognised as olympic sports.

I'm think I'm right in saying that a sport has to have a nationally recognised organising body that oversees rules, competitions and drugs testing procedures (yes thats right, in order to become an olympic sport drugs testing has to be an integral part of a sports competition).


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Loosely related to olympics why aren't there any trials specific "olympics" (not really related to the proper olympics but its easy to think of them this way

I mean have different events such as high jump, long jump, and a 1000m sprint!!!! :lol: I'd love to see that lol

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Yeah it does sound like a good idea but....

I dont like the idea of it becoming a "common" sport. I like that we all kind of belong to a group who understand the sport and each other, its a bit special. Whereas if it became an olympic there is a chance it will turn into a sport where every tom dick and harry has a trials bike and most of them will be sh*t, and it will take focus off what a specialist sport it is..... Anyone else argee?

too true we are a small community ATM, loads of chav's now have trials bikes due to our influence.

now loads of chavs have lil missions and it piss's me off, like get off MY spot and stop walking up things on your bikes lol

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I recon that trials would pick up preety fast if it was made mor epublic...

Wih regards to the sheleton bobseldding, I think the reason its not very popular is because of its accessability to the comunity, Its alot harder to find a track for them, Where as now adays kiddies can go to supercycles, tartybike, local bike shop if they stock trials bikes with £250 in there pocket...and walk off with a trials ready bike.


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In terms of the winter olympics, do any of you know anybody who professionally does skeleton runs? (or whatever its called, sliding down a bob sleigh track on a tea tray) I think trials is more popular than that :S

lol, but I don't think this is going to happen. I mean its theoretically possible to have events like high jump/long jump but I don't know if the olympic officials will see it this way.... :(

Would be ace if it was though (Y):D :D

I think trials would be pretty easy to adapt to be an Olympic event, for the comp element it would be dead easy. Street would take a fair bit more effort though :blink:

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I don't see why it wouldn't make a decent olympic sport. XC happened at the athens games and trials is just another form of mountain biking. Comp trials has a decent set of rules and I think I'm right in saying there's drug testing etc going on anyway.

The impression i get (and i know bugger all so please correct me if wrong) is that most of the trials governing bodies don't have a lot of money to throw around for promotion of the sport - and without the bigger companies chucking some funds in they aren't going to be able to get a decent bid together.

The bigger companies probably arent going to be all that interested in putting all their money into an olympic bid because they won't be allowed to write their names on everything or send their pro riders to compete (because the olympic comittee doesn't like corporate sponsorship or allow professional athletes to compete)

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