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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Even you should get this, Kris, drink is legal, drugs aren't.

I do get it, she's under age for alcohol and illegal drugs are illegal. It's not legal'ish in any way shape or form as has been said. But thanks for the underlying insult regarding my level of intelligence, means a lot when you use too many commas in the wrong places to put the point across :P

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My gf, definitely likes to have enough drink to get pretty drunk, but is sensible about it and has only ever been sick once i think from it, but i'm fine with that cos it's legalish... She also has tried disco biscuits more than once, and we went out last night and pretty early on through the night she had one again and i was like oh my god why would you do that? It was just me and her all night, so it could have been nice, the music was good enough and we had some drink before we went in so i thought it was just unnecessary. I was pretty angry with her and showed it, and basically explained to her that i was just looking out for her and that i didn't want anything to happen to her. I'm hoping she won't do it again but i dunno what to do if she does. She 'promised' that she wouldn't again but it's kind of a 1 wont hurt thing i think so i reckon she'll do it again...

Mate, your getting into the rave scene. Get used to pills, k an whatever else flying around wherever you are, whoever you meet.

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But i don't want my gf on it...

Then get a bird who's not a rave head. I wouldn't feel manly enough going out to a girl who raves more than me either :P

Or just get used to it, like you said yourself she's not massively on it an it's really not that bad.

Edited by Max Quinn
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Slight side note, she's going away at xmas for 2 weeks, i'm not even coping with her going away till sat (she's just got on the plane!) this is bad to love someone so much.

Looks like you're becoming dependent on someone - sounds like a recipe for misery to me, or perhaps I'm just too much of cynical jaded bast'rd. And you 'love' her?! Jeez...

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Whereas to get pills you have to meet a 28 year old heroin addict...

somewhat of an exageration :giggle:

I'd be careful about the whole attachment which isn't really love but more a thing in its own right. Not a particularly healthy thing either. But at the same time it's pretty much what happens to everyone to a greater or lesser extent.

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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I have some trouble :o

My gf, definitely likes to have enough drink to get pretty drunk, but is sensible about it and has only ever been sick once i think from it, but i'm fine with that cos it's legalish... She also has tried disco biscuits more than once, and we went out last night and pretty early on through the night she had one again and i was like oh my god why would you do that? It was just me and her all night, so it could have been nice, the music was good enough and we had some drink before we went in so i thought it was just unnecessary. I was pretty angry with her and showed it, and basically explained to her that i was just looking out for her and that i didn't want anything to happen to her. I'm hoping she won't do it again but i dunno what to do if she does. She 'promised' that she wouldn't again but it's kind of a 1 wont hurt thing i think so i reckon she'll do it again...

I dunno what to do, try and control her for the better of herself, or just let her do it? She also got some cigarettes off her mate and seemed to be a smoker rather than she'll have a toke if shes at a party outside, but the thing is, kissing a smoker is horrible, which is mainly why i feel i should control her out of it, cos it's a bad habit, expensive and we're in a relationship, we're gonna be kissing, and it's unpleasant to do it if she's been smoking but pills don't make much difference. I don't wanna lose her by being controlling, nor do i wanna lose her to the things she does so it's a bit tricky.

Definitely didn't want to go near her when we got home because i feel like people are different people all together when they're on drugs.

So yeah, control or not control?

Glen, This needs nipping in the bud, its going to end up ruining her life...

anyway enough about her relationship with you,drugs dont change the person she is, shes still silvia, she still for some mad reason(possibly the drugs) appears to be attracted to you, shed tried pills before she met you, shell try them again, thats life. You drink, spend too much on bikes, enjoy the odd bit of weed, We've all got our vices, apart from being dirty, unknown drugs, pills are far from the worst drugs for her to be taking.

just let it go.

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Saw her a few hours ago at her home. Bought her some flowers to ease into the whole thing. She said she wasn't ready to talk to me and asked me to talk instead, told her that I think we should give it another try and then decide because I just don't know what we should do in the current situation. She said she doesn't think it's a good idea and at the end she said that she wants to split up but it's too difficult for her and she needs more time to think things over. It was so hard for us to say we have to go our separate ways, we just stood there hugging each other and crying.

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somewhat of an exageration :giggle:

Well the place my friend brought them from in bulk, was a council estate appartment, which had had the door kicked off a few times by police and they were pretty well all armed inside, him who shotted E was a 18 year old who took drugs 4+ times a week and wasn't someone you would want to be in debt with. :P

Maybe things are more civilised in the exchange of illegal drugs for money in Bristol :Plol

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Well the place my friend brought them from in bulk, was a council estate appartment, which had had the door kicked off a few times by police and they were pretty well all armed inside, him who shotted E was a 18 year old who took drugs 4+ times a week and wasn't someone you would want to be in debt with. :P

Maybe things are more civilised in the exchange of illegal drugs for money in Bristol :Plol

Probably not a heroin addict then :P And definately not 28.

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Well the place my friend brought them from in bulk, was a council estate appartment, which had had the door kicked off a few times by police and they were pretty well all armed inside, him who shotted E was a 18 year old who took drugs 4+ times a week and wasn't someone you would want to be in debt with. :P

Maybe things are more civilised in the exchange of illegal drugs for money in Bristol :Plol

Yeah, fair point. Drug dealings are probably a mixed bag of nuts depending on where you are. Personally though, I've never had to deal with any hard drug users (heroin, crack, etc.) in order to get a drug like ecstacy. From my position those drugs have always been in another realm of activity that I've never really been exposed to. That's probably quite fortunate given my experimental nature.

My experience of Bristol says all drug dealers are hippies with dreads :P

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Drink is ok, drugs are bad.

So yeah, control or not control?

You've met a girl you love, but you want to change her by way of control?

You (and a few others in this thread) are very closed minded about drugs.. Because alcohol is legal (unless you happen to be 16) it's ok, and because drugs are illegal they're bad mmm'kay! Which of the above 2 statistically does more harm to more people...?

Anyway stop being a little bitch, let her do her thing, if you 'love' her you'll accept her the way she is.

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You've met a girl you love, but you want to change her by way of control?

You (and a few others in this thread) are very closed minded about drugs.. Because alcohol is legal (unless you happen to be 16) it's ok, and because drugs are illegal they're bad mmm'kay! Which of the above 2 statistically does more harm to more people...?

Anyway stop being a little bitch, let her do her thing, if you 'love' her you'll accept her the way she is.

Pretty much spot on, the only concern I have with drugs is that because they're illegal, there's no control over where it's come from, what exactly's in it, and what effect it will have. But yeah, just let her do her thing, there's no harm in doing it socially every now and then, as long as it's from a decent source and nothing too sketchy I don't see the issue. If it starts to properly control her, then you need to have words, but exactly the same thing would apply if booze started to control her, or any other addiction.

I agree about the smoking though, it's a bit rough getting with a girl if she's been smoking, and it has so little effect on you I don't really see the point, it's pretty shit value for money besides anything else.

As said, she's young, she'll probably grow out of it anyway.

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Just spoke my ex on the phone, Was sooo weird. Shes off to see her new boyfriend but wouldn't stop telling me how much she misses me and shit.

I actually have no idea how i feel right now, it's an almost empty feeling.

She's dangling the bogus carrot of reconciliation in front of you whilst simultaneously riding some other donkey.

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