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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Have a bit of a weird situation involving a number of girls.

Next weekend my ex is coming down for the weekend. She left me this time last year (for no reason and no she regrets doing, we went out for bout 2 years). She says we'll probs end up getting naked etc etc...but i dont really know if i want to get back with her, and now shes moved milesss away, and it seems like effort, also her parents are complete dicks and are really hard too deal with..... Don't want to lead her on, by getting with her, but I did really love her.....

Anyways, the 2 girls im kinda living with at uni both like me...i think... One of them has a bf, and isnt that attractive, but i've always liked here and it's quite clear she fancies me (and other people have told me she does), but anyway, i dont wanna go there, cos shes taken.....

The other girl, whos really attractive is really hard to work out....sometimes shes really off with me, and other times she comes up and snuggles with me on the sofa, and flirts with me quite a lot... but then whenever i try anything, she kind of seems a bit cold, like try hugging her and stuff, and she doesnt generally come and sit next to me, like you'd except from someone who likes you (but then apparently shes been treated like shit by loadsa guys and is maybe worried....) but we did kinda have something going on a bit last year, held her hand quite a lot...lying down, arms wrapped round etc etc.....

And then there's another girl, who i like, but shes too young.....

Anyway, thoughts? I guess i'll just see what happens, but man why can't things be more simple :(

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Well I knew it was coming, and it was pretty obvious when she suddenly changed a month or so back and became really distant, she's gone and got herself a boyfriend. This is after I've supported her and been there for her through another load of shit, picked her up when her ex literally beat her down, done everything I could to help her in any way while she was so low she lost about 3 stone in as many months, spent my own money fixing her car for her (not alot of money granted but that's not the point, it's money I don't have). After being fobbed off for the last 6 months (in which time we have been pretty much together and got close enough for her to tell me she loves me) with "I don't want a full blown relationship because I don't want to ruin what we have"...

For good measure this is just after my birthday which she wasn't there for and got me nothing, when it was her birthday a week before and naturally I made a fuss of her and she was ill so I taxi'd her around to doctors and 24h chemists. It's like my 21st all over again (which she ruined in very much the same way).

We've been on and off for the last 5 years, of which the longest we went out was 2. I've been there for her through everything and she's just straight f**ked me off. And now I have the weeks of wayyy too much time to think, beating myself up over it and trying not to text her because all I'll do is either have a go at her and/or pour my heart out and it's pointless it'll only make everything worse...

I'm angry, upset & pissed off at myself for getting involved again when I know she's a twat, she's always been a twat and she will always be a twat. I also have a feeling the gentleman in question may be the aforementioned ex who hit her...

I feel so empty.

Edited by Jolfa
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since breaking up with girlfriend couple of months ago now, things have been abit dry.

was in town last night and got crabed by a girl and danced with her, she had a stunning body. she wanted to go to another club as its open till 4.30 insted of 3 at the one we was at so decided to go along as my mates would come along later. on way she said hope my mates wouldn't mind me coming and the stuff she was going to do to me obviously i said no with a big smile on my face. got there and got she got id and went in i got told my top was sports wear :S (turns out the bouncer had been a dick with few others ino aswell) about 15min later manage to get in with other bouncer. when i found her i told her what happened but she seem abit patranising when i told her i was 19 when she asked as she was 22 and she was sat with some other lad so decided to leave it. didnt even get her name either, bummer. not much of a girl problem though is it

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I feel so empty.

i feel im goign through the same as you man, just hasnt gotten in it as deep just yet, she is really close one week with me, then next week shell go see another boy and just be completly diffrent. makes me feel bad!

i try my best to fix her problems for her and mostly do make her happy etc i would of thougth that would of been enough, seems to me when she has a problem she just decides to come back to me.. really gets on my tits!

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Leave it dude. A relationship works both ways - if it's only one side giving, and the other one taking there's no point. It's not about getting something back but about knowing that the other person is there and thinking about you and trying to help you. It doesn't sound like she cares much to be honest. Tell her that you don't want to continue this and be true to your word.

What you're going through with her is an extreme situation of what happened with my ex - she rarely gave anything back. And that was the trigger to an argument which destroyed our relationship in the long run. The break up wasn't easy but I finally understood that it was a toxic relationship that had no future and in a way, she wasn't worth all the effort I put in.

You need to find someone else. If you're the kind of guy who loves to give and gets much of his joy in a relationship out of that then it'll be difficult for you to find somebody worth sharing with. But you'll get there in the end. We're all young and we WILL eventually settle down. We've just got to make the most of the time we have left. I'm sure that in 10 years we'll somewhat enviously look back at these times.

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Been messing me up for some time, so here goes.

Was with Emma for abut 4-5month. She ended it 'because she had a change of mind and didnt want a realationship..... SO we broke up. i was gutted, one night she sees me upset and comes and talks to me. says sorry and that, I said I was going home and she followed me out. and jumped in my taxi (she lives down the road) well she invited me back to hers. I was like well why the hell not! so "things" happen. and I walked home before she got up. left a note of course. Then I texted her saying that what happened felt "right" and all that. she said it was a one off, she felt loved or some soppy shit. well it happened again a few week later, and in the morining she walked up to mine, and we had a huge talk. and basically she ended up strippin me. and when she got home, she basically said, "it was a nice end to a realationship, and a start to a new friend ship"

The last few days she has been REALLy off, she never texts back. doesnt ring to see how i am. Every time i try to catch up with her, she pushes it back in my face, or says she's busy.

I just wana know what iv done wrong. Should I text her and shiot, she is a good mate when shes in the right mood, but she just snaps over nothing.... I think i pissed her off tonight! in a rather funny way though! lol

WHAT TO DO!?!?!?!

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It's not so much trouble, just a cold shoulder night. My gf really doesn't understand the concept of 'if you can't take it, don't dish it out'.

I can't remember what i did, but she hit me, so i hit her back, so she hit me, so i grabbed her and pushed her back on her bed, so she hit me again, so i grabbed her arms and twisted them a bit, and bearing in mind she claws me with her nails when i grab her arms, i kept doing it, because every time i stop she will slap me on the face or something, so i grab her and just try to pin her down kinda thing to make her realise she should stop, end of it is i have about 15 cuts on my arms from her nails, one particularly quite deep because there's a scab of blood the size of a 5p on my wrist. And she's angry with me for hurting her arms?

She'll be fine tomorrow with any luck, but it's just gay how she can't drop it.

And also, somewhere in the fight she hit me in the balls. She also doesn't seem to realise that punching a guy in the balls is NOT on.

Edited by Fixed Pantsâ„¢
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What the f**k does she think i'm gonna do if she cuts my arms from clawing me? Kiss her and tell her i'm sorry?

AND she scared the shit out of me today, i told her i'd kill her if she left me, and kinda bluffed me out on it, said it was over, no i'm f**king serious, just leave me alone, and expects me to be in a good mood with her!

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