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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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i wasn't gonna post anything in here but i could probably do with a vent.

mrs skoze is pretty depressed, has been for a good while but has recently just become massively difficult to deal with. Doesn't think there's anything wrong with being down all the time and refuses to go see anyone so that's a great start. I'm the only one she really talks to about anything, so naturally I get the brunt of it.

I went away last week and really struggled to keep in touch, but made sure i sent her a text every night to let her know i was all good, a little on what i'd been up to and to let her know i was thinking of her. Apparently this was the wrong thing to do and i should have just not been in contact at all, spoke sunday and she was so disinterested it was pretty gutting to try and hold a conversation after a week of borderline no contact. it was our 2 year anniversary monday and we barely spoke at all. wished her well and all the rest of it but didn't call or anything purely because of how shit it was the night before and she clearly hadn't improved her mood much.

I went out that night at about 11 as it was a mate's birthday, house party and all the rest of it, got a text at half 3 asking if i was still up and she was just freaking out about all sorts of shit, one of the quotes was that she "wanted to go away and have no one wonder where was" and that she was sick of people always asking after her or trying to talk etc. that was really fun.

tuesday was much of the same, i ended up calling her to try and talk her into a better mood or failing that, just get out of the house. spent 15 minutes talking to myself before admitting defeat and leaving her to it. dropped her a text to say i hoped she heard what i was saying (as there was 0 input), only to be told she didn't listen to me because she didn't want to talk to me, that was also great.

next two days i pretty much decided to take up drinking 'cos it was pissing me off majorly, whole week's been a total write off when i've really needed to get a TONNE of stuff done for uni. few other cool things happened with mates which helped keep my mind off of things a bit.

last night we were talking about the weekend. Capri's MoT is up early next week, i'm welding it at my mate's tomorrow (been planned for about a month) and planned to stay at hers after, sunday through to monday afternoon when she'd go to uni and i'd go home via my uncle's garage and get the car tested. Made the mistake of suggesting i might have to do something on the car for an hour or so at some point, and would really appreciate a little help - might even be nice to do something together as she always says she wants to get more involved in that. Apparently this was completely unacceptable and it proved that i clearly had no time at all to see her (hour out of two days, yeah - go figure) and that spiralled into a huge row.

Apparently i only care when it's convenient and forget what i've listened to not long after the event. i've been supporting her through this and being incredibly patient with this and a bunch of other knock-on issues for the past 6 months to a year, so that pissed me off somewhat. basically carried on in a similar vein 'til she told me that the long-distance thing just isn't working (sorry, you're an hour and a half away and we see each other every weekend, that's not too long-distance in my eyes) and how she knows it's not working and is no good but i'm clueless to it because she keeps quiet about that.

in the end i decided to stop trying to be tactful, pretty much told her she's got a problem and needs to sort it out amongst a plethora of responses to everything else including trying to actually make her see how much her being the way she is affects me and that i usually let it slide because of the circumstances. left her with that and she kinda changed tack and seemed to be a lot more pleasant/ slightly apologetic but we both agreed we need to talk it all out tomorrow night.

it's probably the third time this has caused a similar situation, so i'm just at a bit of a loss with what to do. i don't really want to finish anything with her/ let her finish it 'cos overall she's great and we're awesome when we're together, we could agree on that at least, i just think she needs to help herself before anything's going to improve.

I have no idea what i'm trying to say or anything, it's just good to write it up sometimes.

TL;DR depressed girlfriend thinks i'm a twat, unsure how best to tackle the situation.

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TL;DR depressed girlfriend thinks i'm a twat, unsure how best to tackle the situation.

I'd act like a complete twat, just to show her how good she had it, and make it clear she's made you act like that by behaving like she has. It'll either work like a dream or backfire spectacularly. But that's just me, I've put up with too much shit like this in the past and I swear I'll never go through it again. Its dog eat dog from now on

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TL;DR depressed girlfriend thinks i'm a twat, unsure how best to tackle the situation.

I had a depressed missis for like 8 months during her phase of unemployment. You just gotta see it like this:

- Your a nice guy

- You want to make her happy

- But your number 1 priority is keeping yourself happy

So go along with it for a while - do everything you can to help her. But when it starts to piss you off just walk away and leave her to it for a while because THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO to make her happy. Nothing you can say - nothing you can do to resolve her issues for her. Shes got to deal with it on her own (with support from you). So yea tell her your there for her if she wants you and you will support her as much as you can but your not her punching bag and your not going to chump yourself off to please her.

Saying that shit about your relationship is really just an attention seeking ploy. Explain that once your out of uni your going to be working all day Monday - Friday and the only quality time you will ever have together is at the weekends anyway so she should stop being such a bitch about it. If I were you I'd put her in the chiller and let her sweat it out for a while

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Warning, pussyish post coming up..

Is there a quicker way to "stop thinking about someone"? I keep having random thoughts lately and it's seriously annoying me. For example the other night I cooked burritos and as soon as I was doing it my initial thought was "Burritos were mine and Graces favourite food" and that we used to do it a lot. I'm not wanting to think about it, that's the reason for this post, not to be "I miss her blahhhhh" more of how do I get these thoughts out of my head haha.

Luckily she's stopped entering my dreams and i'm starting to forget her facial features but every now and again something will remind me of her / us or the times we've had. Another example is I saw a pic of me the other day when I was super tanned and my first thought was oh shit that must have been when I was in Spain... with Grace at her Dads etc. It's just f**king bullshit.

Then following on from these reminders it instantly gets me thinking into what I did wrong in the relationship for that to happen. Like, I just feel it's going to happen again to me. For the people who've met me on rides etc i'm sure they will support me in saying i'm not exactly a cunt and it's not because I treated her bad, quite the opposite. The thing is like, I gave everything to this girl, would pick her up if she fell out with her Mum, and would always alwayyyyyyyys be there for her in every other respect as like a back bone to her.

So was that like the wrong thing to do? Should I just not care as much? Or did she simply take advantage in the end. Just want to know for next time I suppose because the thought of building up a strong relationship with someone and it happening again makes me feel sick.

Rant / questions overrrrrrrrrrrr :)

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I think it's completely normal.

There are things that remind me of different exs that relate to when I was with them, songs, places etc.

Every relationship is different. You won't be exactly the same going into the next so you will come across in a different way - it's just how we develop as a person.

Don't be afraid of entering relationships for the fear that they may end, as from the start you'll be picking at things that really aren't a big deal, basically thinking it will before it's even started.

Just relax, life is one big game and there's absolutely no reason to be annoyed at small things. Take things, like this, as they come.

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I think it's completely normal.

There are things that remind me of different exs that relate to when I was with them, songs, places etc.

Every relationship is different. You won't be exactly the same going into the next so you will come across in a different way - it's just how we develop as a person.

Don't be afraid of entering relationships for the fear that they may end, as from the start you'll be picking at things that really aren't a big deal, basically thinking it will before it's even started.

Just relax, life is one big game and there's absolutely no reason to be annoyed at small things. Take things, like this, as they come.

Yeah I see what you mean about the different exes

Perfect example is my first proper ex, she used to call Chinese food "chinease" and it made me piss myself as it's the most stupid of all errors haha. Chinese is like everywhere!! haha

I think that's it though, just feel like it's going to happen again!

The worst bit is that it doesn't go away. The best bit is that it stops really meaning anything.

That's awful to hear!! haha, well the first bit anyway of course.

I just wish I could have one of those memory erasers from men in black and forget she ever existed. It's not like I are about her in that sense either like I want her back infact it's kind of the opposite, I feel like there's something inside me that wants to meet up with her to tell her how much I despise her (which I wouldn't do haha i'm not that spiteful really)

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I need some help guys...

To cut a long story short, through everything we have gone through, all the things I do and have done for her and the way I try and show that I do, my girlfriend just doesn't feel loved. She likes being around me and says that I am amazing and everything but she still just isn't happy. She doesn't feel like there is enough passion in our relationship anymore.

Its be super hard for me lately, I've been out of work and have had hardly enough to fill my car up, I have less than $100 in my bank account. Its been stressing me out so much and its got me pretty down. As a result of this also, I haven't been able to spoil her like I should, I haven't been able to take her places and make her feel like I should be able to make her feel.

I start a new job this week or the next and then I will be able to afford to do stuff with her and I know it will turn things around a huge amount. All we ever do is sit in her room and do nothing and I know it hasn't been the best for us.

What do I do?

I am seriously lost. She wants to give up. All I can think of is that once I get money we can actually get out and live, that and not seeing her every single night and not do anything. I feel like we should limit our time together to every second day or so and actually do stuff together. Its breaking my heart and losing her will kill me.

Need some serious advice.

Should I give up as well and admit that I just am not the one for her? Or is there still hope?

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IMO you need to get shot of her if keeping her happy requires buying her stuff and taking her places... Sitting around in the evenings and watching telly together should be enough to keep you both happy.

Relationships are a two-way deal. If you're low on money why doesn't she pay for stuff?

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Ive said it before and Ill say it again. If your lassie is going on about leaving you and not wanting to be together then tell that trout to G TF!!

Lifes far too short to be getting put down by woman who dont think you're good enough. f**k off and go and find someone better if you think you can - bitch!

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so apparently 'er indoors got pissed up friday and kissed some kid from uni. By all counts it was 6 of one, half a dozen of the other but f**k me i'm pissed off with the pair of them.


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so apparently 'er indoors got pissed up friday and kissed some kid from uni. By all counts it was 6 of one, half a dozen of the other but f**k me i'm pissed off with the pair of them.


Kick them in the face.


I have done something stupid, very stupid.

When I got involved with Beth, I always knew she was going to Australia. And I always knew historically that she was very uncommital and that relationships just weren't her thing.

Shit starts snowballing and before you know it we are properly together and now I don't want her to go to Australia for 6 months. Not that I have or will tell her that, obviously.

All a bit weird, and annoyingly it's all my fault.

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so apparently 'er indoors got pissed up friday and kissed some kid from uni. By all counts it was 6 of one, half a dozen of the other but f**k me i'm pissed off with the pair of them.


Are you still going to be with her after that?

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My mate got dumped yesterday.

He had been living with his girl friend for a couple of months (was still renting his own place).

Yesterday morning he comes out the shower, looks across the bedroom and notices his phone is lit up. He asks his girl friend if she was looking at his phone and walks to pick it up. As he does, she asks "who is Lucy"? My friend is confused and pics up his phone and unlocks it to find a zoomed in picture of lucy's vagina with her fingers digging for gold.


Turns out it was an old picture he had been sent when he was first "seeing" his current, now X girl friend, so he thought nothing of it.

She didnt see it that way.

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I am just guessing here, but I don't think many girls know what their vaginas look like, unless they are pornstars.

I would usually be inclined to agree, however one who's snap happy digits deep I'm assuming would have a slight inkling as to it's visual appearance :)

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