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The Flavour Of The Week Thread

Rich Pearson

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See, I don't like topics like this. Full of things I just dont understand...at all..

I mean, Children of Bodom, what the frig is that? lol.

Other threads include:

The Lost Thread,

The Random Photo Thread,

The Mini Thread,

The Post Your Cars Thread,

and a few others...

you'd better not be dissing bodom notherf**ker.....


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enter shikari for me at the moment. (Y)

Words cannot express my hatred for this band, I think people would agree I'm usually a very reasonable man but the cracks start to show when people mention Enter Shikari

I cannot see how they are getting so big! Radio one played them on "hottest track in the world right now" and I couldn't believe my ears. Before I continue I should mention that I've gigged with and met them and seen numrous shows of theirs by way of other bands I was seeing, and if it weren't for all the ripped off trance samples they would simply be a very very bad hardcore band. I'm often tempted to have a word with the sound guy and get him to switch the fancy lights and the sampler off and reveal them for the pants band that they are!

Also on a personal note we don't get along, which again is rare for me, but I don't have time for people who are up their own bums, it makes conversation very muffled, haha!

Anyway, back on topic, for me at the moment it's IRN BRU, but I feel this will last longer than a week, there simply isn't a better alcohol alternative!


PS: Jesus christ, sorry about that, I get rage blackouts when people mention E S...... I'm working through my issues with my shrink... honest!

Edited by Small_Gear_Big_Style
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PS: Jesus christ, sorry about that, I get rage blackouts when people mention E S...... I'm working through my issues with my shrink... honest!

I wouldn't go as far as calling me a shrink but I'm glad I could help.

my flavours this week are nicotene sweeties, peg stalls, bmx XXX and the kasabian album that isn't shit

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enter shikari for me at the moment. (Y)

Some one had to mention them woo. lol

I actually like them. I saw them back in february at a pretty small gig, and i have just really liked them since then, duno why, just have haha. Suppose cause there a bit different.And i can say i saw them "before they were big" to all the annoying fashionable emo type things round here haha


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Rise Against, the album with "Give It All" on.

Evil Nine - Restless

Far * East Movement - Round Round

Prodigy - You'll be under my wheels

The Grits - Ooh Aah

Basically songs i listened to from Need For Speed 2 sound track, then download some albums from artists where i liked their songs.

Other current niches include chocolate spread sandwhich's.

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Rise Against *** (Y)

Awesome as ever

Alexisonfire would be mine this week, outside the music in my head i'm racing 4X this weekend so no trials this week, although i've got back into it all big time recently. Loving it!

Crisis is absolutely amazing! Going to see them at Taste of Chaos in Cardiff in 2 weeks :D

Rise Against, the album with "Give It All" on.

The album is Siren Song of the Counter Culture, if you think that's good get the new album The Sufferer and the Witness, pure genius! B)

Havent had much spare time in last week as spent it all with the missus, but listened to the new Senses Fail album a lot which is ace, and getting back into FFAF by playing Hours loads :)

Other flavours of the week, coka cola Chuppa Chupps lollies!!!!!!!!! :D


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I saw Enter Shikari a few years ago, before he really used his sampler :o

But yeah, they are getting progressively worse, anyone can play a Faithless sample, then palm mute open D in the background, then vomit on the microphone.

Absolute tosspots in real life too, I hear at their last gig they were delayed by 15 minutes because Rou (vocalist) couldn't actually fit his head through the door.

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