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Everything posted by Alex-Mitchinson

  1. Check out google. http://www.websiteoutlook.com/www.google.com
  2. Nahhh get the w880i, really like mine.
  3. Yeh I posted that up a few months ago. I still have 'getta grip' on video.
  4. Just saved about 120g's by cutting all the side treads off my tyres. If you're looking for a 'how to loose bike weight' guide then there was one a few weeks ago in a topic by "Robster".
  5. I really like my try-all risers (the 'rage' ones). I got them at koxx days a few months ago so I've had a quite a few rides on them Give quite a bit more rise then ZOO's, make it easier to bunny hop, and I love the backsweep. They'are quite expensive but look and feel class.
  6. I did unit 1 in jan and got an E. Got a C for my coursework though! Unit 2 was alright I suppose, will be happy with a D overall.
  7. Umm is that your house in the background?
  8. Looks good! How is the rear bb7? I have just bought one and am waiting for my wheel to get here so I can put it on.
  9. Looks class, and so nice to ride.
  10. Try-all and Monty foams are good if your looking to save weight but still have ok grips. Any of the rubber grips are fine, but the best grips I've had are Try-all loc on.
  11. Hard to tell by your post but are you wanting to buy stuff on here? Or wanting advice on what to buy? Because new members aren't allowed to buy/sell. If I were you I would quickly edit your topic before someone reports it so you don't lower your chances of validation.
  12. Yeh it better be! I really wanna know how 'The Orchid' is going to move the island.
  13. Had psychology and ICT a-level today, was a f**king joke.
  14. That's what I would have thought, seen as the rear is a 'H' hub.
  15. Amazing vid! Gonna go watch it again, and again.
  16. I know its a saying, but it doesn't apply to a photo you tit. How was spokes breaking my fault? Scammer? I gave an extremely accurate description of the wheel in particularly the hub, I gave at least 4 pictures, the wheel was sold for a very reasonable price. Jack was happy with the deal, he also left me positive feedback, and now both of you are complaining 4 months later. Im sorry that 4 months later the wheel isn't in perfect condition but I have done nothing wrong, have you not been riding it? Any way, why are you even speaking to me? Can the buyer not speak for himself? You want to stop this? Then you can stop accusing me of being a scammer.
  17. I told him about the bent lockring, like I said in the post above. It's also not several days later, it's several months later. Why are you getting involved anyway? It has f**k all to do with you. What you on about "judging a book by the cover" it's a photo, its factual! "falls apart" if by falling apart he/you mean when you take the wheel out you can take the free body off then that's normal.
  18. 2 pairs of white velcro k-swisses, some brown Lacostes, and a pair of black Adidas Y-3's.
  19. When I do a hook I hit the object with the front brake on, but once I start to bring the back wheel up I feather the front brake. It also depends if you want to do a wheel swap after getting your back up, 'cos then I imagine you would need to keep the front wheel locked.
  20. I was the first to get one back in October 07! Still got it now, best frame I've ever had, there wasn't too much flex around maggy mounts but more than most deng frames obviously, I have however, just switched to rear disk
  21. Alex-Mitchinson

    Zhi News

    A guy called Chris, (ZHI) on here. He orders the parts directly from Neon Bike. Search for him and add to msn. He's a nice guy and trustworthy, I've ordered a frame, pedals, rims and hubs from him with no problems.
  22. Was there actually anyone filming? At least then we'll know we are waiting for something, rather than just assuming everyone has been busy editing for the last 2 weeks.
  23. Alex-Mitchinson

    Zhi News

    Neon do front and rear disk hubs, I've just ordered a pair. They're silly light and cheap.
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