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Everything posted by poopipe

  1. poopipe

    I Am Legend

    I saw it. I liked the bit where he was looking for the dog best. otherwise it was pretty mediocre - probably would have shat a brick if I'd seen it in the cinema though
  2. very true - but when you don't have a missus you do actually have to get off your arse and go out in the cold to get some poon so it's a double edged sword oh, i love you too jake
  3. dude - this is NMC, full members come in here to relax and insult new members when they've finished bashing away at themselves in front of youporn. Nobody should take it personally. Apart from that, you just gave some very sound advice about how improving balance balance gives you confidence - I commend you
  4. I can tell I'm talented cos other people pay for my copy and ... using tutorials or a manual makes you a shit load better at a package a shit load quicker than banging your head against it with no instructions. I challenge you to build and rig a full character in Maya without referring to the instructions.
  5. well, obviously no brakes. I keep forgetting you fags all have them on your monkey bikes
  6. for a real blast try trackstanding with the chain removed
  7. go to google and type "photoshop tutorial" into the little box in the middle of the page. then press enter or buy it next time
  8. # ooh, ooh. that means me. I'm annoyed, she was quite impressive.
  9. nearly when its above 15 degrees C this year.. swear less (Ted's started copying noises recently) buy a house
  10. concept for my next 3d project ....
  11. no fear.. .you shouldve seen the fuss last time i tried to change it
  12. read books by Erich von Daniken - they're superb and all about this sort of shit. Chariots of the Gods is the most famous one. large pinch of salt required
  13. it's worth about what it would cost to post it. i've found 256mb ones for $25 - yours is 64mb
  14. slam your dick in the fridge door everytime you think about it - it's called aversion therapy
  15. they don't check apples for naughty stuff - everybody knows that nonces only use windows
  16. Amen this sort of thing has been going on for a long time, I've got no hope of finding the link but when I was at uni I remember doing some research on MUDs and early MMPORGs and reading about an instance of in-game rape - this was back in about 1980 so it's not just our generation.
  17. i have a little experience at this with my fixie, you can bunnyhop, you can kind of pedal hop and you can trackstand but because you can't bitch crank or coast it's pretty difficult doing anything really trialsy It's obviously doable cos it's basically the same as uni-trials with 15lbs of added metal dangling off the front of your uinicycle - I'm just not sure it'd be more successful than riding a freewheel with no brakes
  18. that's sound advice. On my mod I always found tapping a nice way to get up stuff that's kind of at your height limit for straight backwheeling but where you're short on space. It's something you can do from a half or quarter crank rather than the 3/4 - full crank you want for a decent backwheel. I could always bunnyhop higher than i could backwheel or tap but you need a bigger runup for that anyway. I never quite cracked the bunnyhop tap thing - there's some serious height to be got there.
  19. wonderful - cos there weren't any wankers on 26 inchers claiming they were kids bikes in 1977 anyway, (IMO etc etc) Most cyclists (from whichever discipline) use brakes as a crutch. To put it in a trials perspective - You don't need brakes if you're sidehopping from two wheels, you dont need them when you land an up or gap (unless you're massively extended obviously), you dont need them when stationary (trackstand anyone?), you don't need them to manual, and you absolutely do not need them when reverting from fakie. I'm not necessarily saying you should take them off altogether - I don't think you'd get far riding comps with no brakes regardless of what ashton says about the future - but I do think your riding improves if you keep their use to a minimum and do your best to flow through moves without stoppoing and starting.
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