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R.i.p. Oli Lewis

Prawny Baby

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RIP man :( didn't know you but its still a loss when anyone in the trials community dies...

condolences to your family and friends and your mini

maybe people could have a ride dedicated to him... maybe a minutes silence at that big Leeds ride at christmas or something?


That's a mint idea. Will you be there?

I'll be there, let's make it happen.

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My whole day has felt so meaningless.

Yeah...It has played on my mind for the past 2 days.

Like others have said it does show how close this forum actually is...

I can't emphaise enough how sad i am.

I didnt know hime but when 'One Of Us' has bad news it real does affect us all you know?

Josh Ball


P.s Shit i just realised he died on my birthday! That has put even more of a downer on things!

Edited by joshball
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Ive been reading this thread since it first started but i didnt really know what to put but i thought i should at least write something...

Even though i never actually met oli and i only ever talked to him on here a few times it still brings tears to my eyes thinking about his death :(

People on trials forum are almost like my second family, even though ive hardly met most of you, This makes it even harder to learn of one of us tragiclly dieing.

If funds are needed to help with the mini and any other memorial ideas then i'll gladly donate.

I dont know what else to put other than Rest In Piece man. Have fun riding in that big trials park in the sky (Y) We'll miss you fella

Rich x

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I went out on the new bike today, sat on it on the seafront by the cliffs and ended up having a 5 minute silence pretty much, just sat there and thought about things...

Still can't believe it really :(

Same, went out on my ped today, just sat there for a bit down two tree island thinking about things too.

EDIT: really is mad how close this forum is, cannot believe how much support has been shown for Oli, but from what i know of him, he properly deserved the support. Always happens to the best of us. :(

Edited by Joe Sheehan!
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I know this is a bit early, as we're all in shock but does anyone know what caused the crash yet?

As of yet nothing has been ascertained in public light as to what caused the accident, but when a verdict is reached I'm sure it will be made public knowledge. I'd imagine there has to be an inquiry and a fair bit of detective work before that though.


At present there is no reason to believe that human error, or any other single factor played any part in what has happened, so if we could refrain from speculation and keep the responses to condolenses and happy thoughts, I'm sure it would be much appreciated.


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Not been on here for ages and heard about this tonight off Si the physio, so thought I would come on to leave my condolences. I never met Oli but he sounds like a top lad an hopefully he's in a better place right now, looking over everyone and keeping an eye on his mini. My thoughts go out to all his family and friends! Rip bro.

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Throughout today and yesterday its been bit of a bash on the head of what has happened. And I have been thinking that you should really 'live life like everyday is your last'! I know this quote gets said ssoooo many times but this time it has really hit me. But the best thing to know that Oli lived up to this quote! I mean he has lived such a for filled life! I remember him saying in the mini thread I think that although was was spending so much of his uni loan on his cars, that it would be worth it in the end. And I really think he has lived life to the fullest. As everyone remembers, he is always a happy guy and helpful and always up for a laugh! Making me think of his happy times made a warm feeling in me. RIP Oli. Your a rolemodel to everyone I am sure!

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Just found this thread - never come in Chit-Chat too often.

Only knew of him through the forum - but still hits home like a mace.

Thanks to whichever of the admins actually set up this forum, and the mods for keeping the place so tight-knit, and well run.

Not many places can have people who never knew the chap, so seriously touched by his passing.

I'll more than happily donate towards the mini, if it's needed.

P.S. I don't want to go off topic, but why is DJ's logo a bunny?

I wasn't here at the time.

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Hi Guys, I am back. No Rice was miserable, the police turned up (god knows why) and shut half the carpark, and sent people on their way. I didnt get to speak to half the people I wanted to.

Tori and I (along with bigman and tic) spent some time with Olis mum Carol this afternoon, we have decided that the mini will definately be finished, we just need to setup some form of donation fund to help with getting it done.

Oli's funeral will be held in the village church in Wilton, 5 minutes from Salisbury, at 11:30 on the 21st of this month.

All are invited.

I cant type more now, Ill finish this off later.

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