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When You Think Old School What Do You Think ?


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Its gotta be anodised components. When i started mountain biking (about 15 years ago) it was all the rage to get blue or purple anodised parts....despite the fact that they looked absolutely gay!

Also, riser bars seemed relatively new at the time so every cool kid had them on their bikes!

Oh, and also world force shorty stems...they were awesome!

EDIT: Almost forgot....the DVD Dirt, with Jason McRoy and that lot. Suspension wasn't really invented much then so they're all on hardtails.

And.....slingshot suspension bikes...how on earth they held together i dont know!? (pic below)

Also....proflex bikes (elastomer suspension!!??!!??), girvin flex stems (elastomers again!!??) and spin wheels........man i feel old!!! :blink:





Edited by Diz
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El Gato's

Megamo steel stem's:P

Megamo pads (Which was absolutely awesome)

Hair spray as apposed to Monty brake spray

Raleigh urban swamp dual slalom frames

Shimano HG chains

FSA Power Pro cranks with DMR Ring thing


Asda 50P tubes (Back many years ago!)

Cut up hose pipes then cable tied onto the frame for "Protection"

Echo Range: Frames: ES1,2,3 and the parts, (3 piece look alike cranks!)


RB leavers,

Monty Hose splitter/ blue clear hosing

Pashely 26" ghz

P-X Jack flash (Leopard print if your was a pimp!:P)

DMR Side kick (I remember Fletch used to have one and the downtube was completely flat!)

Royal rear engagement hub (I remember Mike tested the proto and it was dam loud!

Mavic D521

This is all I can think of right now, Il add some more later on:)

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Basicaly all these old school video's and bikes have got me wondering, what was cool back then ? I mean like components, frames stuff like that.

I havent been around long enough so just thought i'd try find out :)

I don't remember parts being cool. Something that worked was ridden. Although different coloured Maguras was probably the 'coolest' thing you could change.

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Hmm to me, things that stand out as truly old skool-

Only monty and megamo doing a "proper" 26" trials bike, everything else was a xc bike with a bash ring.( Chris may remember jerome spesny in spain, turning up on a xc cannondale, locking out the headshock thing as much as he could, putting a bashring on and getting 3rd in master!)

Everyone wearing one piece suits-EVERYONE

Ashton, hawyes, akrigg,were in a league of their own in the uk, and were just as big as peaty and warner in popularity.

OTN Magazine

And like chris has said, going to the worlds and seeing millions of unknown and exotic parts and brands.

I miss those days

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I've still got my spooky. i love it to bits. Its upstairs and in mint condition cos i quit dirt not long after i bought loads of new bits and had it painted.

Can anyone remember chainspotting, tricks and stunts, mud cows, mbr vids, etc??

I had a zaskar with maguras back in the day.

And if u could stall a rail , u were the king. ha.

oh how things have changed

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Rob seems to think these are a re-post, but I'm not sure. The timestamp on these? 13th June 1999. And yet, I don't consider that bike to be old school - it has a small bash guard for one!



These aren't too long after each other - despite the radical change in bikes.

That blue frame was a Saracen, and the silver is a Mission - way before the reefers came about. That was my first dual disc bike - and I never looked back!

That was also the first demo team I ever rode for. Fond memories! We were sponsored by Senacre Cycles of Maidstone.

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Having to have odd different coloured cranks because you couldn't afford the £30 or whatever it was for new powerpros and borrowing your brothers old crank.

And you see all these kids these days with minted out bikes, it's just not fair.

Other than that it's been said.

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I had some of these!

Azonic risers

Mavic 121's

Magura Raceline D's

IRC Missile tyres

X-Lite handle bar endy things

Club Roost risers

Homemade bash guards

Crud Catchers

Not forgetting the videos:


Getta Grip

Chainspotting (this was AMAZING)

Whatever the tips and tricks one with Hans Rey was..

The Martins, obviously!

Edited by sdm
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Anyone else remember spending hours looking at this frame list?



One thing that strikes me is how the head tube angles have changed. Back then they were steep, the bikes were flicky and you could pull nice street moves. Now they've all gone into this rotten 71* which basically makes the bike feel like a brick :(

I remember staring at Brisa B20D and B26D framesets on Biketrials.com :)

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One thing that strikes me is how the head tube angles have changed. Back then they were steep, the bikes were flicky and you could pull nice street moves. Now they've all gone into this rotten 71* which basically makes the bike feel like a brick :(

I remember staring at Brisa B20D and B26D framesets on Biketrials.com :)

(Y) i agree that statement totally about the headangle of today's frames compared with yesterday's old skool, even though old skool frames had way shorter wheelbase than today's current short frames. where you could pivot from a static position easily on an old skool rig, you have to hop around on today's rigs. just seems that today's riding lines focus more on going straight up and over, where yesterday's lines offered more multiple direction change. Edited by Rusevelt
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I think there's a clear internet hieracy to being oldschool. See how far down this list you joined...

MTB-Trials mailing list or photocopied Essex Club Newsletters (No points for both, I'm looking at you Paul Thomson and Tim Ellingham!)

Yahoo! Modandstocktrialsriders


Trials Kings



Don't forget the roots of TF - the old tenbytrials message board (I think...). And the little 'contact' box on their website that was surprisingly well managed!

Word to pretty much everything Chris has said. I remember religiously trawling through magazines to find any possible hint of trials, failing that looking at any hardtail bike with a slightly downward sloping toptube and thinking how awesome it would be to own. There was also a channel called Rapture many moons ago that showed skateboarding and surfing all the time but every now and then you'd find the show on mountain bikes and, if you'd been a good boy that year, you'd be lucky to catch a glimpse of some observed trial event somewhere.

When I eventually first blagged a hardtail 'slalom' frame and built it up, I'd go to the local bike shop all the time looking for anything that might be of use on a trials bike, often confusing the shop staff who hadn't a clue what trials was!

Good times.

edit: I was going to leave off the part about how it's a lot more accessible now and how starters have it much easier these days, but I just saw this and it made me smile:

what sort of geomatry do you need to do spins, manuals and the such.
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Woop woop!

When I think of 'old-skool', I'm thinking of:

Giant Team Trial frames,

Canondale Fatty forks,

Hope XC hubs,

FSA PowerPro cranks,

V-brakes (even though loads of people still use them, including me :))

And any 'non-drilled' rim :P

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