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What Do The Police Have Agaist Trials Riders ?


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well basically in the village i live the police hate kids. Yesterday night we were riding there are only about 4 trials riders in Beauly. We were at a few bench's so basically i sidehopped the bench didn't clip it or that landed cleanly on it but the police came over as they were sitting inside the chippy. At started shouting at us the usual and said he was going to charge me for it. but the thing is that there is a bunch of guys about 20 or them aged 13-17 that smoke and drink every night and the police don't seem to bother one bit about them but as soon as a trials rider even drops a wall you get charged for vandilism we are also not alowed out after 8 on our bikes because of the noise from the brakes does anyone else have this problem?

Craig (Y)

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Unfortunately this is a common problem, especially in small places. I think the best thing you can do is just be as nice and polite to them as possible so that the next time you come across them they'll respect you more for it. Hopefully in future they'll relax their stance towards you. A lot of coppers power-trip and showing them respect makes them feel important. Being belligerent can just cause the problem to escalate. It's all just games :S.

I got stopped for riding down a deserted pedestrianised area at 11 pm on Monday night. Guernsey's equivalent of a community support officer jumped out at me and started shouting "off off off!" and then proceeded with the lights, bell, pedestrianised area bullshite. As much as I wanted to give this jumped up cow a piece of my mind I just took it all and went on my way (without a fine). I "took this as my warning" haha.

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I don't usually side with police on such matters, but at the end of the day they're only doing their jobs! It's not your god-given right to ride on any walls or pedestrianised area, no matter how safe you think it is.

When I used to ride I found the 99.9% of the coppers were perfectly fine with me. They spoke to me and we had a conversation about trials - usually a Q&A session. They explained that whilst they were not against what I was doing, they had to be seen to be doing something about it and so just asked me to move on...which I don't have a problem with, I'll just go elsewhere and ride.

Of course you do get the occasional b*****d, but who gives a shit, just keep shhh and move on with as little amound of fuss as possible and then just ride elsewhere or come back later when hes left.

well basically in the village i live the police hate kids

I hate kids...

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I agree with Anzo.

The one thing I'd advise is to be mature, agree to move on and then explain to the police why you're riding on walls and benches and not in a trials park. They're people as well and they probably have kids themselves. The problem is that they must deal with chavs and other young people of a similarly aggressive nature on a daily basis and already have a certain attitude towards teenagers. Show them that guys on seatless bikes deserve to be treated with greater respect by talking to them in a civilised manner and EXPLAINING your situation.

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You have to look at it from the general publics point of view. Being a trials rider, you dont think anything of it, but if you werent a trials rider, and you sat on that bench every lunch time to eat, you wouldnt want to find tyre marks, mud, splinters from bashring marks ect there.

At the end of the day, it is a form of vandalism. Its no different to someone covering a wall in graffiti. Think of it again from a general publics eye, and if you saw a bunch of kids riding bikes on your garden wall, or on a bench in your parents memory for, or a handrail outside your corner shop that you pay rent on for example, you are going to be a tad annoyed and probably call the police.

All it takes is a little respect, and you will get respected in return, and treated more like an adult. Simple appologies and moving on when asked, is little to ask for and in most cases thats all the police want from you. Its not because they "hate trials riders and kids and are just out to run a dictatorship", but its their job. They get payed to uphold the law, much in the same way you get payed for your role at work.

Edited by NBRCycles
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hey guys,

thanks for all your replys, Yeah that is what we have basically been doing. We also had a very long chat with them about how there was nowhere to ride and about if we cud use part of the skatepark in beauly to put a few pallets and stuff to ride on but still not got back to us.


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:lol: classic rap tune from rap group NWA. Unfortunately, you've gotta show respect to the police even when from time to time they tend to be power-tripping ar*eholes throwing their authoritive weight around. then again, it doesn't help if you have riders whom show disrespect on a public environment ie; riders that ride aggressively around people. idots like that, stereotype to the rest of us as hellraising thugs on bikes!
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round by me theres a few nice police and few bad police, the nice ones watch me and you can actually have a chat with them but others want to arrest me for public nuisence (sp) and criminal damage which i can understand there only doing there job, but theres no where for use to ride though my excuss is

its better for us to be out on our bikes riding then hanging around the offy all night drinknig and smoking at least im in a trading estate where no one is around but then police say its breaking and entering and tresspassing

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I don't get much shit from the police. One time I was at a (private) wall at a carwash, practicing ups and such, and a cop rolls into the car wash. I picked up my bag expecting him to tell me to leave. But, he was really cool about it, and thought it was great. He watched us do stuff for a good 15 minutes! LOL

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You have to look at it from the general publics point of view. Being a trials rider, you dont think anything of it, but if you werent a trials rider, and you sat on that bench every lunch time to eat, you wouldnt want to find tyre marks, mud, splinters from bashring marks ect there.

At the end of the day, it is a form of vandalism. Its no different to someone covering a wall in graffiti. Think of it again from a general publics eye, and if you saw a bunch of kids riding bikes on your garden wall, or on a bench in your parents memory for, or a handrail outside your corner shop that you pay rent on for example, you are going to be a tad annoyed and probably call the police.

All it takes is a little respect, and you will get respected in return, and treated more like an adult. Simple appologies and moving on when asked, is little to ask for and in most cases thats all the police want from you. Its not because they "hate trials riders and kids and are just out to run a dictatorship", but its their job. They get payed to uphold the law, much in the same way you get payed for your role at work.

Hit the nail on the head here...

It is vandalism and is in fact Anti-Social thus why they move you on and so on... As for the chavs, I speak only from personal experience but maybe they're dealing with them without you even realising? They might be looking at ways to deal with them. It's all very well searching them there and then but the fact is if you don't find anything on them (which you won't the majority of the time) then there's nothing they can do except look for long term solutions such as finding out where they're getting the drugs and raiding the houses. All this takes time and so even though it may seem like they're not dealing with them they probably are but it's a long drawn out procedure.

Maybe find your local Safer Neighbourhoods team and have a word with them to voice your concerns about getting a park or something similar set up?

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In Weston we ride round the corner from the police station, on the magistrates court, and have never had a problem with the police saying anything to us. They've walked past us, stopped to watch, and I even saw a pair of PCSO's stop someone on the opposite side of the road and make him walk his bike as he was on the pavement. It may help that both Ben and I are in our twenties, so they don't see us as youth who are out to vandalise things, which I would imagine is how the police in your area see it.

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well basically in the village i live the police hate kids. Yesterday night we were riding there are only about 4 trials riders in Beauly. We were at a few bench's so basically i sidehopped the bench didn't clip it or that landed cleanly on it but the police came over as they were sitting inside the chippy. At started shouting at us the usual and said he was going to charge me for it. but the thing is that there is a bunch of guys about 20 or them aged 13-17 that smoke and drink every night and the police don't seem to bother one bit about them but as soon as a trials rider even drops a wall you get charged for vandilism we are also not alowed out after 8 on our bikes because of the noise from the brakes does anyone else have this problem?

Craig (Y)

dont grind?

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the police around near me are sound as F**k. they drove up too us and asked us some questions about some idiots who were ragging cars around in the car park. Then they asked us what we were doing and said as long as you safe and put everything back the way it was when we found it. Although the people to look out for in my area are security and the council. they are really annoying.

Edited by Jonesy. i'm hungry......
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Where we live, we've pretty much claimed a wall as "ours".

We only ever get sh*t from police officer once every month or 2, and every time they come up to us, its a simple chat about why we have been told to move on, why people complain and why we have no skate park.

Now, as some of you may know, we have over 950 names from the public down for the skate park in out area.

but over all, we get on alright with 95% of people in our area, we talk to the chav's, we talk to old people, they enjoy watching us. It's good.


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