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Pet Hates


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Your almost on one of my pet hates.

A dog craps in the street, X amount of money fine. A horse walks down he road crapping absolutely f**king everywhere, no problems.

Like Nick said, dogs shit on pavements and in town centers, etc. and their shit is made up of meat mainly. My parents rides their horses in and around a little village near here and all their horses eat are grass, hay, and vegetable based stuff that my parents make them.

Also, are you telling me you'd happily wait for a horse owner in the middle of the road to get off their horse and pick up the poo? I very much doubt it. Also where the f**k are they supposed to put it, you can put dog shit in a carrier bag, horses shit a lot more than a dog! My parents pick up as much of the shit as they can from their field to keep it clean, so don't assume horse owners aren't responsible.

Plus, people like JohnMack's Mum need them for their actual practical benefits. However, I do think that they should ban them from school runs which are where there most often found. I know people argue that they are the safest way of transporting your kids which is a fair point except by having such a big vehicle with poor visibility you are putting everyone else's kids in danger.

My mum's a teacher :P but she always goes to see the horses after work, she takes her other car if she doesnt need to feed the horses.

Dogs shit on paths, in parks, where I'm trying to ride, kids are playing, people are lying down in the sun, whatever.

Horses shit on the moors, on country roads and bridle paths. Generally well away from someone stepping/lying in it.

How many horses do you think there are in your avarage town compared to dogs?

Thank you

Ooooh how about a few of my pet hates:

Ignorant people, arrogant people, compulsive liars, people who don't text back (although I have a habit of doing that)

Edited by JonMack
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People who wait for you to finish what you're saying before saying, "Pardon?".

People who interrupt you to say pardon, and then respond just before you begin to repeat yourself.

I also dislike my dog for excreting in the house.

And for coming to my room, and then running away when I approach her. Dickhead dog!

Edited by Bruce Lee
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Cyclists who insist on riding on the road when there is a cycle path right next to them. :angry:

And horses on the road - the owners don't pay tax, they clog up traffic, shit all over the road, F*CK OFF!

If it's a road bike do excuse them, the majority of cycle paths are f**king shite to ride when on 23C tyres.


and discourteous people like when your getting off the bus/train and they have to get on before letting you out, people that don't say thanks when you've let them through, held a door etc, people that dont move when you say excuse me in shops, people that sit in the middle lane on the motorway

I was getting off a Virgin train the other day with the bike storeroom in the front, I let all the people get out the carriage first since I'm courteous like that and followed the last guy. The people outside were so impatient to get on the train some guy ended up getting a faceful of TryAll Stiky :lol:

People who carry on talking when I'm trying to concentrate and blantenly ignoring them.

I do that so often and it never works. I'll start doing it then realise they haven't taken the hint and you have to try and figure out what the f**k they've been talking about for the 20seconds you were ignoring them for...

The missus always catches me out doing it :giggle:

Any walkers who have a go when your riding XC on footpaths, they go mental, as if we didn't know already that we're not supposed to be there, we're going to do it anyway, just like I'm going to download illegal music and play it too loud.

People constantly telling me I'll have a better time if I move away for Uni. "The night life/clubbing scene is better", I hate clubbing, I like going to the pub for a few drinks then going to bed before I have to get up again. Have they not seen how much it costs aswell? My mate is paying £90 in halls, not including food. I'd rather stay at home and be able to ride my bike all the time, and have a bedroom larger than my current wardrobe.

Riding on footpaths is definitely not cool, I've done it many many times when I used to XC alot but whenever I got caughtout you just have to be apologetic and accept that you are in the wrong (by law!). You then have the moral high ground and full right to go f**king ballistic when some twat makes you stop on a fast trail that you have every right to be hammering through at IWILLBREAKYOURFACEIFYOUDONTGETOUTMYWAYmph.

On the moving away from University side, my gf lives at home for Uni and she's loaded! lol It's not really her money but she's got plenty for a car/insurance now.

I can see why, horses would get freaked out by the loud brakes, etc. At some stables I drove my mum to when I was still learning, I took my camera, and the flash popped up and the horse got well freaked out!

If they ever ask you to stop riding again, just say 'can you go another way? I'm scared of horses..' or something... see what they do then. :turned:

Horses have the same intelligence as a tropical fish but a ridiculously good memory. Means they get spooked by the most random things, my gf's mum's horse frequently gets scared by buckets...

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Those stuck up bastards on horses that come up the road and ask you to stop riding in case you scare the horse. f**k off! How about you keep it in the field if it's scared of a bike with orange wheels, whats it going to do when a lorry goes past! (Theres an industrial estate at the end of my road)

Any walkers who have a go when your riding XC on footpaths, they go mental, as if we didn't know already that we're not supposed to be there, we're going to do it anyway, just like I'm going to download illegal music and play it too loud.

People constantly telling me I'll have a better time if I move away for Uni. "The night life/clubbing scene is better", I hate clubbing, I like going to the pub for a few drinks then going to bed before I have to get up again. Have they not seen how much it costs aswell? My mate is paying £90 in halls, not including food. I'd rather stay at home and be able to ride my bike all the time, and have a bedroom larger than my current wardrobe.

You'd meet a lot more people (broads) out clubbing or going half decent bars than an old pub. make the most out of your youth

also not a fan of

generic taste

the phrases:

mezzy az

getting on it etc


lads drinking alcopops

disloyal friends

over confidence

Edited by Caleb
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the sound of people chewing



being within 50 yeard of people eating when i am not

people slurping tea

inhaling when you take a mouthful

chewing wih mouth open

when my placemat isn't at 90 degrees to the table

knife and fork must be equally placed to place mat

plus many more, canny be bothered typing though

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the sound of people chewing



being within 50 yeard of people eating when i am not

people slurping tea

inhaling when you take a mouthful

chewing wih mouth open

when my placemat isn't at 90 degrees to the table

knife and fork must be equally placed to place mat

plus many more, canny be bothered typing though


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Both my parents pay tax on their cars, income, etc. so why should they have to pay it on their horses too?

So by that logic, I could have another car and not tax it, because I've already paid for one lot of tax on my current car and my wages..?

Also another one, mightier than thou attitudes (in particular the Police) I cannot stand people who talk down to me.

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So by that logic, I could have another car and not tax it, because I've already paid for one lot of tax on my current car and my wages..?

Also another one, mightier than thou attitudes (in particular the Police) I cannot stand people who talk down to me.

No, not at all, but why should they have to pay tax on a horse?

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