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Embarrassing Can't Do's

mad max

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Some days i go out on a session and just concentrate on the sh*t i can't do, it fooking well depresses me. But every now and then i get a glimmer of hope.

Its that feeling i get every now and then that keeps me doing this bizarre sport.

All that above.....is exactly how it is (Y)

statics to rear on my bad side .....just feels weird....but i really should learn more stuff like this.....opposite sides and opposite crank stuff......will help alot with comps


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Front wheel hops, manuals (It took me over 2 years to get wheelies - over a decade of trying later, the longest manual I've done is about 40 feet), high sidehops (past 30"), bailing off my bike when things go wrong rather than going down with the ship, anything that involves a fall of more than 3 feet if it goes wrong (Linked to previous item).

I've been riding trials for something like 12 years - I'm only on my second trials specific frame though, so I've seen more improvement in the past 2 years than the previous 5... :)

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Can't sidehop. I naturally go to my left and I'm left foot forward :(

I was like that, I learnt to go the other way and can now sidehop both ways whoopee :D Try to learn it really wasnt that hard.

Still cant get much more than 38" either way on a sidehop though :(

I cant sidehop to front to back aswell :(

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Maybe i will start mixing it up a little and do :

Half can't do's at the beginning of a session.

And when i am finishing off just have fun with what i have dialed.

Thanks anyway you have made me feel a lot better as nobody likes to talk about what they can't do.

side hopping them two pallet's, anyone would of thought i climbed Everest. :$

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I think like everyone I have strengths and weaknesses, but I can't think of any move in particular that I really want to learn. The main area I want to improve is my riding mindset to allow me to push the limits harder and improve faster. After over 9 years of trials I think I can do most techniques to at least some level. I'm not very good at switchfoot, which is really usefull in comps. Its actually quite sad to be struggling to think of things i want to learn, anybody got any suggestions for new moves?!?

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i lose too much energy on trackstand. i'm hopping like a gorilla, even though i'm not actually at a beginner phase..


oh! and front pogos, when i lean enough i can do them quite well, but usually i'm afraid of going too far over the bars

Edited by zoster
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