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Would You Rather..... Thread


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right im bored of waiting for my boss to come get me.

so i randomly started thinking of a film i saw ages ago with like 2 security guards and the one kept asking the other "would you rather...." and the other security guard never wanted to answer but he was forced to cos they kept sayin "you HAVE to choose one!" and when he did the first one was just like "UUUUUURGH your sick!! HAHA. well funny (anyone remember the film?)

anyway ill give some examples to start, incase you have no idea.

ill start with a grown up and mature one.....would you rather have a high paying job (say 50k) but not like it at all or would you rather have a much lower paying job (say minimum wage) but love it.

a silly but more funny example,

would you rather your parents found out you visited a website called "monster cocks.com" or "venezualan fart fetish.com" - my mates at uni had a competition who could find the most f**ked up porn and something along this fart fetish line came up!!!?!?!?!!.

anyway please create a mix of serious and hilarious ones! n just make a choice. hopefully it will be funny/cause some debate/cause some concern haha. its nothing serious so just have a laugh with it on the stupid ones!

nicely done


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Would you rather. Mod stock or 24"


Actuallyyyyyyyyy. Would you rather chinese or indian.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner :lol:

Would you rather get paid £400 to star in a gay porn film which is then seen by everyone you know, or cut off your knob.

The first part happened to a guy in my year back in school...

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