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I work at sainsbury's, picking shit up, scanning shit, and putting shit down.

I had a customer have a go at me for going too slow. I was packing her bag as well. She had the go when I sat down and scanned faster because there was her and a colleague both packing. In situations like that, it is possible to go fast. If I'd done it when there was just her, she would complain I was going too fast.

Stupid woman!!!!!!

I always used to explain how I felt the speed was adequate and that if they felt they could do better I would recommend the self service...

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We sent out kp to another (I cant even spell restaurant) to get a leg of salmon today, he even did it :lol:

Im a chef at a nice little beach cafe, I got the job by going in and speaking to the head chef. And obviously because im god

gutted, get me some spirit level bubbles?

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  • 3 weeks later...
I've been out of work for... well, too long now.

I now have my car back on the road, so I can finally go job hunting! Thing is, I have no idea what I want to do.

I was a car tyre fitter before, which was alright, but the place I worked at was overpriced and never busy! The hours were terrible and non-negotiable, so I left, was sick of it.

I don't have much experience in anything really, apart from tyre fitting, and I also worked in Halfords Bikehut part-time for 2 years.

I want to do something practical, not sitting at a computer all day (Do that enough as it is!)

I'm pretty stuck on ideas, so what do you do, and how did you get the job?

Did you need any training/experience when you started?

I'm going to have a drive around the local towns tomorrow and see if anything comes up...

hi mate, im a farrier, you know what that is?

i basically put horseshoes on horses and make horseshoes from steel on anvils and stuff.

have a look into becoming a farrier, they do a apprenticship in it, it takes 5yrs, but i started when i was 19, ive just qualified in march!

im now my own boss now and the wage is reallg gd!

if your interested let me know!

i think ive got a link on my forum page with the website of my old boss in ayelsbury!



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You have to really love horses, or ugly women, no two ways about that one sunshine...

yer you must like horses, and the women, just STAY AWAY!

but work that keeps you fit and gives you massive fore arms and pays wedge!! :)

you also become a pro wrestler! wrestling with all the young horses! great fun.

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I build the electronic rate boards you see in places like:

Thomas cook (just completed an order of 800 large and small ones in 2 months!)


Lloyds TSB

Post office



I'd say its a fun job but as with any other it get very repetitive making the same thing day in day out.

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I build the electronic rate boards you see in places like:

Thomas cook (just completed an order of 800 large and small ones in 2 months!)


Lloyds TSB

Post office



I'd say its a fun job but as with any other it get very repetitive making the same thing day in day out.

ADI Group?

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My mate had been out of work for a year, I'd been out of work for 3 months, neither of us could bare the thought of having a job and working for 'the man' so we started our own business flocking dashboards for race/show cars. It's a bit slow at the moment but in 6 weeks we've nearly broken even (£1200 investment...) and we'll be in Max Power within the next couple of months :)

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CV CV CV CV CV CV CV CV CV CV CV CV CV CV CV Its all about the CV!

Taylor a CV to each job you apply for. I got my job by making my CV fit onto a yoghurt pot and sending it off with the application. My best mate from uni got his job with rolo by sending them a box wrapped like a gift, inside was his cv and a rolo wrapper with one last rolo in and one of my mates last year applied for a job at Andrex, he wrote his whole cv out on a piece of loo roll. They didn't care that he got a bad degree results and a-levels, they just liked the way he approached things.

I know your prob looking for a job with a smaller company but particularly if your not academically minded then being creative with your cv gives you the chance to appeal to companies without your grades making much of a difference.

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I have no GCSEs but I did study at college to get a deploma in graphic design. I was going to take it further and plan to make a living from it but I HAAAAATE computers and I just got fed up with it.

I then went to a place called "Key Training". its meant for kids who have been kicked out of school, but it was the only place near me that taught welding (which I love doing). Through them I got an apprentiship at a wire factory where I was being trained up as an engineer to make and upkeep the machines that bend/ cut the wire.

To be fair, that was pretty good. The guy who was training me was on £25 an hour! But I couldn't cope with the hours (7.30 - 4.30 is too much for me). I would rather have less money and be happy than have money but be unhappy.

I was then jobless for a while until I got a call off Tartybikes asking if I fancied a job. I accepted and I am still there now. The hours are better, I am working with things and people that interest me and I get loads of help with bike parts.

I have never written a CV in my life.

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Taylor a CV to each job you apply for. I got my job by making my CV fit onto a yoghurt pot and sending it off with the application. My best mate from uni got his job with rolo by sending them a box wrapped like a gift, inside was his cv and a rolo wrapper with one last rolo in and one of my mates last year applied for a job at Andrex, he wrote his whole cv out on a piece of loo roll. They didn't care that he got a bad degree results and a-levels, they just liked the way he approached things.

Those are brilliant

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I currently work for Apple Retail as a Mac Genius. I got the job as career progression internally, moving from a Specialist job role.

I'm moving to M&S in a couple of months on their Graduate trainee management scheme, in a store near Leeds. That's for twelve months as my third year in University. The interview process for M&S was extremely hard, a full day's grilling with 5 different tasks, testing a range of your skills from analytical time report writing, to giving employee feedback and criticism.

I'm looking forward to learning a lot from a well respected high street retailer, who are well known for their excellent training programs.

That's about it really :)

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Which ever branch you want to work at, just pop in and ask to hand it to the manager, or ask if the manager of the store is in. Obviously, look relatively smart and smile, even if it is for Halfords.

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hospital porter . Its shite soo not the right job for me , more of a older people's person job , am only 19 and cba talking to old ill folks all time but pay alright and infact am actually at work now on mobile til 6 , been pretty busy but going steady now so think gunna turn telly off and get some kip if all is good . But plans for future is marines ! Hell yeah

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I bumbled through school, BB in English, BB in ICT, D in Maths and Science which barely got me into college, did 2 and a bit years there and decided this was getting me know where in regards to getting a job where i wanted to go. I applied for a job about 15 miles away and got it after being asked to start work in the interview, awesome feeling. Luckily i got it the day i passed my driving test (a very good day for me!). I was on 11k a year and thought i was f**king loaded. After 9 months i got made redundant with a nice redundancy package so bought myself a laptop and tried to go freelance. Realised not having a fixed income was super shit. I found a local job for a large web development/design/branding company who had offices in London and Worthing and decided the only thing they could say is no.

After chasing for an interview for over a month i got called in for an interview. Lasted almost 2 hours and the day after i was asked to if i wanted to skip the 2nd interview and start the next week (this call was on a Thursday). Not looked back since, and 2 years 6 months on i'm on very good pay, well above average for my age i believe and am looking towards a good few years of progression.

S'all about taking chances and going with what you believe. I believed college would get me no where in life and it hasn't, and never will. At 18, dropping out of college was like, wow, i'm free, and never quite appreciated the enormity of my actions.

If you believe a college and university education will get you further, then that's what you do. Although speaking to some old high school friends who have been in education the whole time i've been in work, coming up their 3 years, some are doing 4, they are about to head into work on about the same salary i am, but where as i've been earning for the past 3 years, they've just got some massive debt.

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halfords, just take it to your local store, but from my experience its shit, my local store where i worked for nearly 2 years i think, maybe 1 and a half but yeah...so badly run/organized. not sure if this is the deal with them all.

apprentiships are from what ive heard a good plan, my mate does it for electrician, college 1 day a week and work the rest (maybe 3/4 days) i think and he always seems to have money yet spending everyday on pointless crap.

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