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MY GOD she's grown :D I was there the day you brought her, really wide and stuff now ! Alot longer aswell Ed ? Nice to see she's coming along well, give me a call at some point today aswell please bro =]

Yeah shes grown! Almost 4 foot long now and rediculously strong :)

Will ring you lunchtime.

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Crappy iphone pic, was hand feeding it some of this banana puree baby food before until my Clarks stuff comes, its well cute when it eats. Its got abit of dalmation in it as well, back end near the tail has a few black spots. Got it from one of the local breeders, picked that one out for me, was the best coloured one.

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Coolies :)

Be aware that bannana isnt good for them, the phosphorus inhibits calcium absorbtion and you will suffer from mbd before you know it, babyfood is also not good for em, but then youre getting clarks so tis all good. Let him settle in for a week before offering live food, black crickets and locusts are great feeders, wont cost you a bomb either because you only have one mouth to feed :D

Have you seen our cresties?

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Just made up a mix of 1 mango, 1 pear and some honey (your Mrs mixture) It licked it afew times, then burried its face inside it haha! Got an ice cube tray full of the stuff, hopefully the CGD should be here monday so can mix some in with it once its defrosted.

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Built a new table for my torts over the past few days. Really pleased with how its turned out. 6.5"x5", Glass on the front to try an discourage escaping acts, with a glass divide down the center, I didn't want to use wood to avoid the risk of a fire with the basking lamp. Anyway...






They seem to love it! Ralph spent a day or so pacing the glass divide, but hes left it alone now an just decided to get on with it. The leopard (Now known as Ned) seems well haappy with the space, he can't get enough of climbing over the log, an finding new ways to climb into his house/bed area.

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Currently making a DIY feeding/ rest ledge for my gecko out of polystyrene, tiling grout, paint and a magnetic aquarium glass cleaner. Looks good, and has probably saved me £15


Another one of the little beast. Going to try and get one of it just before lights out when it goes dark browny purple.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Littlewoods was hit by a car recently :( He was left blind in one eye and had it removed and sewn up. He's also got a metal plate in his jaw 'cause it was crushed. He's not the same anymore



But you do now have a bionic cat ^_^

Still looks like mine!

Picked up a giant madagascan day gecko (phelsuma grandis) last weekend at the doncaster show, hes green, very fast and really awesome. About 3-4" long at the moment and should get up to 10-11" in a couple of years :)

Hes my first diurnal gecko so should provide loads of enjoyment watching him hop, run and leap about during the day.





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Littlewoods was hit by a car recently :( He was left blind in one eye and had it removed and sewn up. He's also got a metal plate in his jaw 'cause it was crushed. He's not the same anymore


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That picture seems so sad, hope he will be able to cheer up :(

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This sounds funny.

I'd ask you to video it for lols, but then people will probably hunt you down for animal cruelty. And then make a video of a guy in a possum suit hitting you with a broom.

I have videos somewhere :D Thing is, they are tough as, and as I'm sure John O'Connor will agree, they are a pest, especially on a resort.

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I am sure you all know my cat!

My mother brought it home when she was back from work. She was skinny, her hair was sticky, and she was vomiting everything we were giving her. She nearly killed herself of tiredness while I was giving her a bath. The doctor said she would probably not be living. But she has. She got raped by another cat just after she had been sterilised. She was attacked by a dog later on but managed to get away without anything. The dog lost his eyes though.

She is now 2 years old, and she has brought me happiness. I love her so much, and she loves me too. Her name: Poppy!

She is absolutely all I have. Sorry for your cat Hannah. I odn't know what I would do if that happened to Pop, considering one of my friend and I broke into his neighbour's house because he had shot his cat in the leg. She has only three feet left. I nearly tortured the old basterd! Good luck Hannah.

That was when she was one year old or so...


That was at the same time:


That was at last Christmas showing off under the tree:


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  • 2 weeks later...

This is Nugget Buttons, he's our 8 1/2 week old tabby kitten. He came home with us yesterday evening and hid behind the sofa until bedtime. We managed to coax him into sitting on the bed and he rolled over to let us stroke his tummy before purring. We woke up to him meowing at 5am because he fell off the bed :lol: His collar and bed arrived earlier on today and he seems to be settling in finally.


Edited by Hannah Shucksmith
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You're the chap who got bit by a snake and decided to take lots of pics rather than do something about it? :giggle:

Funny thing that green lizard. I have 2 bearded dragons which are now 6 years old but I don't have any pics of their current condition.

Theres nothing wrong with taking photos of a snake bite ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Took my first step towards owning my own pets today, bought a 64l tank. Going for a tropical freshwater set-up, it'll only be small for now, thinking one cat fish and maybe 5 other fish to fill out the other levels. See how I get on.

Pictures up when theres something worth seeing. Anyone else keep fish?


I have a massive Plec, a medium Corydorus Catfish and one beasty Firebelly Oscar.

I can't have any other fish in there because the Oscar just eats them all :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not exactly a pet... but mum took this in.. its a baby hedgehog(obv) weigh's something like 370g when its got to be double that to hybinate(spelling?).

Thought some people on here might like to take a look.

it wasn't eating the food mum gave it (cat meat and and weetabix for carbs) so shes testing the foods.. so far it seems to love chicken :lol:

EDIT: i tryed to stroke it and it hissed.. how long have hedgehogs done that for :ermm:



Edited by Laurence--Trials
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