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Bourne isn't bourne without Matt Damon and director Paul Greengrass in tow.

I get the bus everyday with Greengrass's daughter, claim to fame.

Can't wait for The Hunger Games, another one of 'those' franchises but the book were pretty good unlike others.

Also can't wait for this, looks much better than the previous trilogy -

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Watched Hard Candy on netflix at lunch, really good film, good story and I like Ellen Page so :D(Y)

A quick question about netflix, do they update with new realesed movies becuase for 5.99per month it sounds good but i dont want to pay that to watch movies that are old?

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+1 wouldn't quite do this justice!

for those (like me) who does have enjoyed the movie that much

here's something for you

some kind of small animated tribute

very much in the mood of the movie

it's not really a spoiler

but maybe don't watch it if you haven't seen the movie yet

just to be sure you keep an open mind about that true master piece ;)

edit: just watch it again

actually it's a spoiler :D

so don't watch it if want too see the movie

Edited by chimpanzyyyy
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A quick question about netflix, do they update with new realesed movies becuase for 5.99per month it sounds good but i dont want to pay that to watch movies that are old?


You can browse what they've got and make your mind up. Or they're doing a free trial for a month anyway. Seems good though - there's plenty on there I'd like to watch and it works really well via my Apple TV. I've only used it once so far but I'm impressed.

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The film might not create as much atmosphere if you watch it at home, it was awesome in the cinema though.

Nice way to get rep points though!

Couldn't give a shit about them to be honest. If I have no rep points after the weekend, I'll steal it and watch it Monday night.

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All these crappy 1980's comic book movies. Getting sick of them now. Only good ones were the two batman movies, but even they would have been better with no Batman.

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Anyone find instrumental "film music" really really annoying? As in uplifting / sad / dramatic themes? Not really sure of the terminology. I'm f**king fed up with it, recently tried to watch LOTR and just couldn't get through it for this reason. It's not the only movie that I can't stand for the silly music, don't seem to recall other examples at this moment. It just seems so cheap and gay. It's as though the filmmakers have failed to create a certain atmosphere using the plot / image / dialogue and have to resort to stupid music.


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Anyone find instrumental "film music" really really annoying? As in uplifting / sad / dramatic themes? Not really sure of the terminology. I'm f**king fed up with it, recently tried to watch LOTR and just couldn't get through it for this reason. It's not the only movie that I can't stand for the silly music, don't seem to recall other examples at this moment. It just seems so cheap and gay. It's as though the filmmakers have failed to create a certain atmosphere using the plot / image / dialogue and have to resort to stupid music.


I know exactly what you mean and it winds me up too.

I have a retarded geeky housemate who does absolutely nothing except watch films all the time (When he's not at work or asleep). I always get woken up on a Saturday morning by the annoying as f**k orchestral music in the climatic buildup to an 'exciting' part of a film. I find its worse in the comic book superhero type movies, which I hate the most :angry:

Music like that doesn't play in real life when something dramatic is about to happen, and if the films any good it shouldn't need it to create suspense!

Edit: Wow I sound angry. I don't mean my housemate is actually mentally disabled, he just has no friends/life and just sits inside watching movies all weekend. Actually, maybe he is disabled :lol:

Edited by eddbmxdude
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