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Traditional end of the year thread. What's 2010 been like for you?

I'll start. Was a nightmare most of the time, poor decisions and just overall bad luck all year meant that among other things I had to give up drifting, sell the car; didn't really go on holiday anywhere because I couldn't afford it. Wasted a lot of time doing pointless things. Found riding trials rather fun though which was unusual because I've been going off this sport for the last few years. Since August I've been working on sorting out various issues to start over in 2011, hopefully the year to come will be more pleasant.

Post away (Y)

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To sum it up, feckin brilliant.

skiing in canada, goin to ibiza, tagging a cheeky week in maga on right at the end for some cheap ass closing parties. I suppose flip side to all that, and paying for partying hard was spending 5 days in hospital on a saline drip, having steroids pumped into me to keep my airways open, but hey thats life, and after being told i wouldnt be in shape for 3-6 months, im feeling pretty damn good to be honest despite only coming out of hospital like 3-4 weeks ago.

crap side of this, is i fear 2011 wont live upto it, ive been saying for like 3 years "one more year of pissing round, having a laugh, then i need to sort my finances out, straighten up and fly right etc" and I have to admit, i almost feel like that could well of been it.

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Started off awesome, no problems at all. Then went to shit, hardly any work and mates going off into the forces, moving away etc... But started getting good again, Got loads more tattoos, started learning to tattoo and had an amazing christmas playing beer pong from 7 til 4 in the morning at a mates house and general drunken tomfoolery. I've met a lovely girl and building a new bike up so should be a good year coming up!

All in all, it went really fast, but it's been good.

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It's been awsome for me I've Spent time in Brighton at beggining of year, had a month of just partying/sunbathing/riding/girls/relaxing in Barcelona now I'm still here found an enjoyable job I've met a girl I really like and generrally have had/have no stress at all Now bring on next year I just want to work my way towards something maybe work my way up in the bar industry we'll see.

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My favourite year so far:

Had 3 cars, met some amazing people, made a lot more friends (through uni, going out and trials), had my first proper girlfriend albeit she was a dick but still got the experience, haven't had any major fallings out with anyone, feel like i've got healthier with starting biking and going to the gym n that.

It's been a good year but I hope 2011 is better, with a girlfriend!

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been a pretty dam good year!

Riding wise I have had more fun this year than I can remember having before!

I have been paid to ride my bike in some pretty fantastic locations (Isle of Lewis was amazing! Also went surfing there for the first time ever, so so so fun!).

I was lucky enough to get some pretty well paid jobs riding like the Gatorade Ad, did some pretty well paying demos like the Royal Highland Show too.

I haven't had to work all winter. I have finally moved out and got a place near decent riding. Went to Germany for Eurobike, went to the Bahamas to teach trials (though that was bit of a nightmare, it was well paid and I can look back and laugh now).

My sister had a baby who is really smart and very cute.

Riding with Mark is very fun and I am lucky he is into photography and filming, managed to put out more vids this year than any other

Helping develop the Hex was also a highlight

so yeah, after 13 years riding I am still having the time of my life....bring on 2011!!

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Shittest year of my life (without sounding all emo)

Got diagnosed with manic depression

Lost many family members

Premenstral girls are jebends!

After I split up with my 8month going girlfriend, I pretty much went off the rails.

Good times.. -.-

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this song cheered me up when I had depression

plus it won't last forever and then you'll be happy again. I had it all through my teens but now I am extremely happy 90% of the time most of the time

Thanks man, good to hear you're feeling good again :)

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Was a pretty strange year.

January till august was pretty dead, same old stuff every day: wake up - school - missus (ex)- sleep -> repeat. The missus had me in her grip, she was very jealous and I never saw my old (female) friends.

Got a call from an unknown number one day, it was a girl. And she completly freaked. Had enough of it and broke up. Went on holiday for 3 days 2 weeks later and when I came back she had a new guy and was living there. (2 weeks after a 2 year relationship, wtf?!). Was quite devestated and went completely insane, being in panic and crying all day. Had some help from friends, who were there for me immediatly, even after not seeing or talking to them in 2 years.

Few months later now, my life is completly different from 4 months ago. Doing lots of trials and socialising with people, a turn for the best! Still feel sad about the ex sometimes, she was quite perfect for me except for the jealousy. But I'll keep moving forward and think positive.

Wonder what 2011 will bring now my life is normal again.

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It was utter shite for me.

My old man got sectioned again he's been in the loony bin for 8 months now.

Had to have surgery on my knee again 3rd time now.

Crashed my CCM and racked up £1260 of damage!

Broke the gudgeon pin on the CCM and had to strip her down to the crankcases.

Snapped my frame.

Had my beautiful GT stolen.

Had 2 front doors and a window smashed at my flat.

Just a bit f**ked off,ed with it now!

Hopfully next year is better though.

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Started off pretty awful, started perking up once I got back into riding.

Met loads of new people through riding, learnt a lot of new stuff and went to a lot of new places :)

New band + new car was massively win.

Getting Caitlin back into my life and finally being with her definitely capped off a brilliant year, can't complain at all :) Bring on 2011, if 2010 is anything to go by then 2011 will be f**king amazing

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Riding with Mark is very fun and I am lucky he is into photography and filming, managed to put out more vids this year than any other

Naturally ;)

But yeah, moving to Blackpool was a highlight in terms of getting to ride more. Had a fun summer working 9-5 then going out riding at Lee Quarry or some other fun natural spot, then when we got into the summer filming mode it was awesome. Trips away every weekend, going to loads of different places after work to ride, just generally had a good time. Watched the Summer video again last night and remembered how nice it was being able to go riding wherever/whenever. Missing that now in that it's the 3rd or 4th week without being able to ride! Was also cool 'cos I sort of found the direction I wanted to go in with riding, which I was unsure of before. It's opened up things a lot more and I'm looking forward to learning more and doing more in 2011. Got myself a dSLR that can film video on too now, so hopefully I can keep moving onwards and upwards with video filming and editing too.

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