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How To Get Sponsered

nick yates

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Also worth mentioning is the 'come back'. You fade away into obscurity without anyone noticing, and then one day you reappear with a 'FIRSTNAME LASTNAME come back!' thread. After announcing your new bike spec you release a half-hearted video, and then disappointed with the lack of enthusiasm from fellow riders who never gave a sh't about you in the first place, you declare that trials 'isn't what it used to be' and 'quit' again.

At this point BIG trials companies WILL contact you begging to sign a contract with them.

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I got "sponsored" haha

Enjoy your riding, make friends, be a nice guy, don't be a bellend might as well wait for someone to contact you, cos if your good enough they will. And if your not good enough they won't.

Local bike shops can be the best though, local shops used to give me free / discounted stuff because they knew I wouldn't badmouth their company and be helpful and recomend their store.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Move up north, wear jeans that don't fit, listen to death metal and practice your sidehops. You'll be famous before you know it.

Im pretty sure thats stereo typing? Im from north, i wear normal jeans, im not a fan of death metal to be fair and my riding style is a mix.

I could stereotype all you southerners who just evolve around the 24" scene. Id be harsh if i wanted to but mega cant be arsed to be fair...


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I could stereotype all you southerners who just evolve around the 24" scene. Id be harsh if i wanted to but mega cant be arsed to be fair...

Probably for the best seeing as I doubt any of them would give a shit anyway?

The difference as well is that there aren't really that many 24" riders who are sponsored compared to TGSy sort of riders. Equally, we never get e-mails at Tartybikes from 24" riders wanting to get sponsored, just from some comp riders but mainly TGS riders. As a result, you can be as "harsh" as you want and it still won't mean shit because the previous stereotype was actually a lot closer to the truth of the situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dude make a video and edit it really well, you would be amazed by how much a good video will help. Also, chose a song that is quite unheard of and no mainstream shit, people want new and impressive, the amount of times that I have watched Danny macs vids solely for the tunes is insane. Also, don't use a fish eye... It's common and amateurish.

Try and get as many different angles as possible and get good nature shots. Combine all this and of course some good riding and you will have loads of requests. And put the vids up on every site you can think of. Not just YouTube. Hope this helps. :)

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