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The Little Wheels Thread


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but paging ItsMatt...

Marks unwritten rule :nerd:

I loved that VERY MUCH, it was fresh.

I can feel a lot more vapourwave and chroma keying happening after this Noisia thing gets out the way

Edited by ItsMatt
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You might need to watch some different stuff in that case - people are doing some mental shit nowadays. Some of it's not quite down the techedy-tech tiny wheels/horrible style 90's stuff, but the size of move is getting bigger, and people are doing a lot of 'never been done before' shit. For streety stuff, Wes Kremer's doing some interesting things:

Then there's Daewon Song riding pretty much anything/everything.

Then there's all the Street League dudes doing the super consistent massive trick shit, Mega Ramp dudes, etc.

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It's still just the same moves of old- kickflip, 360 flip, wall ride and whatever. From what I've seen I don't think anyone's actually come up with a new trick for the past 20 years. I have massive respect for what they're doing 'cos f**k is skateboarding well difficult but Rodney Mullen was doing similar stuff to Daewon when the latter was still in nappies!

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Daewon's only a few years younger than Rodney Mullen, and Daewon's still coming up with new things and doing it on super tech quirky new setups while Rodney's just looking like a smackhead and chatting in a weird voice about how great he used to be. The things people are doing with wallies, wallrides, pole jams, etc. now haven't been done before. If you want to just say "Well, it's still a wallride" then that's a massively blinkered view of it. People are also still coming up with new flip tricks. There's a thing called 'Battle At The Berrics' which is a SKATE tournament - people were doing new shit in there. There's a whole generation of younger skaters who just fire up Youtube videos of them skating and doing weird new shit too. The whole 'New flip tricks/Send it down massive stairsets' shit is still such a strong force in skating that there's even companies like Polar, Palace and Magenta who specifically portray the more stripped down side of things, so it's not like there's no element of that left in it. There's even dudes like the Tokyo Daggers who come up with stuff like this:

...and then professional Joel Bennett lookalike William Spencer doing stuff like this:

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Being weird on a skateboard does not a progression make! I know what you're saying but when it comes down to it it's still people doing the same stuff in unusual ways or unusual places. If you look at BMXing they're doing stuff these days that people just wouldn't dream of 5 or 10 years ago but skating due to the very nature of the board and the limitations due to how it's used has a limit as to what's possible which from what I can see was reached a long time ago.

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Pretty much, yeah. Put it this way I don't think I've watched a single 'recent' skateboard video that's made the think 'what the hell, that can't even be possible' whereas in BMX I think that regularly (double peg to front flip, front flip down a set of stairs, crazy brakeless nose manuals etc.) or even trials (Danny Mac with his smack-your-front-wheel-into-a-signpost-front-flip or the Road Party vids). Skateboarding's just kinda stale in my book and has been for years. But then I'm probably wrong!

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So you want people to be creative, but not too creative? You are also aware that everything you listed as BMX progression is "just" things they could already do but done in different ways, which is precisely what you were saying was "stale" about skateboarding? People have been doing double pegs for years, frontflips for years, brakeless nose manuals since the 80's-90's. As a direct comparison, you're saying that a double peg to frontflip is progression, but Wes Kremer doing a shove-it to wallride (something no-one's done before) isn't because it's "just" a normal trick to "just" a wallride?

Skateboards are a lot more versatile in terms of tricks than BMXs are. A BMX is basically just about rotating either the bars or the rest of the bike but in slightly different ways. With skating you've got so many more possible ways of doing it (which people are still doing, as I said before, in things like BATB).

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Maybe it's a difference in apparent difficulty and how impressive something looks. Taking those two examples if someone had said to me 10 years ago 'you know what, in ten years someone will do a shove-it to wallride' I'd have been surprised that no-one's done it before and now I've seen it I'm pretty underwhelmed. Maybe it's the risk element? Seeing people that have the bottle (stupidity?) to do some of the stuff they're doing on BMX is crazy. The potential outcome if things go wrong when doing a 3-whip down a big stair set or doing a barspin to icepick down a big set or doing a double peg to front flip makes those moves (and therefore videos) far more impressive to watch than the skate world where things tend to be a fair bit 'tamer'. I know the risk of things going wrong and injury is probably far, far higher for skaters but it doesn't stop it from looking far less impressive (in my opinion!).

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I really wish MADE was free to view online... Brandon Westgate does some legitimately ridiculous shit. These are some of the B-sides:

Also, talking of size - 30secs in, ~55secs in:

In terms of hefty shit on ramps:

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I think what you need to consider is are you talking about pushing boundaries/limits or creating new tricks. Pushing limits can be easily seen by amplitude of tricks but some things are more difficult to see. How many people tail whip in both directions, does it look any harder?

Edited by waybe2014
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It just looks horrific 'cos they have to do that ninja/kung fu kick shit :P It's definitely starting to become more common though, although now everyone's running a freecoaster people tend to just be doing stuff fakie now rather than going oppo or switch.

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