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Tonight I did a hilly off road 5k in 21.02 so averaging 4.10.

Happy with that.

I'm amazed how much some of you guys gym in the summer, I'm fine going 4-5 times a week in winter but now it's light until 8.30 I struggle to go more than twice as it seems a shame. I just do lots of body weight movement training and circuits outside.

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Tastes gorgeous! How much water do you have in it? how often do you take?

Only have it when I'm in the gym, and I have two scoops with 500ml of water.

If you feel like you need to be drinking it 5 times a day every 3 hours you should probably consider adjusting your diet. ;)

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Adapt Nutrition, it's a new company started by a guy my cousin knows (he's a personal trainer and competitive body builder). They were testing it for ages and trying loads of different formulas and this stuff is awesome and tastes really nice. I used to used the myprotein one as I blagged 2 tubs for a tenner but had to force it down as it was well too sweet, have a look on monster supplements as they were doing discounts and chucking a free shaker in!

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I've tried a few pres, I wouldn't recommend mypre, jack3d micro or bulk powders own one personally they didn't do a lot for me.

I've used grenade 50 cal that was really good but tasted horrendous, currently using ANS Ritual and I think it's really good. The taste isn't great as its "icy blue freeze" but it's easy enough to drink and the results are good.

I got some of them Alpha men vitamins, It's like pissing yellow highlighter fluid!

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I need a bit of advice. I'm starting to feel limited/fatigued earlier in the workout. I cant seem to push the same weights for as many reps any more and my 1RM seems to have dropped. Diet is fairly good, better now than when I started.

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Yeah roi!

I train fasted usually so big ass serving does me for a session.

What pre-workout are people using? I used to use Ultralife NOX pump but the 'new improved' formula is shit.

Apologies, I thought you meant a protein shaker scoop.

Didn't realise there was a little nugget fetcher in the bag somewhere!

You can probably understand why I was so shocked when you said 2 scoops now lol

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I need a bit of advice. I'm starting to feel limited/fatigued earlier in the workout. I cant seem to push the same weights for as many reps any more and my 1RM seems to have dropped. Diet is fairly good, better now than when I started.

How long have you been doing your workout for? Might be worth switching it up a bit, use dumbells rather than a bar, etc....

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Coming up for 6 weeks. We use mostly dumbells rather than a bar, maybe just on the bar for deadlifts,bench press and squats. Though I try to do chest press with dumbells more often than not.

I might try resting a few days and then run through a few circuits.

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Are you doing volume or hypertrophy training? I feel if I'm doing volume I can push about 75% of what I'd normally rep for sets.

Try giving yourself longer rest periods? An extra 60 seconds makes a massive difference :)

Also, if you're fairly new to lifting you might not be giving yourself adequate recovery time- how many times are you hitting which muscles a week?

Are you bulking/maintaining/cutting with your diet? If you're in a caloric deficit its very likely that you won't be as strong as you are when your body is properly fuelled. Nutritious food tends to be less calorie-dense than more proceed unhealthy food, so you tend to have to eat more of it!

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I'm not so clued up on the lingo yet. A typical session, say for back would be;

Pull ups, mixture of wide/tight/alternate grips 20 - 50 reps in as many sets as required.

Dumbell rows, starting at 20kg, 25kg, 32.5kg, then 40kg max effort every weight, reps arent counted as such. Then we work back, 40kg down to around 15 and go for a max effort, maybe finishing at 12 reps on 15. So all in maybe 8 sets and 100 reps?

Seated rows on a cable machine, same rules as above.

Lat pull down on cable machine, same again, starting low, max effort through as high as possible and back again.

Then a few Romanian dead lifts 50kg - 70kg - 95kg and back down again.

Then finish up with a 2500m row alternating intensity and speed every 500m.

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That definitely seems like a high volume training regime. If you're focussing on strength I can't see much point in draining yourself of energy and glycogen repping 50% of your maximum until fail, as you'll feel worse in your high weight exercises (say 75-80% of your maximum) which is where the real strength gains are made.

You say you do a pyramid type workout on nearly every exercise stated there, which I'm sure is why you're not making the progress that you want. You'd be far better off scrapping the pyramids all together and focussing on heavy pressing and heavy compound movements but doing sets of 8-10 reps. It definitely seems like you enjoy high volume, so why not try out the superset regime that Isitafox posted on the previous page?

On a slightly contradictory note*, I did a 2 hour leg session yesterday consisting of 6 exercises all done for 5 sets of 10 and my first ever go at front squats. My legs are aching today but I know there's more to come. Thankfully my BCAA's arrived today from MyProtein so I'll see if these actually make a difference over the next few weeks, but why is it fluorescent like anti-freeze?! :P

*I find legs have to be trained very hard as they are big muscles and are used to moving a relatively heavy weight around all day, so this doesn't contradict what I said earlier!

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Personally I'd say that is a weird back workout, doing 8 sets and nearly 100 reps per exercise it's no wonder you're so f**ked!

Try and stick to something basic like 4x10 or if you're increasing the weight everytime then pyramid 4x12/10/8/6, also if you can do that many various chins so easily then stick to wide grip and get some weight added on there. I'd swap the dumbell rows for bent barbell rows and the stiff leg deadlifts for probably 3 or 4x5 reps at the very start of regular deadlifts and go heavy.

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I'm going to try the routine he posted tomorrow, having a rest today. I tried the 4 x 10 routine type set up and I never felt worked by it. Even at the top end of what I could lift, the last few reps would be a struggle but I never seem to get tight or pumped/ache. So I had a look around at different methods, hit the overtraining method and found it felt more rewarding.

I don't fancy bulking too much and getting massive, size wise I'm around 5'10 and 85kg which is roughly where I want to be. Just a bit stronger and more ripped.

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