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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Yeah, MOS is the stuff to listen to! Downloading the 2008 mash up right now.

As for what you've written, it may sound harsh but I think you did the right thing and it's good you broke up. Continuing such a relationship can't have been good for you. I'm sure you'll soon find somebody you appreciate :)

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Yeah, MOS is the stuff to listen to! Downloading the 2008 mash up right now.

As for what you've written, it may sound harsh but I think you did the right thing and it's good you broke up. Continuing such a relationship can't have been good for you. I'm sure you'll soon find somebody you appreciate :)

Ha mate it has been so freeking long and all the girls i meet are just retards or too young or both.... this one girl talking to her now.... after a week of texting her and no reply i gave up now about 2 weeks after she is online and say yeah i brok my phone and lost your number.... Oh i got pissed about some guys :( (so f**king what you have lead me on like a mug i just wanna scream in her face) I hate my life so much.

If you wanna know why and it isn't all this shit ahhh get over it look at the heirachy of needs :D type it in to google and you will understand.

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id say if you want to forget about a girl for whatever reason just cut off contact with her, delete numbers , contacts make an effort to actually avoid them, get to some bars and pubs and spend time with some proper mates.

most young girls around 18-21 are genetically stupid imo so just play around until they have better taste and an idea about life.

saying that im single and cant see that changing until i change my attitude which again i cant see changing . . haha

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id say if you want to forget about a girl for whatever reason just cut off contact with her, delete numbers , contacts make an effort to actually avoid them, get to some bars and pubs and spend time with some proper mates.

most young girls around 18-21 are genetically stupid imo so just play around until they have better taste and an idea about life.

saying that im single and cant see that changing until i change my attitude which again i cant see changing . . haha

Done that and i manage to see her (same college same neighbourhood) i get rid of her number and it somehow ends up back with me!! And as for bars i am 17 so that is out of the question.

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most young girls around 18-21 are genetically stupid imo so just play around until they have better taste and an idea about life.

saying that im single and cant see that changing until i change my attitude which again i cant see changing . . haha

its the way forward, since i turned 16, ive had like 3 proper girlfriends, and in 4 years, have spent no more than about 5 months in relationships. its all about rockin out, with your cock out, parties, random sex,lines of cocaine that make you buy bigger coffee tables, the odd 2 week fling, pregnancy scares,cans of strongbow, sti tests and waking up in strangers houses on a saturday afternoon.

seriously its about having fun while your young, i know people who got "engaged" at 15, whats the point, might as well have some fun, till your old enough to know better, then settle down at that time.

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seriously its about having fun while your young, i know people who got "engaged" at 15, whats the point, might as well have some fun, till your old enough to know better, then settle down at that time.

True story, theres a lass I went to college with (insanely hot) who got married when she turned 18, to a 28 year old. She regrets it already (a year on) as she can't just go down town and wake up with some random lad. As strange as it sounds, tis what being young is about. Although I'm in a relationship an have been for 19 months... lolol. Ehh well.

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Now for me....... 7 months on no GF no love life, failed one night stands....... and i STILL LOVE HER :angry: How can it go away? FFS starting to actually affect my life.... i have no drive or ambition besides riding now....

Not good :(

I think I'm getting on for about 2 years now after splitting up from the girl I still love, it's pretty hard because I think about her everyday an I imagine your doing the same. Unfortunately I don't think I'll totally get over it, I've been in a few relationships since an they aren't anything compared. You'll start to get drive from career prospects, an just trying to better yourself. I know it was hard for me back then I was abit of a mess into pretty hard drugs but I'm going in the RAF sometime this year so you've got it all to live for mate, just keep your chin up.

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I think I'm getting on for about 2 years now after splitting up from the girl I still love, it's pretty hard because I think about her everyday an I imagine your doing the same. Unfortunately I don't think I'll totally get over it, I've been in a few relationships since an they aren't anything compared. You'll start to get drive from career prospects, an just trying to better yourself. I know it was hard for me back then I was abit of a mess into pretty hard drugs but I'm going in the RAF sometime this year so you've got it all to live for mate, just keep your chin up.

See i have the oppositte affect sometimes..... i just get lazy and CBA sometimes...... I am going into the Marines in about 2 years as an officer so i do work hard for getting to that standard but sometimes i just wanna crawl up and die.....

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its all about rockin out, with your cock out, parties, random sex,lines of cocaine that make you buy bigger coffee tables, the odd 2 week fling, pregnancy scares,cans of strongbow, sti tests and waking up in strangers houses on a saturday afternoon

Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit- crushing game shows, stuffing f**king junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, f**ked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life...

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Simon's back... :lol:

Right, need to ask y'all advice. Well, not advice, just want to see if i am being as mucher cun't as i think.

Basically, been with girlfriend way over 2 months now, and it's really going quite well, and we can both see ourselves being together for a long while yet, talking about paying of most debts to move in together which i've already started.

Anyway, some background. We've known each other for a fair old whack, i'd say going on 5 or 6 years. Inbetween then for about a year or two we rarely spoke but have always remained very good friends. She often came to me for advice on things she just couldn't ask anyone else. During our time as just MSN friends basically, she's gone off and created her own life and friends, as of course is human, and in the process grew close to some guys, infact, most of her closest mates are guys except 1.

Basically, her and this guy always used to joke about having sex, used to go out for dinner, stay round each others, watch films at each others etc, and the other night she asked me if he could come round and watch a film with her. Bearing in mind this would be in her bedroom and on her bed as she has no other seating arrangement available. I thought that this was really quite wierd, and given their history thought it to be really quite uncomfortable for me. This really pissed her off, and it would me too, as i've essential told her not to see her best friend. However, is that wierd or am i just being jelous? I want to get over this but i genuinely see him as a threat, as i do believe he's actually closer with her then i was, and even possibly could. They've grown up through the teens together, been to shows together, holidays and so on, and it just seems i couldn't come close?

Its even got to the point where this guys girlfriend thinks my girlfriend likes him, and a few months back all of her mates thought they did too.

I'm a super jealous person, like, the worst, but i never really mention it, as it ruins relationships, but we had a massive talk about it, as we are both kind of like it, and have promised each other to always talk about stuff like this when it comes up, and it's been doing really well, both are really honest and open with each other now.

But anyway, am i being dick or not? I know i have to get over him, as he isn't going to go anywhere, and she certainly wont change her ways, wouldn't expect her too, or should i? If i expect that i'm afraid i'll lose her though. Meh. >_<

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People in general are jealous though, i for one would be really uncomfortable with it, but acting on your jealousy (which IS what shes going to see it as) will only push her further away. Surely if something could have happened between them it would've before now? And you give the impression that your relationship is fairly strong, so maybe just put your trust into the relationship/her and agree to let her watch a film with this guy.

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Yeah, exactly my concern. You're probably right guys.

She was always going on about not having an mp3 player and having to use her phone so I thought it would be rather a practical gift. I'm sure she'll appreciate the flowers and a hand made card as well. As for her interests, I'm really stuck. Can't get her a book about corporate social responsibility or dietetics - as much as I'm interested in logistics, I'd never read a book about it and wouldn't appreciate getting one. She also likes watching movies and reading thrillers but since I'm not into books and hate films, I'll have no idea what I should buy. We went to a book store some time ago and she couldn't find anything interesting there so there's no chance I'll find her something alone. Same applies to her music taste <_<

Having written that, I'm not that surprised we broke up :lol:

Are there any universal gifts that aren't too personal? I hate getting people impractical stuff.

Socks. you cant go wrong with a pair of socks.

What about a jokey sort of present, like a cassette player? say something like "oh you were complaining about having to use your phone for music so i got you this" lol and then get her a card and flowers? or maybe an mp3 player but not a proper expensive one? Ebay type thing?

Edited by Joe Sheehan!
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Socks. you cant go wrong with a pair of socks.

What about a jokey sort of present, like a cassette player? say something like "oh you were complaining about having to use your phone for music so i got you this" lol and then get her a card and flowers? or maybe an mp3 player but not a proper expensive one? Ebay type thing?

Haha socks are a great idea, I'll probably get her some as well :D Her feet are always cold but I actually quite enjoyed playing around with them and restoring them to their normal temperature :P Already bought her a pair of very good Sony headphones and an adaptor so she can plug them into her phone. Decided against the iPod since as somebody mentioned previously, she might feel I'm trying to buy her back with expensive gifts. The headphones weren't cheap but at least she won't know that unless she googles them. Also made her a nice card and a trials video since she really likes this sport. Not sure if this isn't too much though?

She's spending her birthday with her family, doesn't want me to come over so I'm meeting up with her sister next week and giving her all the presents. Will also have 21 roses to be delivered on the 25th :)

Quite like your idea about the jokey present but it's too late now :(


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