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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've noticed this girl in the gym for like 3 months. She always goes by herself, we always seem to be there at the same time. Always on the treadmills, I get there and she's running at a decent pace then 45 mins - 1 hour later when I'm leaving she's still running. Every now and again she'll use the free weights and the smith machine for squats. Anyways today she was setting up the smith machine to do her squats and she asked me to remove the 30kg plates on there that someone had left, so I did then she loaded her weights on there and started squatting. I noticed her form was shit and she was kind of holding her back in discomfort after the first set. So she takes a break and gets ready to get into her new set. So, naturally worried she's going to slip especially as she didn't put the safety catch on I stopped her and explained what she was doing wrong. Very nice, lots of chemistry, I demonstrate and she follows, 6 reps in she starts to struggle so I hold her waist as if you were spotting anyone who's squatting and she pushed another 4 out. So when she finishes her set we get talking, swap names etc etc and I help her with another set. Then I start on another exercise and when I left she followed me out and said thanks etc etc, I offered her a lift home - Great, fluent conversation then she asks for my number as I drop her off, she gives me a hug and off she goes..

An hour later she texts me, we're texting back and forth and agree to meet up tomorrow. She asked me how old I was, I said 21... She says 17 next week.... GOD F*CKING DAMMIT!!! >_<

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I've never been a fan of the age gap. I know 4 years isn't much, that doesn't bother me. It's just that she's 17 and probably still a bit of a child? I've never liked the whole girls going for older guys because they're more mature, I've always though it to be bullshit. I guess we met on different terms though.

I'll meet her tomorrow though, asked her to meet me in the park and bring some bread.. See how it goes :ermm:

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I've noticed this girl in the gym for like 3 months. She always goes by herself, we always seem to be there at the same time. Always on the treadmills, I get there and she's running at a decent pace then 45 mins - 1 hour later when I'm leaving she's still running. Every now and again she'll use the free weights and the smith machine for squats. Anyways today she was setting up the smith machine to do her squats and she asked me to remove the 30kg plates on there that someone had left, so I did then she loaded her weights on there and started squatting. I noticed her form was shit and she was kind of holding her back in discomfort after the first set. So she takes a break and gets ready to get into her new set. So, naturally worried she's going to slip especially as she didn't put the safety catch on I stopped her and explained what she was doing wrong. Very nice, lots of chemistry, I demonstrate and she follows, 6 reps in she starts to struggle so I hold her waist as if you were spotting anyone who's squatting and she pushed another 4 out. So when she finishes her set we get talking, swap names etc etc and I help her with another set. Then I start on another exercise and when I left she followed me out and said thanks etc etc, I offered her a lift home - Great, fluent conversation then she asks for my number as I drop her off, she gives me a hug and off she goes..

An hour later she texts me, we're texting back and forth and agree to meet up tomorrow. She asked me how old I was, I said 21... She says 17 next week.... GOD F*CKING DAMMIT!!! >_<

ummmmmm and the problem is? as long as she dont look like shes 12 then its no worries.

I've never been a fan of the age gap. I know 4 years isn't much, that doesn't bother me. It's just that she's 17 and probably still a bit of a child? I've never liked the whole girls going for older guys because they're more mature, I've always though it to be bullshit. I guess we met on different terms though.

I'll meet her tomorrow though, asked her to meet me in the park and bring some bread.. See how it goes :ermm:

you have made my night! LMFAO

Edited by arw_86
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If a 17 year old asked me out I'd be jumping at the chance. Then again, I'm about as mature as most 12 year old boys. Not being able to go to a pub would suck, but it does force you to go do things like feeding the ducks (which is clearly what she wants to do, and is quite cute).

Try not to think of the age gap, just see what she's like as a person (Y)

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Froggy, do it.... don't question it or you just won't be as natural, she clearly looks older if you were that into her.

Simpson update: On Monday this girl came round (girl A) who I've liked for a while at about 1ish, we just chatted and had loads of banter and play fights, then settled down to watch a film and got all snuggly, and 1 thing lead to another....... So we grabbed some dinner and headed back to hers pre-lashed at hers with others, when clubbing and ended up back at her gaff.

Just like lying with her, kissing her, and being together just feels so so natural. In the morning I sang "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS..... what comes after S?" so she was like "T?".... i was like yea milk and 1 sugar please love!, she then lent over me and said, "you do realise I'm the worst girlfriend in the world when im hungover!" then kissed me, I was like :o, "What so your my girlfriend now?" and she was like yea....

I mean I don't regret it cos shes fit, got a great body an everything, but were both going uni... her to lester, like 2 hours north, and me pompey 2 hours south....... wev'e both "agreed?!?!" maybe that we don't want to be taken our 1st term in uni, so maybe heading towards an open relationship or summink?

But yea she left mine at 2am this morning so we spent like 37hours in each others company :S wierd.

ptch, im mildly ammused / confussed LOLZ

Edited by Simpson
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Not really girl trouble as such, but just got this text: "Just so you know, I love you. I spoke to my ex this morning not about anything much. Hope thats ok x"

Makes me giggle, in a "well you've already done it now, so what difference does what I think make?" way.

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Frogster is 21 and she is 17? Sounds just about dandy! Get in there old son!

She's 16 :S

Anyway, it didn't go too bad. I met her at the park, she brought the bread, as if I'm paying for a loaf of bread! Fed fed the ducks and some crazy bird woman told us off because it's not good for them (apparently?) and ended up throwing bread at each other. With all the bread gone, left our hands free and ended up holding hangs. Went for a quick go on the swings and round-about then walked like infinity times around the park with all the playful pushing & hugging which led to a few kisses. Anyways 2 hours later we decide that we don't want to go home so jumped in the car, got some hot chocolate from the McDonald's Drive through then sat on the sea wall for a few hours. Really good time, dropped her off and got 3 messages off her on the way home.

So I got to know her quite well, seems lovely, looked stunning out of her gym clothes, popper classy bird. Seems genuine and I'm meeting her outside of college on Friday to go to Starbucks.

So age thing to one side I feel better now I know she's got her head screwed on and she'll be 17 next Wednesday, so err, that's all the convincing I need. I'll see what happens.

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Froggy, do it.... don't question it or you just won't be as natural, she clearly looks older if you were that into her.

Simpson update: On Monday this girl came round (girl A) who I've liked for a while at about 1ish, we just chatted and had loads of banter and play fights, then settled down to watch a film and got all snuggly, and 1 thing lead to another....... So we grabbed some dinner and headed back to hers pre-lashed at hers with others, when clubbing and ended up back at her gaff.

Just like lying with her, kissing her, and being together just feels so so natural. In the morning I sang "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS..... what comes after S?" so she was like "T?".... i was like yea milk and 1 sugar please love!, she then lent over me and said, "you do realise I'm the worst girlfriend in the world when im hungover!" then kissed me, I was like :o, "What so your my girlfriend now?" and she was like yea....

I mean I don't regret it cos shes fit, got a great body an everything, but were both going uni... her to lester, like 2 hours north, and me pompey 2 hours south....... wev'e both "agreed?!?!" maybe that we don't want to be taken our 1st term in uni, so maybe heading towards an open relationship or summink?

But yea she left mine at 2am this morning so we spent like 37hours in each others company :S wierd.

ptch, im mildly ammused / confussed LOLZ

Green dress girl?

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Sounds like it went well. If you get on so well together, the age difference shouldn't matter - I mean, it's fully legit, as long as you don't force yourself upon her!

Haha, love how you have to remind him! :P

I'm currently seeing a girl pretty frequently, turned out she's 16. 17 a week before I'm 22. We're pretty alright mates, met a few weeks ago and kicked it off well.

I've not gone any futher than talking, we slept in the same bed at a party but nothing happened.

I didn't realise she was 16 until a few days ago, but nevermind - you wouldn't think it to look at her or how she acts.

Don't think anything will happen with her, probably just hang about til shes older; 16 is f**king young :( haha

Ah well, its funny, shes the youngest girl I 'know' as such, and yet the most mature.

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