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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. Afternoon - I've been back home for 10 days or so, and in between the rain and working, I managed a couple of rides with Adam and Joe! Adam helped me film a couple of clips, so thought i'd stick them together in a wee video. So, for you're viewing pleasure (or something like that)...
  2. Forgive me, I meant sunday 8th. 11am. Temple meads
  3. I think its because its a private event buddy! People meeting at 11am on Saturday at the Temple Meads trainstation.
  4. I actually enjoyed it, maybe because of all the massive up-to-fronts! Love an up-to-front :-). Seems like they are tidying up on the bits people are commenting on from previous videos mind you! Good job guys!
  5. Yeah...don't worry about sidehops on a street bike thats my thoughts*! Bunny hops up to fronts fo' life! *although I still do sidehops, don't hang about on the back wheel for long, and preload a lot more. My backside pretty much hits the tire everytime i sidehop and I can probably do about 1 tattie above bar height at max now-a-days, so I'd probably not worry about height too much...
  6. Enjoyed that bud! Looking nice and comfortable. Liked the boost up the bank
  7. its ke....ok, I won't bring that up. but...what is the height limit?
  8. Ladies and gentlemen of the class of '18Wear shinpadsIf I could offer you only one tip for the futureshinpads would be itThe long term benefits of shinpads have been proved by scientistsWhereas the rest of my adviceHas no basis more reliable than my own meandering experienceI will dispense this advice now Enjoy the power and beauty of trialsOh, never mindYou will not understand the power and beauty of trials until it has fadedBut trust me, in 20 years you'll look back at photos of yourselfAnd recall in a way you can't grasp nowHow much possibility lay before youAnd how fabulous trials really lookedYou are not as fat as you imagine Don't worry about footjam whipsOr worryBut know that worrying is as effective as trying to tilt your bars forward when you're not Jack CarthyThe real troubles when training are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mindThe kind that blindside you at 4 PM on some idle TuesdayDo one thing everyday that scares youGrind your RimsDon't be reckless with other people's bikesDon't put up with people who are reckless with yoursPracticeDon't waste your time on weight savingSometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behindThe race is longAnd in the end, it's only with yourselfRemember the compliments you receive, forget the insultsIf you succeed in doing this, tell trials forum howKeep your old riding photosDon't look at your old tartybikes statementsStretchDon't feel guilty if you don't know whether you'd actually prefer a street trials bikeThe most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their bikeSome of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don'tRide plenty of NaturalBe kind to your kneesYou'll miss them when they're goneMaybe you'll be insta famous, maybe you won'tMaybe you'll ride for Echo, maybe you won'tMaybe you'll be riding at 40Maybe you'll dance the bike dance at your first demoWhatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself eitherYour sidehops are half chance, so are everybody else'sEnjoy your bodyUse it every way you canDon't be afraid of it, or what other people think of itIt's the greatest instrument you'll ever ownTrackstandEven if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living roomRead the directions, even if you don't follow themDo not read trials forum, it will only make you feel uglyGet to know your favourite riderYou never know when they'll be gone for goodBe nice to your riding buddiesThey are the best link to your pastAnd the people most likely to stick with you in the futureUnderstand that riders come and goBut for the precious few you should hold onWork hard to bridge the gaps in street trials and comp trialsBecause the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were youngRide up North onceBut leave before it makes you think your hardRide down South onceBut leave before it makes you softPractice some moreAccept certain inalienable truthsPrices will riseDemo Teams will philanderYou too will get oldAnd when you do you'll fantasize that when you were youngPrices were reasonableDemo Teams were nobleAnd riders respected their eldersRespect your eldersDon't expect Red Bull to support youMaybe your daddy pays for everythingMaybe you've a decent Credit LimitBut you never know when either one might run outDon't mess too much with your bar angleOr by the time you're 40, your wrists will feel 85Be careful whose old frame you buyBut be patient with those who sell itBuying it a form of nostalgiaSelling it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it offWelding over the cracks and selling it for more than it's worthBut trust me on the shinpads For the record....I use these currently, and they're pretty good. https://winstanleysbmx.com/shadow-tsc-invisa-lite-shin-guards?gclid=EAIaIQobChMImNWT97Pg2QIVT7XtCh0ULgH3EAQYASABEgKzQPD_BwE#black-small)
  9. Honestly, i'm retiring....John's so effin' good
  10. Interesting, cos it's not on the UCI's calendar...(EDIT: no GB events are though) http://www.uci.ch/trials/calendar/
  11. It's been a while, but I've been beavering away in Bristol on a little something which I've finally finished and am happy to stick out for people to see. Take a look and let me know your thoughts on the edit. Massive thanks to Mark for pointing the camera, putting up with my crap, and making me try harder! Also huge thanks to Inspired Bicycles for their continued support!
  12. ben_travis

    Ali C Vlog

    This made me laugh way too much.
  13. Good wee video, dude! That first line was cool -G-!!
  14. What would Grace Hopper say...
  15. Yeah, i believe they do come with instructions, although to be honest its simply a case of tapping out the pin that holds the lever in, replacing the lever, and tapping the pin back through. I haven't had to rebleed at all on installation of any new levers on mine, so wouldn't expect so
  16. ben_travis

    Wild Swans

    I like this conversation :-D. When i'm filming, I'm firmly in the 'try until it looks as good as I want it to', and know its probably to the detriment of my overall video quality / quantity unfortunately. I will punish myself over small things, and go after things until i'm happy with it (or i can't ride along anymore). I do agree with Ali, BUT, its each to their own really. If you're happy enough with it that you've included it in a video, then I'm happy to watch it. I've dropped many clips because they don't meet my own standards...and really, thats what matters, your own standards. I'm massively impressed / jealous how you constantly progress, regardless of whether you think you're progressing. Can't wait to ride this weekend now :).
  17. ben_travis

    Wild Swans

    What he said. So good Flipp. Love it. Especially the arse slide.
  18. EDIT: Ignore my post, i see where your problem lies now...
  19. Michael, Michael, Michael....
  20. Have you seen that counterweight of a seat?
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