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How Far Do You Commute?

Rich Pearson

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Just wondering how far you all commute to and from work as I'm abot to head down to a job interview in Exeter, which is good, but means 60 miles round trip every day. Which is not so good. But I just thought I'd ask and see if anyone else did the same kind of distance each day?



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~15 mile round trip from here, just a nice amount of time in the morning to wake up :lol:

I think the main thing would be time Rich, Ali's round trip each day is about 70 miles but more than half of that is motorway and there's no bad traffic areas (as far as I know), takes around 40 minutes each way I think. What sort of roads would you be travelling on?

Edit: M5? Looks like a decent route as long as the motorway doesn't get clogged up!

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Hey dude,

Since feb I have been commuting from SE London (Catford-ish) to Watford. I started off going by public transport, 2 hours each way. Then about a month ago my gf got a job in Watford too and we started driving in together everyday around the M25. One memorable day involved a 5 ½ hour commute. Fun! We finally moved to Watford last weekend and my commute is now 20 minutes on my bike.

Long commutes are do-able if the job is worth it. The 4 hours I cooped with ok, but I had no spare time during the week and was lucky to get 8 hours sleep. Anything around this length of time you don’t want to be doing indefinitely!

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3.1 miles each way. Road bike :)

Yours doesn't sound too bad, I commuted (by car) about 20 miles each way on a busy M60 every day for a couple of months. I don't particularly mind commuting, you get used to it. Get an iTrip though.

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Taunton to exeters not too bad a comute really rich, you should go for it (Y). Just head out wellinton direction and go into exter through Pinhoe to avoid the bad traffic and it'll only be 45-50 minutes really.

You know I do 14 miles each way to college, but because first bus's are such a huuuggee pile of crap it takes me an hour or so each way. Hopefully have my licence by september though :).

When my dad first moved to Exeter he was comuting back to plymouth every day for his work, and he seemed to manage that ok. Like someone said above, its worth it if the jobs good enough.

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I currently commute 20miles from Coventry to Daventry for work (40miles round trip) which takes about 30mins max, but I also have to pick the girlfriend up from work in Northampton which is a 60mile round trip.

So its 100miles a day for me :(

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36-40 miles each day, altho considerin jackin it in, and gettin a van and doin multi drop as a job, my mates bro's just come out of prison and is doing it,as it basically means you dont need qual's/references, just a van, and a driving license. and hes making stupid money(like £600-650 a week) can also rack up the hours, as im only on 36 hour weeks, and at like £9 an hour or whatever, would much rather up it to 54 hour weeks, and have like an extra £500 a month or summit

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Don't know the distance, but when I had my bmx I could get to work in literally 5 minutes, and it's uphill mainly from where I am. Now I usually get a lift to work and it still takes at least 5 mins, cycling is definately faster.

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