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Lets Finish Olis Mini Guys! We Owe It To Him

Prawny Baby

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi i was wondering if there was going to be a big ride or some thing and also what is happening to the mini when its finshed maybe a raffle and giveing half the money to charity and the rest to ollis family sorry not read through properly just cought on with what happened and the situation if this ideas already been posted , one last thing have you thought of going to a specific mini magazine to publish and have profressional pictures taken of the car when its finished and explaining why you have done this. hope my contribution has done thanks dan

Edited by dan more
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hi i was wondering if there was going to be a big ride or some thing and also what is happening to the mini when its finshed maybe a raffle and giveing half the money to charity and the rest to ollis family sorry not read through properly just cought on with what happened and the situation if this ideas already been posted , one last thing have you thought of going to a specific mini magazine to publish and have profressional pictures taken of the car when its finished and explaining why you have done this. hope my contribution has done thanks dan

The car is going to be driven to many shows by both the Lewis family and Prawn, and my understanding is that this will keep happening for as long as possible.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

From what ive read in the mini thread prawn/tuppers is still waiting on the engine, and until that arrives it cant be finished :(

Hi everybody, once the engine has been delivered ???!!!!??? I will try to report on everything that has gone on. I would say that, parts were removed from it, I understand that these have now been replaced and it is ready for delivery. I await news of its delivery. As I said, once it has been delivered I will explain all. This has been a heartbreaking time but my priority now is to get Oli's dream completed and hope that everyone will try to respect his memory!!!

Thanks Guys

Nick, Phil and Matt - thank you from my heart


Edited by ocirderf
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
how's things going chaps??

I would like to thank everyone for their patience in waiting for updates. I will now explain why we have had to wait so long. Unfortunately the engine we collected from Morspeed does not match the specification of the engine that Oli purchased. Many discrepancies have been found and as Simon from Morspeed has not given any explanation for these apparent discrepancies and has not answered my request for a full refund, I have now been forced to take court proceedings.

The engine we collected cannot be used in Oli's mini and has in fact been considered unsafe.

Work is however continuing on the mini, we just do not have an engine!!!!!

There will be some photos posted very soon of work to date on his mini build thread. We are hoping to transport the mini for all to see to Castle Coombe on 27th September (minus an engine) :angry:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...


Hi everyone,

I am now pleased to be able to report that a decision has been made in the Courts. A County Court judgment now stands against Simon Morson of Morspeed and he has been ordered to pay me the refund for the engine plus costs.

Although pleased at the outcome of this case, I feel very saddened that the whole matter came to this, how one person can cause so much heartache and grief.

All we now want to do, as has been the case since January, is to get on and complete Oli's dream. So I await payment and then we can proceed.

Thank you all for your continued support and kind words. I will of course keep you all updated on progress from now on.


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Thats great news, I don't think I know enough words to describe somebody who can take advantage of a situation like that. (N)

Hopefully things can really start to move on with the build now ! I can't wait to see the finished product :)

Edited by Pashley26
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Well, provided we get the full refund entitled to us, there are several companies we have been in contact with who are willing to build us an engine to Oli's specification for the price he originally paid, despite the worth of the engine being far greater, 2 of the bigger companies (on the former workplace of Simon Morson of Morspeed) seem more than happy to help out.....

Watch this space though, as the law is finally on our side, one way or another, we should see some progress within the next 28 days....

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Hi Everyone,

Further to my post yesterday, I have today received a letter from Salisbury Court stating that Simon Morson of Morspeed has now put an application forward to Leicester County Court for judgement to be set asside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will now be expected to attend a hearing in Leicester.

This means that the whole matter is once again delayed and the nightmare continues.


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