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Biketrials Survey


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I am writing a master's thesis. The topic is - "The consumer behaviour on the biketrials market in Great Britain and Poland". To finish it, I need to conduct a survey amongst British and Polish trials riders. I have prepared a questionnaire for you. It contains 17 questions regarding mainly your preferences about online trials stores. It should take 10 minutes to complete it.


I know there are many surveys around and you may be bored of them but this one is about biketrials so I hope it will be interesting to you as well. Please, take your time and fill it in. You will greatly help me. Moreover, the survey's results will be available for anyone interested so they can improve trials stores and, ultimately, your satisfaction as customers.

It will be very kind of you if you also share the questionnaire's link with your trials riding friends. I need to collect at least 50 completed questionnaires (preferably 100).

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to post it here or send me a PM.

Thank you for your help in advance :)

Best regards,


EDIT: Ok, the survey is finished. I did not expect such a huge response within 72 hours. I received almost 100 results from the UK survey and over 120 from the Polish one. Big thanks to everyone who participated!

Now I am going to make some sort of summary. I will post it here soon. Thanks once again!

EDIT2: The survey summary is completed. It contains all raw submissions and simple tables with questions, options, number of votes, and percents. Sometimes percents for a given question do not add up to 100%. They maybe less than 100% when some respondents skipped this question, then it can exceed 100% in case of multiple choice (checkboxes) question. I had to disqualify some responses (they are shown in the results file), e.g. when somebody just clicked "submit" without answering any question or when somebody declared to live outside the UK and still continued to complete the whole questionnaire. Surprisingly, some people were unsure about their sex and left the question empty, maybe I should have added more options for this question. Let me know if the file doesn't work.

The link: http://www.biketrials.byethost9.com/results/uk.xls

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Thanks dudes! Keep them coming :)

My master is in management (international business). We have a lot of laugh at Erasmus/Socrates students from Spain, who barely can speak English in classes :P

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if it wouldn't take to much of your time, i'd like to see the reults on a graph or something :)
Well designed questionnare (Y) As Ogre said, the results would be interesting!


I'll put all raw data into an excel file, make some summary and post it here when it's done (Y)

Doing it now. Is that the working title? I just wondered if it might be a little vague and non-specific?

When I started my studies, my faculty was called management and marketing. After some time it changed to management but actually the courses taught here didn't change at all. My specialty is international business and we study a lot of management and marketing subjects in international aspects. Good thing is that all courses are in English and we study in international environment (with students from all over Europe coming to Poland for a semester or two). We can write master's thesis on a very broad range of topics (e.g. logistics, econometrics, marketing, management, entrepreneurship etc.). I wanted to write about something I love, which is biketrials of course. To fit into "international" some more I decided to conduct a survey in two countries. The thesis is in English so one day, when I defend it successfully (in a year or so), I can post the whole text here :)

Once again thanks for your time, the number of completed questionnaires is already impressive. Keep them coming :)

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