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Dodgey Places And Scarey Stories.


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My dads recently moved into a listed building up in the middle of nowhere. There's a big manor house - im guessing these houses where for the workers. So far, there's been two new next door neighbours to the house attached that have left because of weird things happening. Both couples and one family so far left because of things moving. The house is very cold and dark which makes it really eery at night. Every time i stay there you can can really loud noises of stuff being moved around at night. Christmas evening we all left the bowls that we had ice cream in on the table and i could hear the spoon in them being hit. They where in a completely different formation on the table as well. Weirdddd

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We were up on the roof of this massive abandoned estate near me (the Heygate if anyone knows it) recently and the door to the roof slammed behind us for completely no reason. Luckily there was one at the other end of the building and it was unlocked or we'd have been shouting at the residents of Elephant and Castle to come let us out.

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Never knew this thread existed.

I think I was stalked by some kind of large cat once. No not a pussy ( ;) ) a real 'big cat'. It could have been a monster, but I doubt it.

As the encounter was actually quite short I'm going to give my story some atmosphere by giving it a huge lead in :D

When I was in my early 20's I worked as a gate automation engineer for a sucessful asian guy (paul narrang, metal art products). We got on quite well but due to circumstances I had to leave his employment. While claiming bennefits kept my life of luxury at its peak, I wanted more, so I got work doing odd jobs for friends, cash in hand.

I approached paul and asked what jobs he had around his house (a large almost mannor like house in barnt green) he said that he wanted some cast iron gates fitted to parts of his land and a pathway cleared to go jogging down. The next day I was hard at work, removing a huge old tree stunp from one of the intended gate locations, finding it near impossible on my own i hooked up a chain to the towbar and ripped the stump out with my 2.0 granada. That was when the problem started... the car cut out and wouldn't start again, after a few hours of trying to get it going, I elected to go back home, get some tools and come back in the morning.

It was a long way home! After 2 hrs walking I abandoned the first plan in favor of a new one... crash a my mates who lived a lot closer. It turned out that my mates sister was dating a mechanic, who was there at the time. My luck was in, so I discussed the symptoms with him and to my supprise, I was a twat! There was a fuel cut off switch in the boot area of my car as a safeguard in an accident, the tugging on the stump must have triggered it. Happy I could now drive the car home I set back toward my car, that was stuck in the bottom of a acre or so of woodand.

On the way I took what seemed a shor cut, (as it was near 2.30am) across some of the lickey hills and into barnt green, nearing pauls house I noticed all the street lamps stopped, the next 1/2 mile was in the dark!

There are some very large houses along the road I was on, set a long way back from the road and surrounded by trees bushes and ornate iron fences. I walked the road untill I couldn't see the street lamps any more, it was dark! Dark dark, like couldn't my hand in front of my face dark! as it was so dark I had to negotiate the road by straddling the grass verge, walking close by the trees ect of the properties yonder.

And then it happened... somthing large ran toward me from behind the trees, and proceede to follow me on the other side. Thinking, ah, someone has a big guard dog, I dismissed it and kept walking, thinking it'll be fenced in... untill I got to the deviding fence between the properties, a 6'+ iron fence, which it leaped!!!! Landing heavy and breaking branches doing so, (yes I said branches, not twigs) this thing was BIG, and powerful. For the next 10 yards it was moving through trees and undergrowth, breaking twigs that were shoulder height to me.

I don't think I'd ever known true fear untill that moment, I ran, not just any old run but a full on going for gold sprint of the highest standard.. into the pitch darkness, it followed for a little while but must have been slowed by various obsticles because I reached my destination whole, and on meeting the gated dtiveway I, in one bound, scaled it and ran all the way to my car.

It worked and I was off.

I went back the next day to have a look, the tracks were huge but I couldn't tell what they were, and the devastation it left behind was obvious it was a big animal of some kind.

Edited by *gentlydoesit
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I was hammering down Sherwood pines kitchner trail about a year ago, I just caught out the corner of my eye this huuuuge black thing running across toward my path. I double taked and was sure it was a panther/big black cat or something so I absolutely soiled myself and just hacked for my life down the trail to the bike park. I looked back and this thing was still in the undergrowth behind me. I got to the bike park in the open and realised it was a black Labrador!

It had no collar, tag, I.D or anything and it didn't look to friendly, clean or cared for so I just hooned away with poo in pants.

Turns out this dog went missing in pines months ago after bolting for a squirrel.

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I was hammering down Sherwood pines kitchner trail about a year ago, I just caught out the corner of my eye this huuuuge black thing running across toward my path. I double taked and was sure it was a panther/big black cat or something so I absolutely soiled myself and just hacked for my life down the trail to the bike park. I looked back and this thing was still in the undergrowth behind me. I got to the bike park in the open and realised it was a black Labrador!

It had no collar, tag, I.D or anything and it didn't look to friendly, clean or cared for so I just hooned away with poo in pants.

Turns out this dog went missing in pines months ago after bolting for a squirrel.

So your scary story is 'I saw a dog one time' :P

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My neighbour thinks her house is haunted. One time there was a bunch of stones in our gutters that run parallel to each other that looked like someone had stuffed them in there. My dad went to ask if she had actually done it intentionally and she said, no, it was the ghost. Apparently she’s seen him a few times; a tall thin man with glasses and a slightly old fashioned bowler hat thing. One time she called us to say she needed someone to get here, that the ghost was pinning her down in her bed and she had just managed to reach the phone. When my dad got there she had fallen out of the bed. I thought that was either a miner kind of sleep paralysis or an elaborate excuse to ask for help because she was embarrassed to be old and not be able to get up again.

The creepy part for me though was when she has a friend over to stay the night. In the afternoon the woman had been walking down the stairs, heard a bang from behind and turned around to see the back of a man walk into a spare room and close the door. She got down and asked my neighbour who the man with the hat was, without ever being told the thing about the ghost man in the hat. They went up, apparently, and the door was closed. They knocked, got no reply, opened the door and saw nobody. She had the house blessed by a priest a few days later with no cinematic results.

I’m a little creeped out by this, especially since coming back from America my bedroom window and her window and seven metres apart and visible to each other, scare I’ll look at and see someone looking back at me :P Plus I’ve had a dream where I look out my window at night and see a silhouette of hat man. I couldn’t make anything out, but then he starts walking towards my house and I get to freaked out to stay asleep :P

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It is nothing too scracy just a bit random,

I was working as a tree surgeon at the time,We were working in a huge grave here in Limerick called Mount st lawerence.

We had to Clear a line of trees that were a coulpe of hundred years old but they were rotten so they were a danger to people visting grave,

Any way we were climbing the tree to take the top limbs off and as i was climbing i noticed there were shape in the tree that looked like bones,i didnt take any notice but the higher i went up the more i noticed,

Dropped the limbs and the man i had below clearing shouting me saying to come down i was nearly finished so i came down and he show me the limbs they were full of bones of children that had been brought up with the roots,we i knocked the trunk,as i cut there was sparks,but i kept cutting i had cut through a skull and rosary beads,

The next tree had little bunches of stone every few inches the whole way along every limb of the tree,

I was freaked out going home,

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My friend shot a crow and it hit its wing so had to shoot it in head to put it out. Then me and my other friend went back to see it and we chucked a stone at it and it made a caw noise .


You should have your own television show, some of the stuff you get up to makes me laugh

P.S nice capital letters, i'm proudayouboiiiiii

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  • 3 weeks later...

Safe to say I absolutely shit myself the other night, bit of a long one this so bare with me!

We (me, my wife and 2 young sons) live in an old farmhouse on the wifes Dads farm, it's actually 1 big house split into 2 sides so her parents live on one side and it joins through the pantry into our side. Her family have been living there for about the last 50 or so years and it's probably a good 200-300yrs old, safe to say a lot of people have died in the house and we pretty much know the history of it. One girl in particular died of a disease when she was about 5 or 6 a long time ago and my wifes Uncle claims to have seen this little girl at the bottom of our stairs years ago when he still lived there.

Anyway, the other night my missus woke me up at about 2am because she could hear one of our boys had got up to go to the toilet and was messing about on the landing as she could hear the footsteps and she saw the light flick off then on again (we keep the landing light on and the switch is next to the bathroom on so she assumed he hit both switches by mistake coming out the toilet). After listening for a few minutes when it went quiet she went to check on the boys and both were flat out so pretty obvious neither had been up, I thought I may as well go to the toilet so went in the bathroom and switched the light on which was really bright. As it was an energy saver I knew someone must have had it turned on recently but I ignored that and started to take a piss when I could have sworn I heard someone shout "Who's up there?", as the house is old the floorboards regularly creak and due to the sound of urine splashing away I just thought it was the floorboard I was stood on creaking and me hearing things as I'm a pussy! I finished and set off back to the bedroom checking down the stairs as I went past and didn't see anything or any lights on, again as I'm a right fanny when it comes to ghost stories I sprinted across the landing and jumped back in bad. When the wife asked what was up with me I told her about the voice and she said I was probably hearing things cause I'm a big girl so I got tucked up in bed and went back to sleep, she couldn't get comfy so sat up reading for a while. Next thing I knew it was 3am and I was woken up again this time because my wife had heard the pantry door downstairs close. At this point we both shit it but couldn't hear anything (there's loads of dogs in the yard so if it was a burglar we'd have heard them going mad) so settled back to sleep.

At 6am my alarm went off so I quietly got up and dressed and went downstairs not knowing what I'd find but everything was normal, I got the fire going and had breakfast then waited for the Mother in law to get up as she was running me to the train station. When I got in the pickup she told me she'd not slept much as my wifes Grandma (who moved from this side of the house into next door as she has dementia) was up about 4 or 5 times in the night and my Father in law came down at 3am to find all the downstairs lights on in their side of the house and the pantry door open! It would appear that her Grandma got up and dressed in the night, came through to our side of the house and used the toilet (which my wife heard) then when I went I spooked her and she went back to bed then at 3am when my Father in law woke up he came through to shut the pantry door.

Was seriously relieved when I heard that!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Had a fun one at work today. Clocked in at 5am. Half way down the factory I had around 80 parts hanging from the day before, all motionless except for one rack of around 14 parts which where swinging like mad. Nothing else was moving except for these few parts and they where all hanging together. It was a bit eerie and not the first time something like this has happened.

Must add, no obvious signs of a draught, no one else had been in. They carried on swinging for around an hour and 45minutes... Slowig down then speeding up again. I did take a little video which I will try to add.

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Had a fun one at work today. Clocked in at 5am. Half way down the factory I had around 80 parts hanging from the day before, all motionless except for one rack of around 14 parts which where swinging like mad. Nothing else was moving except for these few parts and they where all hanging together. It was a bit eerie and not the first time something like this has happened.

Must add, no obvious signs of a draught, no one else had been in. They carried on swinging for around an hour and 45minutes... Slowig down then speeding up again. I did take a little video which I will try to add.

I want to see this video :D

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  • 9 months later...

Time to bump this old boy up, usual Saturday night shift where the line is closed for engineering work so everything is shut down and the yard is shut but tonight all the work around here has been cancelled so there's not even any track workers to be seen. I'm sat back in my chair browsing the forum with the light off and I'm pretty sure I just heard one of the train doors slam shut in the siding behind me, had a good look out the door but I can't see any movement as it's too dark and I'm not going out to investigate. Just locked the door to the box, not feeling tired any more!

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I went to pick Jenny up from the pub the a few weeks ago after a night out with her mates, about 1.30/2ish in the morning. I was driving towards the pub out in the sticks and I saw this man in full jogging gear running down the side of the road, no pavements or anything around that area so he was in the road. Picked Jenny up, turned back and I didn't pass him again but there is no turn offs on this section of road so he couldn't have gone anywhere other then towards the pub, he could've turned back but we were about 3/4 miles from anything, so it would've took him a while wherever he was heading.

I told Jenny and she told her friends next time they went out, one who lives locally said a jogger was killed about 6 months ago on that road during a evening jog, apparently he can be spotted along there! I don't often believe in that stuff, but it definatley saw a bloke jogging and he did seem to just vanish abit!

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