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The Angry Thread.


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The dick with my frame and tyres is, well, being a dick about it again.
Tried going up to get it the other night after arranging it before hand, he'd gone out and no-one was in, and yesterday he went out again.

Going up on Monday night and sitting outside his house until someone comes home. Fed up of not riding and not being given whats mine.
Winds me up how he cant commit to staying inside for all of half an hour while I drop his shit off and I get mine.

Edited by Echo Lite 09
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Spun my back wheel as fast as I could earlier to clean the disc, had no cloth to use so just gently pressed my pinky against the rotor.

Rotor sucked my finger in & jammed it between the rotor & caliper, a fair amount of blood and no riding my new bikes.






Edited by LEON
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On the contaminated theme, oh god my eye.

Next time I have some shit in my contact lens and no means to clean them, I must throw the lens out, rather than try to make it home.

I hope it clears up a bit for tomorrow, I've got a karate grading to do. I'm not missing it.

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Twitter constantly has ruined the f1 for me two weeks in a row now :(

Last week I read one that said raikonnen had won and today I read something about two other drivers. Gahhh my stupid fault too. If riding hadn't have got cancelled just now i would have got up early and watched it but instead I've got to sit around waiting for it to come on.

Also this weather has really peed me off. I spent a load of money doing my bike test and insuring my bike to do road trials and the snow has cancelled them this weekend and the Jack Wood trial I have desperately wanted to ride looks like it is going to fall victim to the snow too :(

Edit: just remembered something that cheered me up. A few years ago me and my dad had been at a late Sunday football game and there was a really important game in the premier league at the top. We had recorded it and my grandad came round before we watched it. My dad said whatever you do don't tell us the score. My grandad replied "we'll there wasn't no score." :lol:

Edited by Duncy H
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It's getting really boring that everything has to be about hating something on here now. So much shit to filter through to get to all the reasons I've been here 10+ years. That's not the forums fault, I actually reckon it's mainly due to trials getting 'bigger' which was something I never wanted to happen :(

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Bloody temporary cast shrunk in the night now it's dried properly and is crushing my toes. Been in agony most of the night!
Know how you feel dude, that's you off your feet for 6 weeks, and off the bike for a lot longer :(
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Missed out on on a seriously cheap t-pro on eBay. Was really excited about getting back into trials and found something I could actually afford. Now back to hunting :(.
You after a mod or stock? I've got a mad phase 1.2 I'll let go for 200 sheets, very good spec. It's in the for sale threads
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