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The Angry Thread.


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Not allowed, being on here is a push as our internet use can be watched at any time without warning. Also not allowed radios or any kind of electronic devices like dvd players, PSP, iPad, etc. Fixing my bike is pushing a bit in case certain managers happened to call in but I'd get in less trouble doing that as technically it doesn't take my concentration away from the job.

Holy f**k that's annoying, how can they see you're doing it?

If it's just from people looking through the windows then fit some motion sensors. ;)

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Nah it's a massive intranet connected nationally via Wyse terminals (the shittest pieces of equipment ever!) to Network Rails IT department somewhere. Basically all the programmes I have access to which is a basic list of IE, Word, Excel, Paint, Outlook and Powerpoint are all run via a server which means zero guts, very slow general working and the ability for IT to access what I'm looking at whenever they see fit. Also being an internal system loooooaaaaaads of basic websites are blocked for fear of us accessing adult content or picking up a virus so when I'm at work I can't see 90% of the images or vids posted on here. Even things like eBay are so heavy on the terminals processor IE dies and you have to log back into the computer, wait for it to load up so you can load up IE then re-login to all the sites I was viewing at the time. It's the most anal system in the world, I can't access the page about Super Mario Bros on wikipedia cause the safe system blocks it under 'Games'!

As for having a TV the box I'm in is in the sticks where you struggle to get a basic mobile phone reception so getting a signal with a portable aerial is apparently impossible. Plus I would never watch a film or anything like that in works time (A)

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Bought a replacement screen from ebay for my s3, turned out to be non genuine and faulty... Message seller (highly rated etc) who was quick to apologise and told me to send it back to him and he'd sort me out a replacement or refund... Sent it recorded delivery, he received it on saturday. Have messaged him a few times since then asking what was happening with my replacement screen, no response and no screen... Getting a little pissed off now!


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Nah it's a massive intranet connected nationally via Wyse terminals (the shittest pieces of equipment ever!) to Network Rails IT department somewhere. Basically all the programmes I have access to which is a basic list of IE, Word, Excel, Paint, Outlook and Powerpoint are all run via a server which means zero guts, very slow general working and the ability for IT to access what I'm looking at whenever they see fit. Also being an internal system loooooaaaaaads of basic websites are blocked for fear of us accessing adult content or picking up a virus so when I'm at work I can't see 90% of the images or vids posted on here. Even things like eBay are so heavy on the terminals processor IE dies and you have to log back into the computer, wait for it to load up so you can load up IE then re-login to all the sites I was viewing at the time. It's the most anal system in the world, I can't access the page about Super Mario Bros on wikipedia cause the safe system blocks it under 'Games'!

As for having a TV the box I'm in is in the sticks where you struggle to get a basic mobile phone reception so getting a signal with a portable aerial is apparently impossible. Plus I would never watch a film or anything like that in works time (A)

So do you literally sit there all night by yourself in silence staring at a wall?

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Nuts they don't allow you to have a radio at least, tv and all that I can understand but i think the silence would make me go mental. How often do you talk / scream / sing to yourself?

It's a bit of a joke really, signal boxes are graded 1-10 depending on how busy they are. Boxes graded 5 and below are allowed radios at the managers discretion but he won't allow it as he says it's not fair on the higher graded boxes! It's not too bad in here as there's a walkie talkie to get hold of drivers and shunters about the yard but my old box didn't, could easily do a 12hr shift on a Sunday and not see a single train or speak to a single person all shift. Needless to say a lot of railway signallers are absolutely f**king tapped!

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Just found out that the deposit on the flat I planned to rent in 2 weeks is actually 4 x what was originally planned.

Now having to move with my mum and little brother to a house in the middle of nowhere, where I stand very little chance of finding work, as well as seeing the girlfriend and friends.

Not very happy.

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Just found out that the deposit on the flat I planned to rent in 2 weeks is actually 4 x what was originally planned.

Now having to move with my mum and little brother to a house in the middle of nowhere, where I stand very little chance of finding work, as well as seeing the girlfriend and friends.

Not very happy.

where? out of btown?

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They're probably all experienced eBayers then mate. I haven't bid on anything before the final minute for years now – why reveal my hand to other bidders any earlier? You'll probably see a flourish in the final minutes. How long's it got to go?

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Gahhhh bought a mtb off ebay and keep finding issues, the bike was described as 'great working order'. Yet the back brake has pissed out of the back seals onto the pads and wants rebuilding, the bottom bracket has a load of play in it, the gears seampt to be set up like an ape had done it and the rear chris king had play in it. Now that doesn't seem like 'great working order' to me or am I being unreasonable?

The seller is being a bit funny, I've not left any feedback or anything yet, anybody got any tips?

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I was two days short of meeting the basic training requirements required for a reduction in the amount of experience required to apply for my aircraft engineers licence (reduction is from 5 years to 2 years). I was actually sick in the last week of the course believe it or nor so the college offered me the opportunity to return at some point in the next 12 months to sit in for two days training and they would sign me off. Because I was in Guernsey over the Summer they agreed to wait until I was back at Uni and we would find a suitable time to do it. I hadn't anticipated how much work I would have to do on my top-up so I was a little slow getting in touch with the college. They only allow 12 months after leaving the college before the offer expires.

Long story short, they just told me that there are no instructors available between now and June (when my 12months are up) so basically I'm f**ked. Absolutely 100% f**ked.

The only reason I did the course in the first place is that it's the quickest way to get all your exams, experience and then your licence. Now because of this I can't apply for my licence for 5 years from when I start work. Which also means the company that I was going to be working for when I return to Guernsey won't want me so I probably won't be able to go back to Guernsey unless I change my career.

I feel f**king sick. So f**king sick.

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Duuuuuude :(

Is there nowhere else you can complete the last couple of days at all? Keep the hell on at them just on the off-chance as it seems pretty brutal that they effectively shut down for 6 months - you'd have thought they'd have let you know if that were the case. Is there no way at all you can convince them to do it at the next possible opportunity, as early as possible and extend the waiver by a couple of weeks?

Otherwise hit the scotch. Hard.

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