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The Angry Thread.


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I have a deep-seated hatred for (most) 'developers', of the programming rather than property variety. Most of them spend so much time getting things to look pretty they completely ignore anything that might actually help a site work in terms of being seen or make sales. I've been fighting with one in particular for 4/5 months now to remove one line of code which is f**king up a lot of what I'm doing, just because they won't let me do it myself.

Prima donna so-and-sos. You're not that special, you're a dying breed (in the traditional sense).

Some developers are just plain difficult, others work fine if they're managed properly. I am often asked if I can suggest people for fairly decently paid jobs but I struggle to recommend any because I just don't know many. Other people I know who are company owners, project managers etc also have trouble sourcing good ones, from any country. I guess it's a bit like photography and many other trades - tons of people think they're good, think they've got what it takes, but turn out to be far from the full package.

One of my main problems with developers is when you tell them to do something a specific way and they do it different because they thought it would be better, nevermind the fact that their solution doesn't meet the needs of the business. Now sure you could say it's my fault for not explaining the in-depth reasons to the developer, but I'd disagree - if a good project manager, technical lead or CTO spells out what they want, the developer should either do as he's told or try to sell his idea better, and if that doesn't work do as he's told.

As ever if you ever need help with anything or want to discuss problems you might have, give me a shout.

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Cheers man, always appreciated. A well since I've had a development based rant with you!

The problem I have is that in 99% of cases I get no input in which developers I'm working with. Even though it shouldn't be the case, clients bring on marketing after the developer, so I just have to take what I'm given. Ah well, that's the fun :)

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Developer in "missing an important point" shocker ;)

"(most)" is also why you struggle to find the good ones. They're very unusual.

I'm not a developer though. :P

We have a team that are pretty shit hot at the moment, but we still struggle to find good ones. Average ones are all over the place though.

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There's a shopping centre in Hull called Princes Quay. The word prince shouldn't be too difficult to understand, however, everyone calls it Princess Quay. I've even pulled people up on it and at one point been told " it's just a different way of pronouncing it".

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please tell him not to call expecting to abuse my discount, it gets me in the shit. and explain that buying a bike doesn't entitle him to special deals and above average servicing, it just makes my shit awkward at work

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Some of you may remember me bitching about the DVLA and the courts system in relation to my sister's car, and Direct Line making an admin error so they were pinged for being uninsured.

Well, after going to the new court date to appeal it (due to the old court info going to an old address), they said that they'd need to go to court again in Swansea to appeal against the DVLA's initial charge of driving without insurance. That was due to be on the 2nd July. However, on the 25th June we got a letter from the DVLA saying that because of the evidence they'd received they were dropping the charges and there was no need to attend court or pay any fines.

Cut to today - a letter informing us that they'd taken it to court anyway without us, meaning that none of the new evidence about the car being insured was presented so they pressed ahead with the charges and have given them an even bigger fine now. f**king ridiculous. The DVLA send you a letter telling you things are cool, then 2 weeks later send you a letter telling you that things weren't cool and you owe them a huge chunk of money...

EDIT: After having a go on the DVLA phone system merry-go-round, my sister managed to speak to someone who told her that it was 'a paperwork error' and that there shouldn't be a problem, but she'll need to get a call back from someone else at the DVLA and someone else at Swansea court to speak to her about it to clarify things. Classic.

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Another update - he again has to post a letter from the DVLA to the DVLA to show them that the DVLA posted him a letter, otherwise the court fine stands. Despite the letter from the DVLA saying that the court case was being dropped as they were dropping the charge. The only person with access to that case who can confirm the existence of the letter was the specific case worker for it, which, as the accused, he's not allowed to speak to. Government Logic™.

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